Ikki Radamanthys

Monster kills overview
Monsters killed by Ikki RadamanthysDeaths
Darkstarr Corpion 17
Faun 14
Yellow Dragon 15
Ebon Cultist Archer 66
Ebon Cultist High Wizard 59
Greater Daemon 6
Satyr Fighter 291
Satyr Mage 1
Skeleton Warrior 188
Young Yellow Dragon 16
Ancient Yellow Dragon 4
Darkstarr Destroyer 9
Huge Corpion 9
Skeleton Archer 199
Aether Corpion 3
Ebon Cultist Fighter 130
Archer 14
Crocodile 7
Earth Elemental 5
Fire Elemental 23
Grizzly Bear 2
Hardened Elven Archer 91
Hardened Elven Mage 44
Hardened Skeleton Archer 162
Hardened Skeleton Footman 174
Ice Elemental 6
Kobold Archer 51
Kobold Mage 51
Large Grey Wolf 6
Large Skeleton Archer 12
Lich Mage 133
Lich Sharpshooter 158
Red Spider 11
Grey Wolf 1
Kobold Fighter 61
Lich 84
Satyr Archer 490
Slime 12
Elite Skeleton Archer 1011
Rasalhorag, Undead Lord 1
Elder Timber Wolf 152
Elite Skeleton Footman 978
Elite Skeleton Mage 67
Ferocious Brown Bear 35
Grand Old Boar 7
Obsidian Bear 143
Obsidian Boar 25
Obsidian Wolf 88
Skeleton Archmage 162
Rabbit 10
TorcDawl the Broken 13
Riei Firefeather 10
Bear Patriarch 18
Ferocious Red Spider 9
Hardened Skeleton Mage 119
Imp 2
Large Red Spider 7
Lich Archer 430
Malefic Lich Lord 21
Elrin Nayer 25
Lich of the Mound 3
Dolus 13
Ebon Cultist Wizard 93
Elf Fighter 257
Elven Archer 249
Elven Mage 260
Fastus 12
Large Skeleton 38
Obsidian Troll 56
Skeleton Footman 74
Skeleton Mage 22
Temna 14
Ebon Cultist Champion 46
Indigno 9
Elite Elven Fighter 13
Elite Obsidian Troll 15
Ebon Cultist Marksman 11
Feram Essentia 1
Ghost 927
Large Timber Wolf 4
Bay Foal 3
Hardened Elven Fighter 79
Zombie 30
Bay Horse 4
Arachnairn Deathbringer 9
Kobold Brawler 28
Red Spider Chosen Young 16
Satyr Champion 24
Kobold Grenadier 29
Shock Monkey Beta 1
Satyr Marksman 48
Xen Trohop, Spider Queen 1
Brown Spider 4
Large Brown Spider 3
Small Brown Spider 1
Timber Wolf 5
Troll 27
Decaying Commander 2
Ferocious Wolf Spider 10
Large Skeleton Footman 3
Obsidian Golem 3
Small Red Spider 6
Black Arachnid 8
Deplorable Archmage 3
Clockwork Attack Cat 18
Kobold Gunner 21
Clockwork Attack Dog 12
Clockwork Attack Raven 17
Clockwork Dragon 10
Kkongg 12
Hacked Watcher 2
Red Dragon 10
Scavenger 151
Black Dragon 5
Aether Dragon 5
Young Black Dragon 2
Pumpkin Head 2
Pumpkin Head Footsoldier 26
Razorback Destroyer 35
Small Wild Boar 14
Small Corpion 7
Small Skeleton 5
Skeleton 4
Ferocious Red Arachnid 2
Conocybe Filaris 1
Squirrel 1
Satyr 1
Lich Fighter 559
Drakkaller 136
Berkaller 381
Ulfaga 7
Ulfkaller 2
Ferocious Arctic Wolf 5
Ferocious Black Arachnid 8
Large Polar Bear 2
Petrified Zombie 237
Ferocious Polar Bear 1
Ghost Corpion 6
Polar Mutilator 1
Purple Dragon 6
Small Wolf Spider 4
Ferocious Warp Spider 1
Beraga 34
Berserker 33
Dyrand 1
Ulfmuner 6
Large Grizzly Bear 1
Ulfylar 5
Chest Mimic 17
Commoner 3
Drakserker 12
Ferocious Grizzly Bear 1
Reaper 1
Urchin 3
War Wolf 14
Drakaga 14
Banamathr 2
Mistreated Wolf 8
War Boar 1
Satyr Warlock 37
BaernDawl the Lonely 15
Brule Rocktooth 28
Goruk Mansmasher 4
Obsidian Stag 3
Large Obsidian Bear 1
Razox Dread 4
Capable Kobold Brawler 1
Skelrin Nayer 6
Capable Kobold Grenadier 1
Elite Kobold Fire Brawler 1
Elite Kobold Fire Grenadier 16
Elven Archmage 4
Elven Sharpshooter 7
Elven Warrior 8
Troll Handler 5
Atavist Unifier 5
Dog 2
Knight Purifier 3
Luminous Atavist 1
Desert Wolf 5
Elder Desert Wolf 2
Ferocious Obsidian Wolf 1
Large Desert Wolf 1
Red Sash Archer 2
Red Sash Wizard 2
Trained Wolf 10
Wizard 17
Dark Unicorn 2
Light Unicorn Foal 21
Dark Unicorn Foal 7
Light Unicorn 9
Red Sash Bandit 4
Dyrkaller 2
Dyrnaga 2
Doe 7
Blue Pit Dragon 5
Young Blue Dragon 1
Stag 1
Siege Engineer 24
Corpus 1
Elite Elven Mage 25
Giant Amanita 2
Giant Psilocybin 3
Huge Crocodile 3
Capn Markus Darkfeather 11
Death Metal Slime 4
Giant Conocybe Filaris 2
Will-O-Wisp 9
Elite Elven Archer 4
Deadly Satyr Assassin 2
Satyr Aether Warlock 1
Satyr Arch Mage 4
Satyr Arch Warlock 5
Satyr Elite Guard 10
Satyr Marksman Assassin 8
Satyr Royal Guard 1
Elven Watchdog 6
Orange Pit Dragon 11
Coral Slime 3
Elite Burned Skeleton 32
Kobold Energy Transmission Device 23
Spawn of Sobek 5
Swamp Reaper 6
Ancient Amanita 1
Ancient Psilocybin 1
Ancient Conocybe Filaris 1
KRacket the Exiled 7