How many people play Shroud of the Avatar?

Like you, we are curious about how many people are actively playing Shroud of the Avatar. In some cases, we have incomplete data like receipts, players that are anonymous and engaged in PvP or hunting mobs, and crafting. We do our best to estimate those numbers and all confirmed data had a player's name attached to it, so we can be sure that user played on that day. Help us be more accurate by showing your name in stats in-game!

We calclulate these figures based on PvP, monster hunting, crafting, & receipt stats via our Vendor Management tool.

Monthly Player Count

Estimated players are based on dividing the total activity of all anonymous players by the average activity of the average public player. Confirmed players are unique character names in the public stats and accurately represents those players.

New Characters Created

When Players create a new character they first zone into the Isle Of Storms and are given a new player guide. We are counting this event as a new character being created.

Detailed Stats about player activity in-game

Date Conf. Hunters Est. Anon Hunters Conf. PvPers Est. Anon PvPers Est. Crafters Purchasers Total Conf. Players Total Est.
2019-05 718 1654 247 119 128 1096 1574 3475
2019-06 1378 1686 232 89 131 1036 1818 3724
2019-07 758 1143 213 99 127 1054 1465 2834
2019-08 758 1202 182 103 124 931 1354 2783
2019-09 672 1022 181 81 121 821 1195 2419
2019-10 663 1006 151 80 130 760 1148 2364
2019-11 648 971 172 80 121 703 1099 2271
2019-12 580 1001 186 61 121 636 1002 2185
2020-01 561 990 151 89 129 781 1100 2308
2020-02 581 1079 124 81 125 753 1112 2397
2020-03 607 1177 135 92 118 777 1140 2527
2020-04 630 1206 143 68 126 788 1168 2568
2020-05 580 1328 129 143 126 747 1100 2697
2020-06 480 1060 129 84 117 615 926 2187
2020-07 493 1217 134 86 120 636 947 2370
2020-08 537 1054 111 95 129 607 950 2228
2020-09 464 928 75 117 126 534 813 1984
2020-10 188 340 6 44 87 516 595 1066
2020-11 417 821 86 201 120 476 737 1879
2020-12 452 919 104 138 131 418 729 1917
2021-01 434 1171 71 99 126 329 665 2061
2021-02 429 982 96 82 125 167 535 1724
2021-03 417 907 93 78 121 183 538 1644
2021-04 413 816 121 128 125 173 523 1592
2021-05 424 921 103 95 126 156 532 1674
2021-06 365 869 92 124 122 147 469 1584
2021-07 372 909 88 115 122 132 457 1603
2021-08 344 1011 72 88 119 129 437 1655
2021-09 331 819 44 111 126 158 452 1508
2021-10 302 685 60 75 116 132 390 1266
2021-11 329 762 104 198 122 173 460 1542
2021-12 363 1006 66 110 128 157 476 1720
2022-01 360 939 81 197 127 160 472 1735
2022-02 340 966 73 55 125 141 448 1594
2022-03 313 1136 78 88 118 127 394 1736
2022-04 337 788 80 171 127 132 425 1511
2022-05 330 688 75 118 124 150 429 1359
2022-06 284 748 37 51 122 121 367 1288
2022-07 257 545 38 61 125 130 346 1077
2022-08 263 598 42 133 118 112 330 1179
2022-09 237 527 66 144 127 114 320 1118
2022-10 251 679 59 81 121 146 357 1238
2022-11 251 551 58 96 119 137 339 1105
2022-12 263 452 53 79 114 120 343 988
2023-01 286 537 75 143 123 150 393 1196
2023-02 268 560 65 89 129 160 379 1157
2023-03 254 616 68 87 120 175 370 1193
2023-04 286 579 55 88 127 131 377 1171
2023-05 257 514 28 63 130 138 344 1051
2023-06 220 460 46 102 118 123 305 985
2023-07 228 533 31 42 115 144 321 1011
2023-08 198 391 21 30 115 111 273 809
2023-09 202 423 46 48 109 145 305 885
2023-10 180 453 51 82 107 102 258 900
2023-11 199 421 47 70 108 117 282 881
2023-12 215 374 44 12 116 113 293 795
2024-01 227 490 44 77 117 150 335 1019
2024-02 187 403 28 47 107 115 274 831
2024-03 209 437 28 50 118 141 303 908
2024-04 190 410 45 63 120 124 285 878
2024-05 188 490 30 52 109 122 275 926
2024-06 189 476 27 53 111 99 260 900
2024-07 192 527 40 80 111 117 280 998
2024-08 172 591 29 23 117 94 243 974
2024-09 166 410 28 40 115 99 241 806
2024-10 161 376 29 49 111 91 225 761
2024-11 165 517 32 21 111 73 218 867
2024-12 168 447 19 54 114 86 231 846
2025-01 175 377 15 110 111 72 223 821
2025-02 107 250 11 15 82 21 124 471