Artomus Sumotra

Monster kills overview
Monsters killed by Artomus SumotraDeaths
Ancient Yellow Dragon 1
Yellow Dragon 1
Ebon Cultist Archer 318
Ebon Cultist Fighter 302
Ebon Cultist High Wizard 108
Faun 36
Fire Elemental 4
Satyr Archer 63
Satyr Fighter 48
Satyr Mage 14
Skeleton Archer 155
Skeleton Warrior 195
Young Yellow Dragon 1
Greater Daemon 8
Elite Skeleton Archer 221
Skeleton Archmage 151
TorcDawl the Broken 40
Obsidian Bear 1
Elite Skeleton Footman 332
Elite Skeleton Mage 9
Grand Old Boar 3
Earth Elemental 351
Hardened Skeleton Archer 140
Hardened Skeleton Footman 102
Kobold Foreman 56
Kobold Mage 161
Kobold Warrior 446
Shock Monkey Alpha 115
Kobold Grenadier 65
Water Elemental 7
Kobold Archer 23
Kobold Skirmisher 11
Wolf Spider 3
Elder Timber Wolf 42
Elven Archer 8
Kobold 2
Large Brown Bear 1
Small Wild Boar 9
Squeaker 1
Wild Boar 23
Ferocious Red Spider 5
Hardened Skeleton Mage 46
Large Red Spider 7
Red Spider 28
Bear Patriarch 1
Imp 3
Lich Archer 93
Lich Mage 92
Malefic Lich Lord 15
Will-O-Wisp 1
Giant Amanita 4
Giant Conocybe Filaris 6
Ghost 36
Duck 1
Satyr Champion 1
Shock Monkey Gold 63
Clockwork Attack Dog 12
Clockwork Attack Raven 5
Kobold Brawler 15
Kobold Gunner 15
Automaton Assassin 1
Clockwork Attack Cat 14
Kkongg 2
Shock Monkey Beta 6
Red Dragon 2
Scavenger 26
Lich 87
Lich Sharpshooter 93
Skelrin Nayer 59
Zombie 9
Elder Desert Wolf 3
Huge Corpion 1
Large Desert Wolf 4
Rabbit 3
Elf Fighter 90
Elven Mage 5
Grizzly Bear 6
Large Grizzly Bear 4
Large Timber Wolf 3
Large Wild Boar 9
Skeleton Footman 1
Skeleton Mage 6
Timber Wolf 10
Pumpkin Head Footsoldier 4
Large Grey Wolf 2
Large Skeleton 4
Razorback Destroyer 4
Skeleton 2
Small Corpion 2
Small Skeleton 3
Small Red Spider 1
Ebon Cultist Champion 140
Ebon Cultist Marksman 127
Obsidian Golem 4
Chest Mimic 1
Broken Echoes Breaker 25
Broken Echoes Dowser 5
Broken Echoes Surveyor 15
Frostgeist 10
Frostgeist Hexe 8
Kugelgeist 11
Skull Clipper 1
Understorm Miner 1
Berkaller 124
Drakkaller 69
Lich Fighter 270
Ulfaga 6
Ulfand 1
Ulfkaller 13
Ulfmuner 1
Ulfserker 1
Kobold Fighter 4
Large Skeleton Archer 1
Large Skeleton Footman 1
Beraga 1
Berserker 2
Drakaga 8
Drakserker 9
Mistreated Wolf 4
Red Wyvern 1
War Wolf 3
Malefic Archmage 3
Thug 1
Watcher 3
Redthorn Flower 1
Brule Rocktooth 4
Troll 6
Giant Psilocybin 2
BaernDawl the Lonely 2
Large Obsidian Bear 1
Squirrel 1
Elven Archmage 1
Troll Handler 1
Ice Elemental 3
Polar Bear 19
Troll Twin 31
Atavist Unifier 8
Dog 2
Traveler 1
Stag 1
Dolus 5
Ebon Cultist Wizard 191
Siege Engineer 557
Nefas 2
Fastus 3
Indigno 1
Nefario 2
Temna 2
Avara 2
Elite Elven Archer 4
Elite Elven Fighter 1
Elite Elven Mage 7
Petrified Zombie 17
Ancient Conocybe Filaris 4
Ancient Amanita 2
Ancient Psilocybin 3
Paxillus Involutus 1
Psilocybin 1