Doobober Jenkins

Monster kills overview
Monsters killed by Doobober JenkinsDeaths
Darkstarr Corpion 20
Huge Corpion 47
Young Yellow Dragon 15
Ebon Cultist Archer 103
Ebon Cultist Fighter 74
Ebon Cultist High Wizard 57
Faun 3
Greater Daemon 27
Satyr Fighter 57
Skeleton Archer 181
Skeleton Warrior 312
Fire Elemental 3
Darkstarr Destroyer 2
Ancient Yellow Dragon 3
Yellow Dragon 3
TorcDawl the Broken 16
Corpion 8
Elder Desert Wolf 11
Hardened Skeleton Archer 252
Hardened Skeleton Footman 312
Obsidian Wolf 111
Brown Bear 1
Grey Wolf 6
Skeleton 1
Small Wolf Spider 15
Bear Patriarch 47
Elder Timber Wolf 585
Ferocious Red Spider 26
Hardened Skeleton Mage 239
Large Red Spider 18
Lich Archer 307
Lich Mage 1078
Malefic Lich Lord 67
Obsidian Bear 621
Obsidian Stag 67
Red Spider 22
Small Red Spider 2
Will-O-Wisp 910
Squirrel 18
Imp 9
Lich of the Mound 5
Pig 8
Zombie 56
Doe 119
Rabbit 62
Brown Spider 3
Large Brown Spider 3
Large Grey Wolf 8
Large Skeleton Footman 3
Skeleton Footman 2
Kobold Archer 156
Kobold Brawler 36
Kobold Fighter 404
Kobold Mage 131
Kobold Skirmisher 43
Shock Monkey Mongo 10
Young Stag 1
Amanita 2
Conocybe Filaris 2
Giant Amanita 57
Giant Conocybe Filaris 97
Giant Psilocybin 89
Huge Crocodile 156
Psilocybin 3
Swamp Reaper 434
Ghost 239
Satyr Archer 121
Tikaios 28
Archer 5
Grizzly Bear 8
Large Brown Bear 1
Ruffian 8
Stag 55
Timber Wolf 7
Wild Boar 27
Wizard 9
Small Grey Wolf 1
Dyrmuner 1
Dyrylar 2
Large Wolf Spider 5
Wolf Spider 5
Galtikaller 1
Galtiserker 1
Grand Boar 2
Ulfmuner 25
Ulfylar 22
Hardened Elven Archer 215
Hardened Elven Fighter 244
Hardened Elven Mage 176
Bay Horse 1
Lord Nyrond the Unseen 1
Slime 364
Earth Elemental 4
Thug 2
Red Spider Chosen Young 392
Satyr Warlock 58
Xen Trohop, Spider Queen 8
Arachnairn Deathbringer 1
Brule Rocktooth 46
Satyr Champion 32
Satyr Marksman 102
Automaton Assassin 1
Clockwork Attack Cat 17
Clockwork Attack Dog 9
Clockwork Attack Raven 7
Hacked Watcher 5
Kobold Grenadier 12
Kobold Gunner 15
Clockwork Dragon 3
Elite Skeleton Footman 905
Elite Skeleton Mage 57
Lich 85
Lich Sharpshooter 126
Skeleton Archmage 218
Skelrin Nayer 63
Large Desert Wolf 1
Elite Skeleton Archer 582
Tungaruth Ghairmute 1
Young Blue Dragon 3
Elf Fighter 1466
Elven Archer 152
Elven Mage 285
Large Grizzly Bear 6
Large Skeleton Archer 1
Large Stag 3
Large Timber Wolf 5
Large Wild Boar 3
Skeleton Mage 9
Razorback Destroyer 74
Small Wild Boar 68
Shock Monkey Gold 7
Large Arctic Wolf 10
Shock Monkey Alpha 2
Berkaller 155
Drakkaller 110
Lich Fighter 618
Beraga 7
Berserker 30
Dyrserker 21
Ebon Cultist Champion 23
Ebon Cultist Marksman 10
Lupine Destroyer 1
Ulfand 4
Ulfaga 1
Ferocious Bear Patriarch 6
Ferocious Brown Bear 16
Grand Old Boar 4
Obsidian Boar 151
Reaper 2
Yellow Wyvern 1
BaernDawl the Lonely 10
Troll 43
Goruk Mansmasher 6
Large Obsidian Bear 1
Capable Kobold Brawler 2
Capable Kobold Grenadier 2
Troll Enforcer 5
Troll Handler 2
Elven Archmage 1
Dyrkaller 50
Dyrnaga 45
Ice Elemental 10
Polar Bear 46
Troll Twin 50
Arctic Wolf 10
Polar Destroyer 8
Small Corpion 3
Ebon Cultist Wizard 44
Large Skeleton 3
Blue Pit Dragon 11
Purple Dragon 9
Red Dragon 1
Light Unicorn 1
Light Unicorn Foal 2
Nefas 1
Siege Engineer 107
Dolus 3
Tharsis Vrul 6
Blood Minion 1
Bloodbone Archer 5
Bloodbone Footman 13
Bloodbone Mage 7
Ichor Witch 1
Petrified Zombie 5426
Elven Sharpshooter 22
Capn Markus Darkfeather 9
Elite Elven Archer 175
Elite Elven Fighter 7
Elite Elven Mage 207
Elven Warrior 45
Death Metal Slime 34
Elrin Nayer 5
Bark Corpion 3
Elven Watchdog 20
Orange Pit Dragon 10
Obsidian Troll 2
Chest Mimic 4
Large Polar Bear 4
Mountain Troll 30
Coral Slime 30
Legendary Crocodile 19
Massive Crocodile 22
Razorback 70
Ancient Amanita 5
Elite Burned Skeleton 2
Gold Slime 11
Paxillus Involutus 1
Spawn of Sobek 8
Elite Kobold Fire Grenadier 7
KRacket the Exiled 1
Kkongg 2
Kobold Energy Transmission Device 6