4/8/2019 Chris Stream - 2 offers today for a limited time

Special Offers from Chris

Purchase the 10,000 COTO package and receive the a few Obsidian Book of Greater Unlearning.  These books allow you to remove all of the experience from an entire tree.  Just purchase the item from the store and Chris will mail the item to you in-game.

Chris is still offering a 33% credit to deed upgrades.  Upgrade a deed and Chris will take 1/3 of that deed price and credit it toward a home of your choice.  I bet this will run all week honestly.

The Apology Stream!

If you are active in-game, you know this last release of Shroud of the Avatar was particularly troublesome.  An upgrade to unity is in and with it a new way of streaming terrain has been added to the game.  It's caused issues throughout the world that have to be fixed one-by-one.  Needless to say, it was not tested well, but it was the day of release and what do you do when you hit release day?  You release.

Maybe test it, but that's just a suggestion in software development.