
Monster kills overview
Scenes Chesterello playedDeaths
BlackbladePass_NorthEntrance 561
Challenge Dungeon 1 117
Dungeon1_DragonBoneCrypt 18
Dungeon1_Entrance 9
HiddenVale_Desert_Tier3 163
HiddenVale_Forest02_Road_Tier1 19
HiddenVale_Forest02_Tier5 184
HiddenVale_Hills01_Road_Tier1 1
HiddenVale_Plains02_Road_Tier1 27
LostVale 220
Novia_R10_Forest01_Skrekk 7
Novia_R10_Forest01_SkrekkEntrance 33
Novia_R10_Swamp01_01 105
Novia_R11_Hills01_ElysiumMines 52
Novia_R11_Hills01_ElysiumMinesEntrance 22
Novia_R1_Forest02_SpectralMines 28
Novia_R3_City_Brittany_BrittanySewers 37
Novia_R3_City_Brittany_Graveyard 3
Novia_R3_Forest01_Road 27
Novia_R3_Hills01_Road 47
Novia_R3_Hills02_01 58
Novia_R3_Hills02_Hilt_Exterior 3
Novia_R3_Underground03_01 157
Novia_R4_City_Desolis_Underground 91
Novia_R4_Desert01_01 76
Novia_R4_Desert01_02 6
Novia_R4_Desert01_GrunvaldShardfall 6
Novia_R4_Forest01_03 3
Novia_R5_Hills01_Road 3
Novia_R6_Hills01_Road 1
Novia_R6_Hills02_02 239
Novia_R6_Island01_01 10
Novia_R6_Underground03_01 11
Novia_R8_Hills01_02_North_Varisalla_Foothills 7
Novia_R8_Hills01_VerdantisMines 116
Novia_R8_Hills02_01 2461
Novia_R8_Underground01_01_CrawlToKrul 17
Novia_R9_Despair 37
Novia_R9_Forest02_01 21
Novia_R9_Hills01_SerpentsSpineMinesEntrance 6
Obsidian_Keep 16
OwlsHead Sewers 30
OwlsNestForestEntrance 1
PlayerDungeon_BrownMarbleFoyer_3Connections 16
RandomEncounter_Desert01 22
RandomEncounter_Forest01_Road 13
RandomEncounter_Hills01 4
RandomEncounter_Plains01_Road 15
RandomEncounter_Plains02 356
SiegeEncounter_Forest01_Road 608
SiegeEncounter_Hills01_Road 90
SolaceBridge 5
Solania Catacombs 187
Soltown Sewers 1
Tartarus 126
The Rise 1865
UndergroundEncounter_BasementDungeon01 5
swamp01 74
Monsters killed by ChesterelloDeaths
Darkstarr Corpion 7
Huge Corpion 12
Yellow Dragon 44
Young Yellow Dragon 20
Ancient Yellow Dragon 16
Ebon Cultist Archer 249
Ebon Cultist Fighter 137
Ebon Cultist High Wizard 109
Greater Daemon 69
Skeleton Archer 278
Darkstarr Destroyer 3
Skeleton Warrior 36
Aether Corpion 2
Archer 16
Crocodile 3
Earth Elemental 8
Faun 7
Fire Elemental 18
Grey Wolf 10
Grizzly Bear 10
Hardened Elven Archer 187
Hardened Elven Fighter 257
Hardened Elven Mage 4
Hardened Skeleton Archer 108
Hardened Skeleton Footman 105
Ice Elemental 3
Kobold Archer 23
Kobold Fighter 13
Kobold Mage 20
Large Grey Wolf 13
Large Skeleton Archer 9
Lich 50
Lich Mage 83
Lich Sharpshooter 52
Red Spider 6
Satyr Archer 6
Satyr Fighter 4
Satyr Mage 4
Slime 34
Elite Skeleton Archer 625
Elite Skeleton Footman 1068
Elite Skeleton Mage 53
Ghost 138
Paxillus Involutus 7
Rasalhorag, Undead Lord 1
Skeleton Archmage 110
TorcDawl the Broken 12
Obsidian Wolf 14
Riei Firefeather 21
Corpion 10
Skeleton 14
Small Wolf Spider 30
Wolfpack Leader 1
Elder Timber Wolf 29
Hardened Skeleton Mage 25
Imp 5
Lich Archer 265
Malefic Lich Lord 9
Obsidian Bear 70
Obsidian Stag 8
Will-O-Wisp 7
Zombie 27
Dolus 11
Ebon Cultist Champion 35
Ebon Cultist Wizard 90
Elf Fighter 216
Elven Archer 366
Elven Mage 146
Skeleton Footman 14
Skeleton Mage 15
Temna 6
Elite Elven Fighter 4
Elite Obsidian Troll 2
Feram Essentia 1
Indigno 4
Large Skeleton 82
Obsidian Troll 7
Kobold Brawler 52
Kobold Grenadier 29
Kobold Gunner 32
Shock Monkey Alpha 8
Large Grizzly Bear 1
Conocybe Filaris 12
Giant Amanita 21
Giant Conocybe Filaris 40
Giant Psilocybin 15
Huge Crocodile 6
Psilocybin 4
Swamp Reaper 13
Amanita 5
Tikaios 3
Grand Boar 22
Obsidian Destroyer 2
Dark Archlapin of Death and Destruction 2
Lepus Zombie 26
Ebon Dawn Shadow Master 3
Watcher 1
Skull Clipper 3
Small Brown Spider 4
Large Brown Bear 13
Large Brown Spider 1
Thug 7
Small Wild Boar 10
Chest Mimic 3
Interloper 6
Pilferer 7
Relic Hunter 9
Wolf Spider 10
Brule Rocktooth 5
Ferocious Red Spider 7
Red Spider Chosen Young 16
Satyr Champion 4
Satyr Marksman 16
Satyr Warlock 3
Wizard 8
Automaton Assassin 4
Clockwork Attack Cat 14
Clockwork Attack Dog 14
Clockwork Attack Raven 9
Hacked Watcher 13
Shock Monkey Beta 3
Shock Monkey Gold 27
Clockwork Dragon 2
Satyr 6
Small Crocodile 14
Small Red Spider 12
Underdweller 25
Underdweller Elf 24
Underdweller Troll 6
Desert Wolf 3
Scavenger 70
Black Dragon 1
Red Dragon 20
Young Red Dragon 4
Atavist Unifier 2
Dog 2
Large Corpion 1
Luminous Atavist 1
Flesh Flayer 2
Garem Sloe 1
Obsidian Golem 1
Redthorn Flower 2
Grand Old Boar 4
Obsidian Boar 5
Red Arachnid 1
Ugbar 1
Brown Spider 6
Infiltrator 6
Large Wild Boar 1
Ransacker 3
Broken Echoes Breaker 2
Broken Echoes Dowser 2
Frostgeist 5
Frostgeist Hexe 2
Ulfaga 26
Ulfserker 5
Ulfkaller 17
Beraga 2
Berkaller 248
Berserker 1
Drakkaller 149
Dyrmuner 10
Lich Fighter 411
Ulfmuner 22
Ulfylar 6
Ulfand 4
Ghost Corpion 5
Purple Dragon 1
Ferocious Arctic Wolf 7
Ferocious Polar Bear 2
Large Polar Bear 2
Polar Mutilator 1
Large Red Spider 11
Naughty Brat 13
Fighter 2
Timber Wolf 3
Troll 8
Troll Handler 10
Small Corpion 7
Large Desert Wolf 1
Dark Unicorn 50
Dark Unicorn Foal 66
Light Unicorn 41
Light Unicorn Foal 54
Trained Wolf 4
Doe 45
Stag 55
Blue Pit Dragon 11
Young White Dragon 3
Young Blue Dragon 1
Rabbit 1
Razorback Destroyer 1
Ebon Cultist Marksman 41
Siege Engineer 329
Avara 2
Fastus 2
Nefario 2
Nefas 2
Corpus 5
Awakened Dead 4
Brown Bear 1
Tharsis Vrul 6
Bloodbone Footman 4
Skeleton Guardian 1
Elite Elven Mage 2
Elven Sharpshooter 1
Elite Elven Archer 1
Elven Warrior 1
Petrified Zombie 15
Bark Corpion 227
Elven Watchdog 64
Orange Pit Dragon 70
Courage Club Challenger 4
Master Caster the Big Disaster 1
Ancient Amanita 1
Elite Kobold Fire Grenadier 3
Kkongg 1
Kobold Energy Transmission Device 1
Legendary Crocodile 2
Massive Crocodile 2
Razorback 6
Coral Slime 1
Spawn of Sobek 2