Titanforge’s Monster Catch Fishing Tournament!!

Titanforge’s Monster Catch Fishing Tournament!!

Sun, 11/18/2018 - 16:08
Posted in:

Noon (CST) November 18, 2018 to Noon (CST) November 25, 2018

Up to 1275 COTOs could be given away, in addition to a raffle and special town prizes!  

The more unique contestants the larger the prizes!

There is no entry fee!  Just send Titania Xylia a trophy fish! (Submission Details below)

This 7-day, worldwide contest hopes to promote fishing in Shroud of the Avatar and fully explore the possibilities of the fishing system.  The goal is to get as many people as possible to catch a trophy fish and reward anglers for the largest catches in-game overall and for every trophy type of fish.

Each contestant is automatically entered to win a raffle for a PoT Taxed Village Deed.  Just send one trophy fish to be entered to win.

The total Gold Crowns of the Obsidian awarded is based on the number of unique contestants:

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Any trophy fish enters you to win a PoT Taxed Village Deed!  You only need one.  Get your friends to log in and catch a trophy fish to increase the prizes!  

The top 3 largest fish will receive a special prize of Gold Crowns!

In addition, the fisherman that catches the largest fish caught of each of these types will win 5-20 coto’s, depending on the number of entrants:

  • Amberjack Mackerel
  • Black Trout
  • Bluefin Tuna
  • Brook Trout
  • Gar
  • Goliath Catfish
  • King Salmon
  • Mahi Mahi
  • Marlin
  • Oscar Sunfish
  • Pacu
  • Peacock Bass
  • Pike
  • Sailfish
  • Spotted Bass
  • Sharptooth Catfish
  • Sturgeon
  • Swordfish
  • Tarpon
  • Tiger Shark

Town special prizes

In addition there are special prizes awarded by two governors: Shawn and Titania Xylia.  Fish the towns below and the following awards could be yours!

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Portalarium Employee Contest

Shawn and I would like to extend a prize to the largest fish caught by an employee at Portalarium.  Preferably a case of your favorite beverage.  I think it’s a no holds barred contest in our eyes.  You should catch the fish, no generating them from thin air, on your developer account in production and submit them the same way as other contestants.


It’s possible that more than one person will catch exactly the same fish and size during the contest.  The winners will get to vote on either a raffle drawing for the total prize or to split the prize with the other winners.

Winning Multiple Prizes

It is possible for one angler to win more than one prize with one catch!  

However, for the top 3 overall prizes: 

  • An angler is only eligible to win one of those prizes.  
  • Ties will be decided as described above.

Valid Catches and Submitting Entries

Contestants must send any fish they want in the contest to Titania Xylia via mail or dropped in the chest placed in TItanforge at the dock.  Screenshots will not be eligible as entry.  You may request your submission back at anytime during the contest unless it is currently on the leaderboard.

The in-game date on your trophy entry must translate to within the contest’s start and stop time  The in-game date, location, angler, fish type and fish length on the fish itself will be used to award the prizes.

I would like for the winning fish to be on display in Titanforge for one week after the contest ends, but this is at the angler’s discretion.

The current leaderboard will be available on shroudoftheavatar.net and a display will be running during the event showing off the fish currently in the lead at Titanforge.