Lyrianara Bryarwold

Monster kills overview
Monsters killed by Lyrianara BryarwoldDeaths
Burned Skeleton 3
Fire Elemental 26
Red Spider 30
Slime 98
Hardened Skeleton Mage 17
Darkstarr Corpion 8
Huge Corpion 19
Young Yellow Dragon 1
Bear Patriarch 4
Elder Timber Wolf 34
Ferocious Red Spider 3
Large Grey Wolf 80
Large Red Spider 6
Large Timber Wolf 22
Obsidian Stag 29
Rabbit 65
Sheep 14
Archer 61
Crocodile 3
Earth Elemental 14
Faun 16
Grey Wolf 7
Grizzly Bear 16
Hardened Elven Archer 7
Hardened Elven Fighter 5
Hardened Skeleton Archer 16
Kobold Archer 46
Kobold Fighter 37
Kobold Mage 26
Large Skeleton Archer 18
Lich 14
Lich Mage 18
Lich Sharpshooter 8
Satyr Archer 2
Satyr Fighter 5
Elite Skeleton Archer 184
Elite Skeleton Footman 158
Elite Skeleton Mage 47
Grand Old Boar 40
Obsidian Boar 68
Skeleton Archmage 15
Obsidian Bear 16
Hardened Skeleton Footman 41
Kobold Foreman 1
Kobold Warrior 10
Satyr Mage 1
Shock Monkey Alpha 7
Water Elemental 18
Kobold Skirmisher 4
Large Wolf Spider 1
Skeleton Footman 8
Wolf Spider 5
Corpion 19
Elder Desert Wolf 5
Obsidian Wolf 52
Wolfpack Leader 1
Imp 2
Pig 3
Zombie 42
Brown Spider 36
Timber Wolf 58
Grand Boar 5
Large Brown Spider 10
Thug 37
Large Desert Wolf 15
Skeleton Mage 30
Young Stag 2
Elf Fighter 252
Elven Archer 23
Elven Mage 45
Brule Rocktooth 8
Doe 17
Kobold Grenadier 5
Satyr Champion 16
Satyr Marksman 25
Satyr Warlock 14
Duck 4
Skeleton Archer 56
Troll 15
Large Brown Bear 21
Will-O-Wisp 34
Stag 22
Black Arachnid 4
Deplorable Archmage 6
Ferocious Wolf Spider 13
Large Skeleton Footman 19
Decaying Commander 3
Ghost 8
Obsidian Golem 2
Raging Water Elemental 1
Roaring Water Elemental 1
Desert Wolf 1
Scavenger 10
Small Corpion 22
Atavist Unifier 24
Ebon Cultist Archer 78
Ebon Cultist Fighter 84
Ebon Cultist Wizard 75
Knight Purifier 9
Large Corpion 5
Luminous Atavist 1
Malefic Lich Lord 5
Hardened Elven Mage 3
Reaper 14
Chicken 1
Ebon Cultist High Wizard 11
Huge Crocodile 15
Pumpkin Head Footsoldier 3
Giant Amanita 2
Giant Psilocybin 7
Large Arctic Wolf 6
Large Polar Bear 2
Conocybe Filaris 16
Large Skeleton 34
Small Crocodile 6
Squirrel 18
Satyr 1
Sand Elemental 4
Watcher 1
Berkaller 53
Drakkaller 29
Lich Archer 79
Lich Fighter 91
Ulfaga 15
Ulfkaller 3
Beraga 31
Berserker 28
Dyrserker 17
Dyrylar 1
Ebon Cultist Champion 28
Ulfand 7
Ulfmuner 15
Ulfylar 10
Ferocious Bear Patriarch 27
Ferocious Brown Bear 77
Chest Mimic 2
Drakaga 1
Drakserker 2
Ferocious Arctic Wolf 3
Ferocious Timber Wolf 1
Green Wyvern 1
Petrified Zombie 69
Razorback 15
War Wolf 1
Loathsome Trafficker 1
Giant Conocybe Filaris 6
Fighter 4
BaernDawl the Lonely 1
Goruk Mansmasher 2
TorcDawl the Broken 2
Capable Kobold Brawler 1
Arctic Wolf 2
Dyrkaller 47
Dyrnaga 38
Polar Bear 7
Troll Twin 4
Naughty Brat 48
Ice Elemental 1
Dog 9
Dark Unicorn Foal 7
Large Obsidian Bear 1
Trained Wolf 35
Wizard 47
Herder 8
Herding Dog 4
Cow 6
Small Wild Boar 5
Wild Boar 6
Orange Wyvern 1
Red Wyvern 1
Blue Pit Dragon 3
Red Dragon 2
Red Sash Fighter 1
Corpus 1
Dolus 1
Nefario 1
Nefas 2
Siege Engineer 70
Ebon Cultist Marksman 9
Temna 1
Indigno 1
Elite Elven Fighter 7
Elite Elven Mage 28
Elven Sharpshooter 7
Elite Elven Archer 16
Elven Warrior 11
Paxillus Involutus 1
Death Metal Slime 1
Clockwork Attack Cat 6
Elven Watchdog 3
Obsidian Troll 1
Orange Pit Dragon 2
Skeleton Warrior 5
Massive Crocodile 7
Hacked Watcher 1
Psilocybin 1
Swamp Reaper 4
Coral Slime 1
Legendary Crocodile 2
Spawn of Sobek 1