
Monster kills overview
Monsters killed by IsothiendelDeaths
Huge Corpion 27
Young Yellow Dragon 12
Darkstarr Corpion 18
Ebon Cultist Archer 58
Yellow Dragon 6
Ancient Yellow Dragon 2
Ebon Cultist Fighter 44
Ebon Cultist High Wizard 27
Satyr Fighter 48
Satyr Mage 4
Skeleton Warrior 6
Darkstarr Destroyer 3
Skeleton Archer 10
Faun 1
Greater Daemon 2
Hardened Skeleton Archer 324
Hardened Skeleton Footman 390
Hardened Skeleton Mage 418
Rabbit 35
Zombie 156
Corpion 1
Elder Desert Wolf 1
Obsidian Wolf 806
Riei Firefeather 2
Elder Timber Wolf 3052
Bear Patriarch 254
Will-O-Wisp 68
Squirrel 58
Ferocious Red Spider 227
Red Spider 574
Large Red Spider 559
Obsidian Stag 108
Obsidian Bear 1202
Small Red Spider 75
Malefic Lich Lord 127
Lich Mage 84
Lich Archer 126
Imp 28
Pig 5
Doe 13
Lich of the Mound 5
Elven Archer 240
Skeleton Footman 2
Skeleton Mage 4
Onus Cavas (T14) 1
Ferocious Red Spider (T13) 2
Ghost (T14) 6
Vigorem Cavas (T14) 7
Feram Cavas (T14) 5
Ferocious Red Spider (T11) 2
Ferocious Red Spider (T15) 4
Ghost (T12) 6
Ghost (T16) 5
Pale One 5
Savage Red Spider (T12) 1
Savage Red Spider (T14) 1
Vigorem Cavas (T12) 2
Vigorem Cavas (T16) 4
Onus Cavas (T12) 1
Reaper 118
Savage Red Spider (T16) 1
Chest Mimic 13
Noble Stag 133
Slime 259
Ferocious Timber Wolf 117
Massive Crocodile 131
Water Elemental 71
Barrel Mimic 10
Legendary Crocodile 12
Elf Fighter 101
Elven Mage 202
Ghost 109
Hardened Elven Archer 34
Hardened Elven Fighter 41
Hardened Elven Mage 11
Petrified Zombie 115
Skeleton Archmage 3
Black Arachnid 5
Wrauk, Lord of Earth 1
Brign, Lord of Water 2
Air Elemental 3
Ancient Ferocious Obsidian Golem 1
Fire Elemental 7
Kobold Archer 13
Kobold Fighter 23
Satyr Archer 57
Tikaios 1
Fighter 9
Grand Boar 2
Large Grizzly Bear 10
Large Timber Wolf 10
Rogue 6
Swashbuckler 6
Thug 50
Dark Archlapin of Death and Destruction 1
Lepus Zombie 66
Bandit Thug 1
Bandit Archer 2
Small Grey Wolf 3
Timber Wolf 11
Crocodile 2
Etceter Crag Bandit 16
Wizard 7
Bandit Chief 3
Archer 18
Earth Elemental 10
Forsaken Hewer 2
Lord Nyrond the Unseen 1
Red Spider Chosen Young 57
Satyr Marksman 201
Bandit 1
Large Grey Wolf 11
Troll 90
Stag 2
Large Brown Bear 1
Ruffian 2
Xavara, the Fire Pillar 1
Ebon Cultist Wizard 31
Sand Elemental 9
Ebon Cultist Marksman 13
Ebon Cultist Champion 13
Small Corpion 15
Skeleton 9
Small Skeleton 20
Small Wild Boar 165
Razorback Destroyer 163
Large Skeleton 4
Arachnairn Deathbringer 18
Large Arctic Wolf 1
Ulfaga 15
Ulfkaller 5
Ulfserker 8
Ulfmuner 31
Dyrand 7
Dyrserker 6
Ulfylar 7
Dyrylar 2
Ulfand 7
Beraga 134
Berserker 83
Lupine Destroyer 1
Elite Skeleton Mage 52
Black Wyvern 8
Ferocious Bear Patriarch 4
Elite Skeleton Footman 35
Berkaller 42
War Wolf 71
Purple Wyvern 8
Obsidian Boar 295
Grand Old Boar 20
Large Obsidian Bear 24
Ferocious Arctic Wolf 40
Yellow Wyvern 10
Razorback 102
Blue Wyvern 14
Ferocious Grizzly Bear 4
Green Wyvern 14
Red Wyvern 9
Elite Skeleton Archer 22
Ferocious Polar Bear 8
Orange Wyvern 6
War Boar 2
Ferocious Brown Bear 7
White Wyvern 7
Commoner 4
Drakaga 14
Drakkaller 15
Drakserker 16
Mistreated Wolf 6
Prisoner 2
Sheep 2
War Bear 2
Brule Rocktooth 135
Satyr Champion 72
BaernDawl the Lonely 48
Satyr Warlock 95
TorcDawl the Broken 21
Goruk Mansmasher 2
Polar Bear 4
Troll Twin 10
Ice Elemental 1
Trained Wolf 4
Dark Unicorn 1
Dark Unicorn Foal 2
Large Brown Spider 1
Fastus 1
Siege Engineer 55
Dolus 1
Bloodbone Footman 1
Tharsis Vrul 3
Elite Elven Fighter 59
Elven Sharpshooter 8
Ferocious Brown Spider 19
Elite Elven Mage 4
Giant Amanita 1
Giant Conocybe Filaris 2
Satyr Marksman Assassin 330
Deadly Satyr Assassin 76
Satyr Elite Guard 160
Satyr Arch Warlock 87
Satyr Royal Guard 41
Satyr Aether Warlock 36
Satyr Arch Mage 74
Clockwork Attack Cat 12
Death Metal Slime 1
Obsidian Troll 4
Flesh Flayer 6
Orange Pit Dragon 1
Ancient Amanita 5
Ancient Conocybe Filaris 4
Hacked Watcher 54
KRacket the Exiled 1
Ancient Psilocybin 1
Coral Slime 3
Elite Burned Skeleton 4
Lich Sharpshooter 2
Psilocybin 1
Spawn of Sobek 6
Swamp Reaper 125
Lich 2
Elite Kobold Fire Grenadier 7
Kobold Brawler 2
Kobold Grenadier 4
Kobold Mage 9
Gold Slime 1
Elite Kobold Fire Brawler 1