
Monster kills overview
Monsters killed by DaxstalkerDeaths
Ebon Cultist Archer 170
Ebon Cultist Fighter 118
Ebon Cultist High Wizard 55
Faun 31
Greater Daemon 16
Satyr Archer 10
Satyr Fighter 20
Satyr Mage 8
Skeleton Archer 614
Skeleton Warrior 1044
Crocodile 24
Grey Wolf 18
Grizzly Bear 13
Hardened Skeleton Archer 63
Hardened Skeleton Footman 46
Large Grey Wolf 12
Large Skeleton Archer 27
Slime 31
Archer 10
Earth Elemental 9
Fire Elemental 10
Hardened Elven Archer 53
Hardened Elven Fighter 44
Hardened Elven Mage 12
Ice Elemental 14
Kobold Archer 17
Kobold Fighter 15
Kobold Mage 10
Lich 100
Lich Sharpshooter 132
Red Spider 24
TorcDawl the Broken 86
Elite Skeleton Archer 9
Rabbit 18
Elite Skeleton Mage 14
Elite Skeleton Footman 21
Large Red Spider 62
Ferocious Red Spider 124
Hardened Skeleton Mage 13
Lich Mage 65
Elder Timber Wolf 47
Obsidian Wolf 5
Lich Archer 2
Squirrel 11
Malefic Lich Lord 1
Bear Patriarch 5
Will-O-Wisp 5
Obsidian Bear 33
Doe 6
Ebon Cultist Wizard 121
Elf Fighter 166
Elite Elven Fighter 1
Elite Obsidian Troll 4
Elven Archer 225
Elven Mage 197
Ferocious Red Spider (T15) 1
Ghost (T16) 4
Noble Stag 1
Ferocious Wolf Spider 6
Ghost 58
Petrified Zombie 45
Sand Elemental 31
Skeleton Archmage 368
Zombie 39
Ancient Obsidian Golem 4
Red Arachnid 1
Huge White Wyvern 4
Large Purple Wyvern 1
Large White Wyvern 2
Purple Wyvern 5
White Wyvern 3
Commoner 10
Satyr 7
Brown Spider 136
Dark Archlapin of Death and Destruction 1
Lepus Zombie 18
Small Red Spider 2
Ebon Cultist Champion 42
Ebon Cultist Marksman 40
Large Grizzly Bear 2
Large Skeleton Footman 9
Large Stag 1
Large Timber Wolf 14
Skeleton Mage 17
Admiring Imp 29
Courier Ghost 32
Large Brown Spider 17
Lord Nyrond the Unseen 1
Thug 5
Wizard 1
Dog 1
Raging Water Elemental 3
Roaring Water Elemental 1
Water Elemental 4
Skelrin Nayer 19
Huge Corpion 1
Large Corpion 1
Large Desert Wolf 3
Razorback Destroyer 10
Skeleton 1
Small Corpion 4
Small Skeleton 1
Small Wild Boar 13
Insurgent 2
Relic Hunter 1
Rogue 1
Plunderer 1
Raider 3
Fighter 17
Timber Wolf 12
Arachnairn Deathbringer 50
Wolf Spider 1
Chest Mimic 5
Infiltrator 6
Large Wild Boar 6
Ransacker 3
Broken Echoes Breaker 20
Broken Echoes Dowser 8
Broken Echoes Surveyor 19
Frostgeist 7
Frostgeist Hexe 10
Geistenmagier 1
Kugelgeist 10
Teris 3
Understorm Miner 43
Understorm Overseer 13
Small Brown Spider 6
Byron 1
Child 2
Guard 2
Villager 2
Hefty Crocodile 8
Dyrand 31
Dyrmuner 62
Dyrylar 52
Stag 7
Kobold Skirmisher 5
Beraga 98
Berkaller 13
Berserker 62
Drakkaller 30
Ferocious Arctic Wolf 1
Reaper 1
Sheep 14
War Boar 4
War Wolf 42
Drakaga 43
Drakserker 19
Mistreated Wolf 10
Banamathr 4
Blodigmun 4
Prisoner 1
War Bear 2
BaernDawl the Lonely 51
Brule Rocktooth 92
Goruk Mansmasher 49
Satyr Champion 124
Satyr Marksman 315
Satyr Warlock 243
Troll 113
Troll Enforcer 73
Troll Handler 29
Troll, Mek Guard 13
Vargarathian the Stomper 1
Taren Dok the Breaker 1
Elven Archmage 6
Troll Twin 32
Polar Bear 7
Trained Wolf 5
Lich Fighter 1
Shifty Bountymaster 1
Siege Engineer 264
Indigno 1
Nefas 2
Dolus 11
Avara 1
Corpus 2
Nefario 1
Temna 1
Awakened Dead 9
Small Wolf Spider 3
Blood Minion 7
Bloodbone Archer 3
Bloodbone Footman 11
Bloodbone Mage 9
Ichor Witch 2
Satyr Marksman Assassin 5
Satyr Elite Guard 5
Satyr Arch Warlock 3
Satyr Arch Mage 1
Deadly Satyr Assassin 2
Satyr Royal Guard 1
Satyr Aether Warlock 1