Lore Derwyddon

Monster kills overview
Monsters killed by Lore DerwyddonDeaths
Slime 57
Ebon Cultist Archer 89
Ebon Cultist Fighter 68
Ebon Cultist High Wizard 21
Faun 19
Fire Elemental 14
Huge Corpion 21
Satyr Archer 86
Satyr Fighter 47
Satyr Mage 12
Darkstarr Corpion 10
Young Yellow Dragon 8
Bear Patriarch 28
Elder Timber Wolf 312
Grey Wolf 4
Large Red Spider 558
Large Skeleton Archer 4
Large Skeleton Footman 8
Large Timber Wolf 23
Obsidian Stag 13
Red Spider 205
Elder Arctic Wolf 6
Hardened Skeleton Footman 69
Hardened Skeleton Mage 55
Large Polar Bear 7
Elite Skeleton Footman 63
Obsidian Bear 183
Ferocious Brown Bear 21
Obsidian Boar 10
TorcDawl the Broken 1
Corpion 1
Elder Desert Wolf 9
Obsidian Wolf 79
Hardened Skeleton Archer 39
Lich Archer 62
Lich Mage 15
Malefic Lich Lord 19
Imp 2
Ferocious Red Spider 89
Rabbit 9
Small Red Spider 31
Squirrel 2
Will-O-Wisp 6
Zombie 30
Ghost 94
Fighter 7
Grand Boar 33
Rogue 21
Thug 25
Doe 4
Grand Old Boar 7
Large Grizzly Bear 1
Swashbuckler 4
Timber Wolf 18
Courier Ghost 1
Skeleton Mage 5
Hardened Elven Archer 14
Hardened Elven Fighter 11
Hardened Elven Mage 8
Archer 8
Earth Elemental 7
Wizard 11
Interloper 6
Pilferer 7
Relic Hunter 9
Skeleton Archer 16
Small Wolf Spider 1
Wolf Spider 2
Kobold Fighter 18
Kobold Mage 38
Ferocious Wolf Spider 7
Kobold Archer 20
Large Brown Spider 3
Brown Spider 7
Raging Water Elemental 1
Satyr 2
Small Crocodile 5
Underdweller 4
Underdweller Elf 5
Underdweller Satyr 1
Underdweller Troll 2
Elite Skeleton Archer 67
Lich 9
Lich Sharpshooter 9
Skeleton Archmage 14
Skeleton Warrior 8
Skelrin Nayer 2
Small Corpion 3
Air Elemental 5
Grizzly Bear 4
Ruffian 1
Shock Monkey Alpha 1
Shock Monkey Gold 3
Large Skeleton 3
Berkaller 33
Drakkaller 12
Lich Fighter 56
Flesh Flayer 7
Obsidian Golem 20
Redthorn Flower 9
Water Elemental 2
Dyrand 1
Dyrmuner 1
Large Brown Bear 4
Skeletal Remains 17
Wild Boar 3
Galtiserker 15
Galtikaller 6
Berserker 9
Beraga 17
Ferocious Bear Patriarch 1
Elite Skeleton Mage 8
Commoner 1
Reaper 8
Red Wyvern 5
War Wolf 17
Blue Wyvern 2
Ferocious Arctic Wolf 3
Petrified Zombie 11
Razorback 2
Ferocious Timber Wolf 2
White Wyvern 1
Orange Wyvern 1
Large Obsidian Bear 2
BaernDawl the Lonely 4
Brule Rocktooth 3
Satyr Marksman 13
Satyr Warlock 5
Goruk Mansmasher 1
Satyr Champion 4
Troll 6
Giant Conocybe Filaris 1
Troll Twin 2
Ebon Cultist Wizard 53
Stag 1
Large Grey Wolf 4
Blue Pit Dragon 1
Cow 4
Herder 2
Dolus 1
Ebon Cultist Champion 18
Ebon Cultist Marksman 14
Fastus 2
Siege Engineer 86
Bloodbone Archer 3
Bloodbone Footman 1
Elf Fighter 8
Elite Elven Archer 1
Elite Elven Mage 1
Ferocious Brown Spider 1
Elven Mage 82
Elite Elven Fighter 2
Satyr Arch Warlock 2
Satyr Elite Guard 1
Satyr Marksman Assassin 2
Elven Archer 64
Elven Watchdog 9
Obsidian Troll 1
Large Arctic Wolf 9
Large Stag 1
Arachnairn Deathbringer 10
Elite Burned Skeleton 1
Elite Kobold Fire Grenadier 6
Red Spider Chosen Young 1
Hacked Watcher 14
Clockwork Attack Cat 1
Kkongg 1
Ancient Amanita 1
Ancient Psilocybin 1
Elite Kobold Fire Brawler 2
Kobold Brawler 2
Psilocybin 1
Spawn of Sobek 1
Swamp Reaper 1