Caspian Lars

Monster kills overview
Monsters killed by Caspian LarsDeaths
Huge Corpion 25
Yellow Dragon 15
Greater Daemon 7
Skeleton Archer 40
Ebon Cultist Archer 26
Ebon Cultist High Wizard 14
Skeleton Warrior 38
Ebon Cultist Fighter 21
Young Yellow Dragon 12
Faun 60
Satyr Archer 603
Darkstarr Corpion 21
Satyr Mage 47
Satyr Fighter 420
Darkstarr Destroyer 5
Ancient Yellow Dragon 6
Archer 147
Crocodile 110
Earth Elemental 143
Fire Elemental 163
Grey Wolf 42
Grizzly Bear 66
Hardened Skeleton Archer 448
Hardened Skeleton Footman 556
Ice Elemental 129
Kobold Archer 134
Kobold Fighter 74
Kobold Mage 112
Large Grey Wolf 97
Large Skeleton Archer 86
Red Spider 155
Slime 144
Lich 98
Lich Sharpshooter 105
Hardened Elven Archer 293
Hardened Elven Mage 241
Hardened Elven Fighter 313
Elite Skeleton Mage 98
Hardened Skeleton Mage 347
Riei Firefeather 2
Elder Timber Wolf 816
Obsidian Bear 597
Doe 214
Ferocious Red Spider 20
Large Red Spider 58
Obsidian Stag 87
Pig 1
Small Red Spider 26
Bear Patriarch 53
Obsidian Wolf 53
Lich Archer 384
Lich Mage 88
Malefic Lich Lord 12
Imp 3
Will-O-Wisp 228
Squirrel 463
Zombie 119
Lich of the Mound 1
Petrified Zombie (T13) 5
Lich Sharpshooter (T11) 1
Small Wolf Spider 6
Skeleton Archmage 151
Black Arachnid 3
Skeleton Mage (T10) 3
Black Dragon 2
Ferocious Black Arachnid 1
Ferocious Red Spider (T11) 2
Ghost (T16) 2852
Pale One 862
Ferocious Red Spider (T15) 96
Rabbit 316
Ghost (T12) 24
Ghost (T14) 1
Savage Red Spider (T16) 16
Reaper 87
Red Arachnid 1
Massive Crocodile 23
Noble Stag 3
Ferocious Timber Wolf 4
Chest Mimic 3
Barrel Mimic 1
Water Elemental 3
Legendary Crocodile 1
Elven Archer 41
Sand Elemental 4
Ferocious Wolf Spider 2
Ghost 708
Elven Mage 88
Petrified Zombie 32
Beraga 21
Grand Old Boar 48
Obsidian Boar 28
Berserker 17
Elite Skeleton Archer 1098
Elite Skeleton Footman 1584
Ferocious Bear Patriarch 12
Ferocious Brown Bear 47
Green Wyvern 2
Large Timber Wolf 208
Berkaller 330
Drakaga 7
Timber Wolf 17
Drakkaller 165
Skeleton Warrior (T7) 3
Skeleton Mage (T7) 1
Bay Horse 6
Kobold Skirmisher 5
Dyrand 4
Dyrmuner 4
Dyrylar 1
Satyr 1
Stag 28
Tikaios 7
Thug 122
Fighter 18
Grand Boar 14
Rogue 35
Swashbuckler 18
Large Grizzly Bear 21
Brown Spider 7
Large Brown Spider 11
Ulfaga 15
Ulfkaller 10
Ulfserker 3
Large Skeleton Footman 3
Skeleton Mage 2
Ulfand 1
Bay Foal 8
Etceter Crag Bandit 41
Wizard 5
Mackey 2
Forsaken Hewer 12
Lord Nyrond the Unseen 4
Air Elemental 7
Large Brown Bear 5
Small Brown Spider 4
Small Wild Boar 201
Brule Rocktooth 19
Kobold Brawler 4
Kobold Grenadier 3
Satyr Champion 14
Satyr Marksman 39
Satyr Warlock 16
Bandit 1
Troll 26
Xavara, the Fire Pillar 1
Scavenger 104
Red Dragon 6
Large Desert Wolf 5
Desert Wolf 3
Small Corpion 2
Razorback Destroyer 249
Large Skeleton 11
Skeleton 4
Lich Fighter 709
Elder Lich Cleanser 1
Ferocious Arctic Wolf 2
Galtikaller 1
Naughty Brat 154
Drakserker 6
War Wolf 4
BaernDawl the Lonely 13
Giant Conocybe Filaris 2
TorcDawl the Broken 3
Goruk Mansmasher 1
Polar Bear 5
Troll Twin 8
Ebon Cultist Wizard 2
Trained Wolf 1
Traveler 1
Pumpkin Head Footsoldier 12
Light Unicorn Foal 4
Light Unicorn 2
Dark Unicorn Foal 4
Dark Unicorn 2
Blue Pit Dragon 2
Young Blue Dragon 1
Young Red Dragon 3
Herding Dog 1
Razorback 1
Ebon Cultist Champion 6
Ebon Cultist Marksman 7
Siege Engineer 36
Corpus 1
Bloodbone Footman 43
Elf Fighter 26
Tharsis Vrul 4
Bloodbone Archer 10
Bloodbone Mage 10
Blood Minion 3
Ichor Witch 1
Venerable Elf 2
Satyr Arch Warlock 13
Satyr Marksman Assassin 61
Satyr Elite Guard 25
Satyr Aether Warlock 2
Satyr Royal Guard 1
Satyr Arch Mage 6
Deadly Satyr Assassin 2
Elite Elven Fighter 11
Ferocious Brown Spider 2
Clockwork Attack Cat 8
Elven Sharpshooter 5
Elven Watchdog 2
Orange Pit Dragon 2
Elite Burned Skeleton 12
Kobold Energy Transmission Device 2