GrowSomeGills AdaptToRisingSea PvP Stats
Stat | Value |
Kills | 16 |
Deaths | 20 |
Win % | 44% |
Score | 4 |
Current Bounty | 2 Points/kill |
Kill list
This data is used to calculate the overall score of a PvPer. You can verify a player's score by mutliplying their kills times their points per kill.
Killer | Victim | Pts/Kill | Kills | Total |
GrowSomeGills AdaptToRisingSea | Badger Cricketglimmer | 1 | 4 | 4 |
Total | 4 |
There can be cases when there are more events than can be downloaded within a given time period and excess results will not appear. We hope this is useful information for the community and strive to be as accurate as possible!