SotA Item Price List
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Item Name | Min Price | Average Price | Max Price | Quantity Sold |
1 Year Whiskey | 25.00 | 25.00 | 25.00 | 51 |
1-Story Bamboo Tree | 3,000.00 | 3,333.33 | 3,500.00 | 4 |
1-Story Blue Spruce Tree | 3,395.00 | 3,531.67 | 3,700.00 | 8 |
1-Story Cherry Tree Blossoms | 3,001.00 | 7,400.00 | 16,000.00 | 11 |
1-Story Common Aspen Tree | 2,995.00 | 4,597.60 | 5,999.00 | 10 |
1-Story Common Linden Tree | 4,999.00 | 6,665.67 | 9,999.00 | 9 |
1-Story Dead Tree | 1,500.00 | 3,632.00 | 5,999.00 | 6 |
1-Story Fountain Palm Tree | 100.00 | 1,518.00 | 7,000.00 | 32 |
1-Story Juniper Topiary Tree | 6,499.50 | 6,499.50 | 6,499.50 | 2 |
1-Story Snowy Spruce Tree | 15,000.00 | 15,000.00 | 15,000.00 | 1 |
1-Story Webbed Dead Tree | 4,999.00 | 6,666.00 | 10,000.00 | 4 |
1-Story White Oak Tree | 2,995.00 | 4,986.22 | 8,900.00 | 9 |
1Wx1Hx1L Black Ice Cube Block | 100.00 | 812.50 | 1,000.00 | 85 |
1Wx1Hx1L Ice Cube Block | 1,000.00 | 1,000.00 | 1,000.00 | 20 |
1Wx1Hx1L Rough Stone Cube Block | 5.00 | 120.85 | 219.95 | 104 |
1Wx1Hx2L Black Ice Rectangle Block | 100.00 | 1,209.90 | 2,500.00 | 124 |
1Wx1Hx2L Ice Rectangle Block | 1,000.00 | 1,000.00 | 1,000.00 | 37 |
1Wx1Hx2L Rough Stone Rectangle Block | 10.00 | 216.55 | 639.95 | 52 |
1Wx2Hx2L Black Ice Square Block | 100.00 | 1,410.00 | 2,500.00 | 146 |
1Wx2Hx2L Ice Square Block | 1,000.00 | 1,000.00 | 1,000.00 | 40 |
1Wx2Hx2L Rough Stone Square Block | 20.00 | 474.96 | 929.95 | 32 |
1Wx4Hx1L Black Ice Rectangle Block | 100.00 | 878.95 | 2,000.00 | 75 |
1Wx4Hx1L Dark Rough Stone Rectangle Block | 1,000.00 | 1,000.00 | 1,000.00 | 10 |
1Wx4Hx1L Ice Rectangle Block | 1,000.00 | 1,000.00 | 1,000.00 | 20 |
1Wx4Hx1L Rough Stone Rectangle Block | 15.00 | 113.76 | 399.00 | 27 |
1Wx4Hx2L Black Ice Rectangle Block | 100.00 | 1,544.74 | 2,500.00 | 65 |
1Wx4Hx2L Dark Rough Stone Rectangle Block | 1,000.00 | 1,000.00 | 1,000.00 | 10 |
1Wx4Hx2L Ice Rectangle Block | 1,000.00 | 1,000.00 | 1,000.00 | 20 |
1Wx4Hx2L Rough Stone Rectangle Block | 25.00 | 188.50 | 604.00 | 37 |
1Wx4Hx4L Black Ice Square Block | 100.00 | 1,343.18 | 5,000.00 | 65 |
1Wx4Hx4L Dark Rough Stone Square Block | 1,000.00 | 1,000.00 | 1,000.00 | 10 |
1Wx4Hx4L Ice Square Block | 1,000.00 | 1,283.33 | 2,700.00 | 12 |
1Wx4Hx4L Rough Stone Square Block | 60.00 | 1,021.55 | 2,633.00 | 115 |
1Wx6Hx6L Black Ice Arch Block | 100.00 | 2,075.00 | 8,500.00 | 13 |
1Wx6Hx6L Ice Arch Block | 1,000.00 | 1,333.33 | 2,000.00 | 4 |
1Wx6Hx6L Rough Stone Arch Block | 35.00 | 2,533.25 | 6,299.00 | 10 |
2 Year Whiskey | 5.00 | 69.88 | 300.00 | 2,869 |
2 Year Whiskey Ingredients | 60.00 | 188.00 | 700.00 | 5 |
2-Story Bamboo Tree | 3,500.00 | 3,833.33 | 4,500.00 | 4 |
2-Story Blue Cypress Tree | 5,000.00 | 5,000.00 | 5,000.00 | 1 |
2-Story Blue Spruce Tree | 3,395.00 | 4,470.00 | 7,000.00 | 8 |
2-Story Cherry Tree Blossoms | 3,001.00 | 5,290.30 | 12,000.00 | 10 |
2-Story Common Aspen Tree | 3,495.00 | 4,747.00 | 5,999.00 | 8 |
2-Story Common Linden Tree | 3,500.00 | 3,500.00 | 3,500.00 | 1 |
2-Story Cypress Tree | 5,000.00 | 5,000.00 | 5,000.00 | 6 |
2-Story Dead Tree | 1,500.00 | 2,463.43 | 3,399.00 | 8 |
2-Story Fountain Palm Tree | 100.00 | 938.10 | 7,000.00 | 21 |
2-Story Juniper Topiary Tree | 2,000.00 | 2,750.00 | 3,500.00 | 4 |
2-Story Webbed Dead Tree | 4,999.00 | 4,999.00 | 4,999.00 | 2 |
2-Story White Oak Tree | 3,395.00 | 4,596.78 | 5,999.00 | 9 |
2015 Fireworks 45-Piece Gift Reward Pack | 3,000.00 | 4,566.67 | 5,000.00 | 6 |
25 Year Whiskey | 17.50 | 230.21 | 5,000.00 | 3,232 |
25 Year Whiskey Ingredients | 200.00 | 800.00 | 1,500.00 | 3 |
2Wx2Hx2L Black Ice Cube Block | 100.00 | 840.91 | 2,000.00 | 80 |
2Wx2Hx2L Ice Cube Block | 1,000.00 | 1,188.89 | 2,700.00 | 32 |
2Wx2Hx2L Rough Stone Cube Block | 30.00 | 757.93 | 1,269.90 | 55 |
2Wx4Hx2L Black Ice Rectangle Block | 100.00 | 1,386.96 | 5,000.00 | 76 |
2Wx4Hx2L Ice Rectangle Block | 1,000.00 | 1,261.54 | 2,700.00 | 22 |
2Wx4Hx2L Rough Stone Rectangle Block | 50.00 | 50.00 | 50.00 | 2 |
2Wx4Hx4L Black Ice Square Block | 100.00 | 1,042.86 | 2,000.00 | 35 |
2Wx4Hx4L Ice Square Block | 1,000.00 | 1,000.00 | 1,000.00 | 10 |
2Wx4Hx4L Rough Stone Square Block | 100.00 | 1,869.70 | 4,199.00 | 11 |
2b CRAFTING n SUPPLIES | 1,000.00 | 1,000.00 | 1,000.00 | 1 |
3-Story Bamboo Tree | 3,500.00 | 4,000.00 | 4,500.00 | 2 |
3-Story Blue Spruce Tree | 900.00 | 2,600.00 | 3,500.00 | 6 |
3-Story Common Aspen Tree | 3,995.00 | 6,197.60 | 7,999.00 | 5 |
3-Story Common Linden Tree | 3,395.00 | 4,723.25 | 7,999.00 | 4 |
3-Story Dead Tree | 3,399.00 | 3,399.00 | 3,399.00 | 1 |
3-Story Fountain Palm Tree | 100.00 | 1,519.69 | 5,000.00 | 13 |
3-Story Juniper Topiary Tree | 3,500.00 | 3,500.00 | 3,500.00 | 1 |
3-Story Juniper Tree | 900.00 | 900.00 | 900.00 | 1 |
3-Story Puzzle Tree | 190,000.00 | 190,000.00 | 190,000.00 | 1 |
3-Story Snowy Spruce Tree | 10,000.00 | 10,000.00 | 10,000.00 | 1 |
3-Story Webbed Dead Tree | 4,500.00 | 4,749.50 | 4,999.00 | 2 |
3-Story White Oak Tree | 3,395.00 | 6,626.14 | 15,000.00 | 7 |
3-Story Yellow Cedar Tree | 12,500.00 | 12,500.00 | 12,500.00 | 1 |
3rd Floor Zangoff's Shop Key | 95.00 | 140.00 | 175.00 | 3 |
4-Piece One-Man Band | 10,000.00 | 14,199.80 | 19,999.00 | 5 |
4-Story Bamboo Tree | 3,500.00 | 3,500.00 | 3,500.00 | 2 |
4-Story Blue Spruce Tree | 900.00 | 7,479.10 | 16,000.00 | 11 |
4-Story Cherry Tree Blossoms | 25,000.00 | 25,000.00 | 25,000.00 | 2 |
4-Story Common Aspen Tree | 4,495.00 | 8,797.60 | 15,000.00 | 5 |
4-Story Common Linden Tree | 2,000.00 | 4,666.33 | 9,999.00 | 3 |
4-Story Dead Tree | 3,399.00 | 3,399.00 | 3,399.00 | 1 |
4-Story Fountain Palm Tree | 100.00 | 2,110.47 | 7,000.00 | 19 |
4-Story Haunted Yule Tree | 3,000.00 | 11,891.26 | 29,999.00 | 24 |
4-Story Juniper Tree | 900.00 | 900.00 | 900.00 | 1 |
4-Story White Oak Tree | 2,000.00 | 8,623.50 | 18,000.00 | 4 |
4-Story Yellow Cedar Tree | 16,000.00 | 16,000.00 | 16,000.00 | 1 |
4-Story Yule Tree 2018 | 25,000.00 | 75,000.00 | 175,000.00 | 3 |
4Wx4Hx4L Black Ice Cube Block | 100.00 | 2,310.00 | 7,500.00 | 19 |
4Wx4Hx4L Ice Cube Block | 1,000.00 | 3,249.75 | 9,999.00 | 4 |
4Wx4Hx4L Rough Stone Cube Block | 200.00 | 5,799.36 | 8,399.80 | 18 |
7 Year Whiskey | 15.00 | 89.21 | 250.00 | 761 |
7 Year Whiskey Ingredients | 60.00 | 365.00 | 1,250.00 | 6 |
A Boiled Seed Cannot Sprout | 1,000.00 | 1,000.00 | 1,000.00 | 1 |
A Grim Front Illustration | 3,200.00 | 9,240.00 | 19,000.00 | 5 |
A History of Lord Anapa | 29.00 | 304.00 | 999.00 | 4 |
A Requiem for Olthadir | 299.00 | 299.00 | 299.00 | 1 |
A Valid Question | 99.00 | 99.00 | 99.00 | 1 |
A red sash | 25.00 | 32.75 | 42.00 | 4 |
Abomination Illustration | 3,300.00 | 11,482.92 | 19,000.00 | 12 |
Acara's Plate Boots of Defiance, Common | 2,500.00 | 14,248.26 | 62,000.00 | 31 |
Acara's Plate Chest of Defiance, Common | 2,500.00 | 5,524.95 | 9,999.00 | 20 |
Acara's Plate Gauntlets of Defiance, Common | 2,500.00 | 5,083.33 | 16,500.00 | 6 |
Acara's Plate Greaves of Defiance, Common | 1,250.00 | 6,675.00 | 8,000.00 | 10 |
Acara's Plate Guantlets of Defiance, Common | 49,999.00 | 67,499.50 | 85,000.00 | 2 |
Acara's Plate Helm of Defiance, Common | 2,499.00 | 10,633.25 | 50,000.00 | 36 |
Acara's Shield of Defiance, Common | 1,500.00 | 44,964.00 | 99,999.00 | 14 |
Acara's Shield of Defiance, Common (L) | 1,500.00 | 1,500.00 | 1,500.00 | 2 |
Accordion | 5.00 | 849.34 | 2,000.00 | 79 |
Adobe Brick Two-Story Keep w/ Courtyard (City Home) | 389,000.00 | 389,000.00 | 389,000.00 | 1 |
Adobe Two-Story w/ Three-Level Terrace (Village Home) | 295,000.00 | 295,000.00 | 295,000.00 | 1 |
Adobe Two-Story w/ Upper Deck (Village Home) (Vault Edition) | 297,000.00 | 297,000.00 | 297,000.00 | 1 |
Adobe w/ Roof Access (Village Home) | 49,999.00 | 49,999.00 | 49,999.00 | 1 |
Adorned Heater Shield | 75.00 | 230.67 | 500.00 | 6 |
Adventure And Producer Experience | 100.00 | 100.00 | 100.00 | 1,000 |
Adventure Party Portrait Painting 1 | 19,000.00 | 19,000.00 | 19,000.00 | 1 |
Adventure Party Portrait Painting 2 | 19,000.00 | 19,000.00 | 19,000.00 | 1 |
Adventure’s Path Illustration | 3,300.00 | 7,160.00 | 19,000.00 | 5 |
Aeronaut Boots +2 | 35.00 | 213.05 | 500.00 | 22 |
Aeronaut Boots +3 | 125.00 | 358.00 | 550.00 | 3 |
Aeronaut Boots +4 | 70.00 | 70.00 | 70.00 | 1 |
Aeronaut Boots +7 | 700.00 | 700.00 | 700.00 | 1 |
Aeronaut Gloves +2 | 110.00 | 236.82 | 500.00 | 17 |
Aeronaut Gloves +3 | 40.00 | 168.25 | 550.00 | 8 |
Aeronaut Gloves +6 | 80.00 | 80.00 | 80.00 | 1 |
Aeronaut Gloves +7 | 750.00 | 750.00 | 750.00 | 1 |
Aeronaut Gloves +8 | 200.00 | 200.00 | 200.00 | 1 |
Aeronaut Helmet +15 | 12,121.00 | 12,121.00 | 12,121.00 | 1 |
Aeronaut Helmet +2 | 25.00 | 248.17 | 500.00 | 18 |
Aeronaut Helmet +3 | 25.00 | 287.93 | 800.00 | 15 |
Aeronaut Helmet +6 | 700.00 | 700.00 | 700.00 | 2 |
Aeronaut Helmet +7 | 150.00 | 150.00 | 150.00 | 1 |
Aeronaut Helmet +8 | 200.00 | 200.00 | 200.00 | 1 |
Aeronaut Jacket +12 | 1,250.00 | 1,250.00 | 1,250.00 | 1 |
Aeronaut Jacket +2 | 50.00 | 449.09 | 899.00 | 23 |
Aeronaut Jacket +3 | 180.00 | 341.80 | 799.00 | 5 |
Aeronaut Jacket +6 | 250.00 | 250.00 | 250.00 | 1 |
Aeronaut Jacket +7 | 950.00 | 950.00 | 950.00 | 1 |
Aeronaut Jacket +8 | 800.00 | 800.00 | 800.00 | 1 |
Aeronaut Leggings +13 | 1,250.00 | 1,250.00 | 1,250.00 | 1 |
Aeronaut Leggings +2 | 70.00 | 317.95 | 599.00 | 19 |
Aeronaut Leggings +3 | 140.00 | 334.86 | 1,000.00 | 7 |
Aeronaut Leggings +4 | 1,508.00 | 1,508.00 | 1,508.00 | 1 |
Aeronaut Leggings +7 | 900.00 | 900.00 | 900.00 | 1 |
Aeronaut Leggings +8 | 1,000.00 | 1,000.00 | 1,000.00 | 1 |
Aether Axe | 1,000.00 | 6,280.02 | 31,000.00 | 54 |
Aether Corpion Poison Gland | 900.00 | 3,263.41 | 12,500.00 | 86 |
Aether Crossbow | 1,000.00 | 8,529.31 | 29,000.00 | 93 |
Aether Dragon Head | 70,000.00 | 271,272.27 | 899,000.00 | 11 |
Aether Dragon Statue | 7,500.00 | 28,046.43 | 165,000.00 | 70 |
Aether Glowing Dye | 50.00 | 1,007.28 | 2,600.00 | 3,926 |
Aether Lich Statue | 7,500.00 | 33,082.47 | 199,999.00 | 103 |
Aether Longbow | 1,000.00 | 13,622.46 | 32,500.00 | 91 |
Aether Orb | 65,000.00 | 115,000.00 | 165,000.00 | 2 |
Aether Orb, Common | 777.00 | 12,488.40 | 30,000.00 | 5 |
Aether Orb, Common (L) | 19,500.00 | 19,500.00 | 19,500.00 | 1 |
Aether Orb, Uncommon | 99,999.00 | 136,249.38 | 250,000.00 | 8 |
Aether Shield | 1,000.00 | 11,540.44 | 22,500.00 | 88 |
Aether Spear | 1,000.00 | 10,052.00 | 19,999.00 | 63 |
Aether Sword | 1,000.00 | 13,018.30 | 29,000.00 | 88 |
Aether Two-handed Mace | 1,000.00 | 4,211.11 | 10,000.00 | 45 |
Aether Vibration Amplifier | 111,122.00 | 339,824.40 | 695,000.00 | 5 |
Aether Vibration Amplifier Backpack | 100,000.00 | 110,000.00 | 120,000.00 | 2 |
Aether Vibration Amplifier Console | 17,500.00 | 44,973.20 | 195,000.00 | 41 |
Agriculture Crafting Chest | 500.00 | 777.83 | 1,000.00 | 12 |
Agriculture Trunk | 650.00 | 650.00 | 650.00 | 1 |
Air Balloon | 499,500.00 | 499,500.00 | 499,500.00 | 1 |
Air Magic Print | 3,999.00 | 8,346.07 | 13,500.00 | 14 |
Albert | 32,000.00 | 32,000.00 | 32,000.00 | 1 |
Alchemy Crafting Chest | 250.00 | 760.63 | 1,000.00 | 19 |
Alchemy Station | 999.00 | 3,174.95 | 4,250.00 | 20 |
Aliquam | 10.00 | 10.00 | 10.00 | 1 |
Alligator Gar | 25,000.00 | 25,000.00 | 25,000.00 | 1 |
Alligator Gar (Fetid Water Fish) | 11,150.00 | 11,150.00 | 11,150.00 | 1 |
Altar Lockbox | 400.00 | 919.80 | 2,199.00 | 5 |
Amanda Illustration | 3,200.00 | 6,299.75 | 12,999.00 | 4 |
Amberjack Mackerel | 5.00 | 109.62 | 350.00 | 13 |
Amberjack Mackerel Trophy | 10.00 | 242.41 | 500.00 | 27 |
Amethyst | 180.00 | 240.24 | 500.00 | 3,596 |
Amethyst (Unrefined Gemstone) | 270.00 | 270.00 | 270.00 | 2 |
Amethyst Fragment | 1.00 | 1.96 | 15.00 | 116,343 |
Ammonite | 6.00 | 82.91 | 300.00 | 11 |
Ammonite Meat | 8.33 | 44.03 | 50.00 | 203 |
Ammonite Trophy | 10.00 | 589.74 | 1,000.00 | 23 |
Anapa's Favor, Common | 500.00 | 1,090.73 | 1,500.00 | 11 |
Anapa's Favor, Uncommon | 2,500.00 | 2,500.00 | 2,500.00 | 1 |
Ancestor Tombstone | 29,000.00 | 49,499.50 | 69,999.00 | 2 |
Ancestor's Cloak | 18,000.00 | 25,875.00 | 39,000.00 | 8 |
Ancient Bastard Sword | 200.00 | 420.69 | 1,000.00 | 29 |
Ancient Columned (City Home) | 1,000,000.00 | 1,000,000.00 | 1,000,000.00 | 1 |
Ancient Essence | 250.00 | 4,387.36 | 15,000.00 | 8,521 |
Ancient Forest Painting | 2,600.00 | 4,566.67 | 9,500.00 | 9 |
Ancient Forest Rug | 3,200.00 | 3,200.00 | 3,200.00 | 1 |
Ancient Forest Tapestry | 4,700.00 | 5,733.33 | 7,500.00 | 3 |
Ancient Golden Necklace | 350.00 | 5,174.50 | 9,999.00 | 2 |
Ancient Golden Ring | 250.00 | 14,349.92 | 79,000.00 | 25 |
Ancient Montante | 250.00 | 320.83 | 500.00 | 6 |
Ancient Staff of Anarchy | 7,000.00 | 17,736.79 | 39,999.00 | 19 |
Ancient Staff of Anarchy +1 | 8,000.00 | 13,600.00 | 15,000.00 | 5 |
Ancient Staff of Anarchy, Rare +1 | 39,999.00 | 39,999.00 | 39,999.00 | 1 |
Ancient Staff of Anarchy, Rare +2 | 20,000.00 | 20,000.00 | 20,000.00 | 1 |
Ancient Staff of Anarchy, Uncommon | 5,000.00 | 25,514.75 | 60,000.00 | 20 |
Ancient Staff of Anarchy, Uncommon +1 | 19,999.00 | 26,444.00 | 50,000.00 | 9 |
Ancient Staff of Death | 6,000.00 | 17,277.50 | 35,000.00 | 18 |
Ancient Staff of Death +1 | 10,000.00 | 18,409.00 | 34,999.00 | 11 |
Ancient Staff of Death +10 | 49,000.00 | 54,000.00 | 59,000.00 | 2 |
Ancient Staff of Death +12 | 34,500.00 | 34,500.00 | 34,500.00 | 1 |
Ancient Staff of Death +13 | 65,000.00 | 65,000.00 | 65,000.00 | 1 |
Ancient Staff of Death +4 | 17,000.00 | 28,499.50 | 39,999.00 | 2 |
Ancient Staff of Death +6 | 7,500.00 | 10,749.50 | 13,999.00 | 2 |
Ancient Staff of Death +7 | 12,500.00 | 12,500.00 | 12,500.00 | 1 |
Ancient Staff of Death +8 | 10,000.00 | 26,750.00 | 42,000.00 | 4 |
Ancient Staff of Death +9 | 27,000.00 | 27,000.00 | 27,000.00 | 1 |
Ancient Staff of Death, Epic of Necromancy +10 | 500,000.00 | 500,000.00 | 500,000.00 | 1 |
Ancient Staff of Death, Epic of Necromancy +9 | 600,000.00 | 625,000.00 | 650,000.00 | 2 |
Ancient Staff of Death, Legendary +5 | 244,000.00 | 244,000.00 | 244,000.00 | 1 |
Ancient Staff of Death, Legendary +6 | 339,000.00 | 339,000.00 | 339,000.00 | 1 |
Ancient Staff of Death, Legendary +9 | 345,000.00 | 345,000.00 | 345,000.00 | 1 |
Ancient Staff of Death, Rare +1 | 98,000.00 | 98,000.00 | 98,000.00 | 1 |
Ancient Staff of Death, Uncommon | 5,000.00 | 27,179.97 | 50,000.00 | 36 |
Ancient Staff of Death, Uncommon +1 | 14,999.00 | 32,363.36 | 49,000.00 | 11 |
Ancient Staff of Death, Uncommon +13 | 75,000.00 | 75,000.00 | 75,000.00 | 1 |
Ancient Staff of Death, Uncommon +5 | 29,000.00 | 29,000.00 | 29,000.00 | 1 |
Ancient Staff of Death, Uncommon of Necromancy +8 | 29,000.00 | 29,000.00 | 29,000.00 | 1 |
Ancient Stone Blue Chapel | 7,000.00 | 23,980.00 | 50,000.00 | 5 |
Ancient Stone Cathedral | 7,000.00 | 29,250.00 | 50,000.00 | 4 |
Ancient Stone Crypt | 7,000.00 | 28,000.00 | 40,000.00 | 5 |
Ancient Stone Green Chapel | 7,000.00 | 36,725.00 | 50,000.00 | 4 |
Ancient Stone Hallway Intersection L | 2,000.00 | 3,384.62 | 7,000.00 | 20 |
Ancient Stone Hallway Intersection T | 1,000.00 | 3,515.15 | 7,000.00 | 25 |
Ancient Stone Hallway Intersection X | 9,000.00 | 9,000.00 | 9,000.00 | 1 |
Ancient Stone Room A | 1,000.00 | 10,785.71 | 20,000.00 | 13 |
Ancient Stone Room Fishing Grotto | 10,000.00 | 34,030.84 | 300,000.00 | 111 |
Ancient Stone Room Two Entrance A | 1,000.00 | 15,500.00 | 30,000.00 | 3 |
Ancient Stone Room Two Entrance B | 1,000.00 | 15,500.00 | 30,000.00 | 4 |
Ancient Stone Straight Hallway | 1,000.00 | 3,791.67 | 7,000.00 | 21 |
Ancient Tome Dungeon Entrance | 50,000.00 | 50,000.00 | 50,000.00 | 2 |
Ancient Two-Handed Sword | 400.00 | 3,529.84 | 10,000.00 | 68 |
Ancient Two-Handed Sword, Uncommon | 4,000.00 | 6,348.38 | 25,000.00 | 78 |
Ancient Vase | 4,500.00 | 4,500.00 | 4,500.00 | 3 |
Ancient Vile Scythe | 300.00 | 1,798.45 | 9,500.00 | 22 |
Ancient Xenossian Plumed Plate Helm | 35,000.00 | 35,000.00 | 35,000.00 | 1 |
Ancient Xenossian Two-Handed Xiphos Sword | 10,000.00 | 17,291.67 | 150,000.00 | 24 |
Ancient Xenossian Two-handed Labrys Axe | 35,000.00 | 35,000.00 | 35,000.00 | 1 |
Ancient Xenossian Xiphos Sword | 7,500.00 | 7,500.00 | 7,500.00 | 21 |
Angelfish | 25,000.00 | 25,000.00 | 25,000.00 | 1 |
Angelfish (Fish Tank) | 10,000.00 | 12,500.00 | 15,000.00 | 12 |
Angled Ionic Column | 200.00 | 860.60 | 1,627.00 | 145 |
Angled Ornate Cast Iron Chimney | 15,000.00 | 15,000.00 | 15,000.00 | 1 |
Angled Ornate Stone Chimney | 2,500.00 | 2,500.00 | 2,500.00 | 1 |
Angled Roof Greenhouse | 74,900.00 | 86,633.33 | 100,000.00 | 3 |
Angled Stone & Wood Chimney | 300.00 | 366.00 | 399.00 | 3 |
Angled Stone & Wood Chimney | 300.00 | 947.94 | 7,500.00 | 34 |
Angled Stone Chimney | 200.00 | 844.30 | 7,500.00 | 27 |
Angled Tabard Gambeson | 140.00 | 766.30 | 3,000.00 | 43 |
Angled Tabard Gambeson Boots | 99.00 | 502.38 | 1,200.00 | 29 |
Angled Tabard Gambeson Gloves | 99.00 | 607.96 | 3,000.00 | 25 |
Angled Tabard Gambeson Hood | 99.00 | 566.47 | 1,500.00 | 32 |
Angled Tabard Gambeson Leggings | 100.00 | 775.38 | 1,250.00 | 29 |
Angry Green Jack O' Lantern | 5,000.00 | 6,333.33 | 13,000.00 | 9 |
Animal Bone | 1.15 | 41.37 | 55.00 | 9,906 |
Animal Collar | 37.50 | 132.71 | 350.00 | 102 |
Animal Hide | 2.00 | 8.07 | 10.00 | 220,154 |
Animal Whistle | 250.00 | 300.00 | 350.00 | 5 |
Ankh | 99.00 | 342.96 | 1,000.00 | 97 |
Ankh Cake | 40.00 | 1,514.00 | 5,000.00 | 5 |
Ankh Cupcake | 2,500.00 | 3,250.00 | 4,000.00 | 6 |
Ankh Cupcake 2016 | 1,999.00 | 1,999.00 | 1,999.00 | 1 |
Ankh Cupcake 2017 | 750.00 | 1,374.67 | 3,000.00 | 6 |
Ankh Cupcake 2018 | 750.00 | 954.80 | 1,999.00 | 10 |
Ankh Cupcake 2019 | 400.00 | 1,232.00 | 4,000.00 | 18 |
Ankh Cupcake 2020 | 750.00 | 750.00 | 750.00 | 3 |
Ankh of Sacrifice | 3,500.00 | 12,748.71 | 35,000.00 | 55 |
Ankh of Sacrifice +2 | 11,000.00 | 11,000.00 | 11,000.00 | 1 |
Ankh of Sacrifice +3 | 31,000.00 | 31,000.00 | 31,000.00 | 1 |
Ankh of Sacrifice +4 | 18,500.00 | 23,749.50 | 28,999.00 | 2 |
Ankh of Sacrifice +5 | 25,000.00 | 26,500.00 | 28,000.00 | 2 |
Ankh of Sacrifice +6 | 29,000.00 | 29,000.00 | 29,000.00 | 1 |
Ankh of Sacrifice, Common | 1,000.00 | 10,364.49 | 39,000.00 | 86 |
Ankh of Sacrifice, Rare | 150,000.00 | 249,999.67 | 300,000.00 | 3 |
Ankh of Sacrifice, Rare +1 | 1,111,000.00 | 1,111,000.00 | 1,111,000.00 | 1 |
Ankh of Sacrifice, Uncommon | 10,000.00 | 72,831.47 | 199,999.00 | 95 |
Ankh of Sacrifice, Uncommon +1 | 15,000.00 | 15,000.00 | 15,000.00 | 1 |
Ankh of Sacrifice, Uncommon +3 | 19,999.00 | 42,499.50 | 65,000.00 | 2 |
Ankh of Sacrifice, Uncommon of Thaumaturgy +9 | 150,000.00 | 150,000.00 | 150,000.00 | 1 |
Ankh of Virtue Necklace | 1,000.00 | 7,283.33 | 19,000.00 | 12 |
Ankh of Wala | 3,800.00 | 10,748.04 | 19,900.00 | 27 |
Ankh of Wala +1 | 14,000.00 | 15,500.00 | 17,000.00 | 2 |
Ankh of Wala +3 | 27,000.00 | 27,000.00 | 27,000.00 | 1 |
Ankh of Wala +4 | 19,999.00 | 19,999.00 | 19,999.00 | 1 |
Ankh of Wala +5 | 25,000.00 | 37,000.00 | 49,000.00 | 2 |
Ankh of Wala, Common | 2,000.00 | 6,499.89 | 19,999.00 | 18 |
Ankh of Wala, Rare | 100,000.00 | 258,333.00 | 375,000.00 | 3 |
Ankh of Wala, Rare +1 | 60,000.00 | 60,000.00 | 60,000.00 | 2 |
Ankh of Wala, Uncommon | 2,500.00 | 34,166.67 | 50,000.00 | 3 |
Ankh of Wala, uncommon | 5,000.00 | 64,032.33 | 120,000.00 | 114 |
Ankh of Wala, uncommon +2 | 29,000.00 | 29,000.00 | 29,000.00 | 1 |
Ankh of Wala, uncommon +3 | 29,000.00 | 29,000.00 | 29,000.00 | 1 |
Ankh of Wala, uncommon of Atenism +1 | 75,000.00 | 75,000.00 | 75,000.00 | 1 |
Anomalocaris | 10.00 | 10.00 | 10.00 | 6 |
Anomalocaris Meat | 5.00 | 38.57 | 50.00 | 500 |
Anomalocaris Surprise | 12.50 | 210.80 | 500.00 | 5,389 |
Ant Cloak | 500,000.00 | 500,000.00 | 500,000.00 | 1 |
Antennae | 99,999.00 | 174,749.75 | 250,000.00 | 4 |
Antique Chair | 100.00 | 1,118.61 | 2,499.00 | 103 |
Antique Clay Pot | 20.00 | 295.61 | 1,500.00 | 74 |
Antique Coffee Table | 18.00 | 873.36 | 2,199.00 | 197 |
Antique Curved Armchair | 140.00 | 1,258.50 | 3,499.00 | 117 |
Antique Dining Chair | 150.00 | 935.29 | 2,200.00 | 198 |
Antique Dining Table | 20.00 | 894.35 | 1,999.00 | 104 |
Antique Drawer Table | 20.00 | 1,024.22 | 2,899.00 | 132 |
Antique Dresser | 25.00 | 1,278.43 | 2,850.00 | 102 |
Antique Hallway Table | 25.00 | 1,075.83 | 3,199.00 | 144 |
Antique Room Divider | 20.00 | 681.30 | 1,699.90 | 96 |
Antique Round End Table | 15.00 | 842.17 | 1,999.00 | 325 |
Aortic Thrombus | 50.00 | 60.93 | 100.00 | 620 |
Appaloosa Foal Decoration Pet | 99,500.00 | 124,750.00 | 150,000.00 | 2 |
Appaloosa Horse Mount | 100,000.00 | 100,000.00 | 100,000.00 | 1 |
Apple | 1.15 | 2.68 | 5.00 | 1,430,611 |
Apron Peasant Dress | 200.00 | 1,671.50 | 7,999.00 | 16 |
Aqua Dye | 100.00 | 495.83 | 1,000.00 | 184 |
Aqua Female Shopkeeper | 12,500.00 | 12,500.00 | 12,500.00 | 1 |
Arabella Painting | 3,300.00 | 6,608.25 | 9,999.00 | 12 |
Arabella's Cloak | 19,999.00 | 31,599.40 | 51,000.00 | 5 |
Arabella's Leather Boots | 8,000.00 | 16,499.50 | 24,999.00 | 2 |
Arabella's Leather Chest Armor | 14,000.00 | 19,749.25 | 24,999.00 | 4 |
Arabella's Leather Gloves | 8,000.00 | 16,499.50 | 24,999.00 | 2 |
Arabella's Leather Leg Armor | 8,000.00 | 16,499.50 | 24,999.00 | 2 |
Arch Lapin Life Study Painting 1 | 10,000.00 | 15,998.80 | 24,995.00 | 5 |
Arch Lapin Life Study Painting 2 | 1,000.00 | 12,748.83 | 24,995.00 | 6 |
Arch Lapin Life Study Painting 3 | 3,000.00 | 14,249.17 | 24,995.00 | 12 |
Arch Lapin Life Study Tapestry 1 | 15,000.00 | 24,570.86 | 55,000.00 | 7 |
Arch Lapin Life Study Tapestry 2 | 2,500.00 | 14,635.82 | 25,000.00 | 11 |
Arch Lapin Life Study Tapestry 3 | 7,500.00 | 16,249.33 | 19,999.00 | 6 |
Archaic Boy Statue | 99.00 | 417.06 | 1,000.00 | 75 |
Arched Wooden Armchair | 50.00 | 153.85 | 1,000.00 | 13 |
Arctic Wolf Skin Rug | 3,250.00 | 4,450.00 | 5,000.00 | 7 |
Ardoris - A Tour Guide | 5.00 | 13.13 | 50.00 | 8 |
Ardoris Coleslaw | 5.00 | 31.90 | 75.00 | 975 |
Ardoris Guard Boots | 3,000.00 | 8,880.00 | 11,000.00 | 5 |
Ardoris Guard Boots +10 | 4,000.00 | 4,000.00 | 4,000.00 | 1 |
Ardoris Guard Chest Armor | 3,000.00 | 12,057.14 | 35,000.00 | 7 |
Ardoris Guard Gloves | 3,000.00 | 8,000.00 | 11,000.00 | 3 |
Ardoris Guard Helm | 3,000.00 | 7,250.00 | 11,000.00 | 4 |
Ardoris Guard Leggings | 3,000.00 | 8,475.00 | 11,000.00 | 4 |
Ardoris Guard Leggings +14 | 5,900.00 | 5,900.00 | 5,900.00 | 1 |
Ardoris Guard Tower Key | 150.00 | 150.00 | 150.00 | 1 |
Ardoris Painting | 19,000.00 | 19,000.00 | 19,000.00 | 1 |
Ardoris Priestess Headpiece | 24,000.00 | 24,000.00 | 24,000.00 | 1 |
Ardoris Priestess Robe | 14,000.00 | 14,000.00 | 14,000.00 | 1 |
Ardoris Sewers - A Tour Guide | 5.00 | 7.86 | 10.00 | 7 |
Ardoris Shogun Boots | 7,500.00 | 7,500.00 | 7,500.00 | 1 |
Ardoris Shogun Boots +2 | 4,000.00 | 4,000.00 | 4,000.00 | 1 |
Ardoris Shogun Helmet +1 | 9,000.00 | 9,000.00 | 9,000.00 | 1 |
Armor Merchant NPC (Female) | 3,999.00 | 3,999.00 | 3,999.00 | 1 |
Armor Merchant NPC (Male) | 1,999.00 | 1,999.00 | 1,999.00 | 1 |
Arrow | 0.00 | 0.23 | 10.00 | 1,188,606 |
Arrow Trap | 5,000.00 | 14,455.15 | 30,000.00 | 13 |
Arrow and Apple | 1,200.00 | 8,015.83 | 9,999.00 | 12 |
Arrowheads | 3.00 | 3.00 | 3.00 | 101 |
Artisan Box of Plenty | 25,000.00 | 87,899.90 | 149,000.00 | 10 |
Artisan Carpentry Hammer | 49,995.00 | 69,998.33 | 85,000.00 | 3 |
Artisan Cleaver | 65,000.00 | 72,347.33 | 80,000.00 | 3 |
Artisan Cooking Pot | 65,000.00 | 65,000.00 | 65,000.00 | 1 |
Artisan Cubit Measure | 60,000.00 | 85,000.00 | 120,000.00 | 3 |
Artisan Fishing Rod | 60,000.00 | 75,000.00 | 90,000.00 | 2 |
Artisan Harvesting Axe | 45,000.00 | 72,142.86 | 120,000.00 | 7 |
Artisan Loom Shuttle | 67,000.00 | 74,680.67 | 85,000.00 | 3 |
Artisan Mortar and Pestle | 55,000.00 | 71,249.75 | 99,999.00 | 4 |
Artisan Pickaxe | 65,000.00 | 73,999.80 | 89,999.00 | 5 |
Artisan Sickle | 50,000.00 | 78,000.00 | 125,000.00 | 5 |
Artisan Skinning Knife | 75,000.00 | 95,000.00 | 130,000.00 | 3 |
Artisan Smelting Tongs | 50,000.00 | 56,666.67 | 65,000.00 | 3 |
Artisan Smithing Hammer | 25,000.00 | 61,666.33 | 85,000.00 | 3 |
Artisan Tailoring Scissors | 55,000.00 | 55,000.00 | 55,000.00 | 1 |
Artisan Tanning Knife | 72,042.00 | 73,521.00 | 75,000.00 | 2 |
Artisan Tool Reward | 60,000.00 | 87,285.71 | 135,000.00 | 42 |
Ashen Heartwood | 499.95 | 2,912.96 | 10,000.00 | 2,011 |
Ashen Staff +10 | 5,000.00 | 5,000.00 | 5,000.00 | 1 |
Ashen Staff +12 | 16,000.00 | 16,000.00 | 16,000.00 | 1 |
Ashen Staff +13 | 10,000.00 | 10,000.00 | 10,000.00 | 1 |
Ashen Staff +14 | 10,000.00 | 10,000.00 | 10,000.00 | 2 |
Ashen Staff +17 | 50,000.00 | 50,000.00 | 50,000.00 | 1 |
Ashen Staff +18 | 10,000.00 | 10,000.00 | 10,000.00 | 1 |
Ashen Staff +2 | 5,000.00 | 5,000.00 | 5,000.00 | 1 |
Ashen Staff +6 | 900.00 | 900.00 | 900.00 | 1 |
Ashen Staff +7 | 4,000.00 | 4,000.00 | 4,000.00 | 3 |
Ashen Staff +8 | 9,000.00 | 9,000.00 | 9,000.00 | 1 |
Ashen Staff +9 | 5,000.00 | 5,000.00 | 5,000.00 | 2 |
Ashen Staff of Atenism +13 | 45,000.00 | 45,000.00 | 45,000.00 | 1 |
Ashen Staff of Atenism +14 | 35,000.00 | 35,000.00 | 35,000.00 | 1 |
Ashen Staff of Atenism +19 | 48,000.00 | 48,000.00 | 48,000.00 | 1 |
Ashen Staff of Atenism +20 | 48,000.00 | 48,000.00 | 48,000.00 | 1 |
Ashen Staff of Gaiaism +10 | 4,200.00 | 4,200.00 | 4,200.00 | 1 |
Ashen Staff of Necromancy +10 | 12,000.00 | 12,000.00 | 12,000.00 | 1 |
Ashen Staff of Necromancy +11 | 13,000.00 | 14,000.00 | 15,000.00 | 2 |
Ashen Staff of Necromancy +13 | 14,500.00 | 14,500.00 | 14,500.00 | 1 |
Ashen Staff of Necromancy +14 | 17,500.00 | 20,750.00 | 24,000.00 | 2 |
Ashen Staff of Necromancy +6 | 3,500.00 | 4,000.00 | 4,500.00 | 2 |
Ashen Staff of Necromancy +7 | 7,500.00 | 7,500.00 | 7,500.00 | 1 |
Ashen Staff of Sorcery +13 | 35,000.00 | 35,000.00 | 35,000.00 | 2 |
Ashen Staff of Sorcery +19 | 125,000.00 | 125,000.00 | 125,000.00 | 1 |
Ashen Staff of Tempestry +11 | 6,999.00 | 13,499.50 | 20,000.00 | 2 |
Ashen Staff of Tempestry +14 | 29,000.00 | 29,000.00 | 29,000.00 | 1 |
Ashen Staff of Tempestry +16 | 26,000.00 | 26,000.00 | 26,000.00 | 1 |
Ashen Staff of Tempestry +18 | 22,000.00 | 30,000.00 | 38,000.00 | 2 |
Ashen Staff of Tempestry +3 | 500.00 | 750.00 | 1,000.00 | 2 |
Ashen Staff of Tempestry +9 | 16,999.00 | 16,999.00 | 16,999.00 | 1 |
Ashen Staff of Thaumaturgy +10 | 8,000.00 | 8,000.00 | 8,000.00 | 1 |
Ashen Staff of Thaumaturgy +11 | 7,000.00 | 7,000.00 | 7,000.00 | 1 |
Ashen Staff of Thaumaturgy +13 | 8,500.00 | 8,500.00 | 8,500.00 | 1 |
Ashen Staff of Thaumaturgy +14 | 32,999.00 | 41,499.50 | 50,000.00 | 2 |
Ashen Staff of Thaumaturgy +15 | 8,500.00 | 41,750.00 | 80,000.00 | 4 |
Ashen Staff of Thaumaturgy +17 | 16,500.00 | 16,500.00 | 16,500.00 | 1 |
Ashen Staff of Thaumaturgy +21 | 40,000.00 | 40,000.00 | 40,000.00 | 1 |
Ashen Staff of Theurgy +10 | 15,000.00 | 15,000.00 | 15,000.00 | 1 |
Ashen Staff of Theurgy +13 | 28,000.00 | 28,000.00 | 28,000.00 | 1 |
Ashen Staff of Theurgy +14 | 35,000.00 | 35,000.00 | 35,000.00 | 1 |
Ashen Staff of Theurgy +15 | 32,000.00 | 42,000.00 | 49,000.00 | 4 |
Ashen Virtue Ice Wand of Tempestry +14 | 5,000.00 | 5,000.00 | 5,000.00 | 1 |
Ashen Wand +10 | 7,500.00 | 11,375.00 | 13,000.00 | 4 |
Ashen Wand +11 | 7,000.00 | 11,875.00 | 15,000.00 | 4 |
Ashen Wand +12 | 13,500.00 | 13,500.00 | 13,500.00 | 1 |
Ashen Wand +13 | 12,500.00 | 12,500.00 | 12,500.00 | 1 |
Ashen Wand +14 | 13,000.00 | 13,000.00 | 13,000.00 | 1 |
Ashen Wand +4 | 950.00 | 1,725.00 | 2,500.00 | 2 |
Ashen Wand +5 | 1,050.00 | 1,525.00 | 2,000.00 | 2 |
Ashen Wand +6 | 2,500.00 | 4,500.00 | 6,500.00 | 2 |
Ashen Wand +7 | 5,000.00 | 6,333.33 | 9,000.00 | 3 |
Ashen Wand +8 | 5,000.00 | 7,500.00 | 10,000.00 | 2 |
Ashen Wand +9 | 9,500.00 | 9,625.00 | 9,750.00 | 2 |
Ashen Wand of Atenism +7 | 4,999.00 | 4,999.00 | 4,999.00 | 1 |
Ashen Wand of Gaiaism +13 | 24,000.00 | 24,000.00 | 24,000.00 | 1 |
Ashen Wand of Greater Theurgy +13 | 9,999.00 | 9,999.00 | 9,999.00 | 1 |
Ashen Wand of Lunaism +10 | 500.00 | 500.00 | 500.00 | 1 |
Ashen Wand of Lunaism +11 | 8,999.00 | 8,999.00 | 8,999.00 | 1 |
Ashen Wand of Lunaism +17 | 48,000.00 | 48,000.00 | 48,000.00 | 1 |
Ashen Wand of Lunaism +7 | 200.00 | 1,600.00 | 3,000.00 | 2 |
Ashen Wand of Necromancy +11 | 20,000.00 | 20,000.00 | 20,000.00 | 1 |
Ashen Wand of Necromancy +12 | 8,499.00 | 21,749.50 | 35,000.00 | 2 |
Ashen Wand of Necromancy +13 | 15,000.00 | 15,000.00 | 15,000.00 | 1 |
Ashen Wand of Necromancy +14 | 39,500.00 | 39,500.00 | 39,500.00 | 1 |
Ashen Wand of Necromancy +4 | 50.00 | 50.00 | 50.00 | 1 |
Ashen Wand of Necromancy +8 | 8,999.00 | 8,999.00 | 8,999.00 | 1 |
Ashen Wand of Necromancy +9 | 7,499.00 | 8,249.50 | 9,000.00 | 2 |
Ashen Wand of Necromancy Warding +4 | 1,500.00 | 1,500.00 | 1,500.00 | 1 |
Ashen Wand of Sorcery +10 | 9,499.00 | 9,832.67 | 10,000.00 | 3 |
Ashen Wand of Sorcery +11 | 8,499.00 | 8,499.00 | 8,499.00 | 1 |
Ashen Wand of Sorcery +12 | 5,000.00 | 10,099.80 | 15,000.00 | 5 |
Ashen Wand of Sorcery +13 | 5,500.00 | 18,625.00 | 30,000.00 | 4 |
Ashen Wand of Sorcery +14 | 19,999.00 | 33,123.50 | 45,000.00 | 4 |
Ashen Wand of Sorcery +15 | 5,000.00 | 24,666.50 | 37,500.00 | 6 |
Ashen Wand of Sorcery +16 | 8,000.00 | 26,833.33 | 37,500.00 | 3 |
Ashen Wand of Sorcery +19 | 39,000.00 | 39,000.00 | 39,000.00 | 1 |
Ashen Wand of Sorcery +3 | 500.00 | 500.00 | 500.00 | 1 |
Ashen Wand of Sorcery +4 | 3,299.00 | 3,299.00 | 3,299.00 | 1 |
Ashen Wand of Sorcery +5 | 1,000.00 | 1,000.00 | 1,000.00 | 1 |
Ashen Wand of Sorcery +7 | 1,100.00 | 6,920.00 | 12,500.00 | 5 |
Ashen Wand of Sorcery +8 | 3,900.00 | 4,450.00 | 5,000.00 | 2 |
Ashen Wand of Sorcery +9 | 500.00 | 5,199.40 | 11,000.00 | 5 |
Ashen Wand of Tempestry +10 | 5,000.00 | 6,449.50 | 7,899.00 | 2 |
Ashen Wand of Tempestry +12 | 10,000.00 | 10,000.00 | 10,000.00 | 1 |
Ashen Wand of Tempestry +13 | 12,500.00 | 12,500.00 | 12,500.00 | 1 |
Ashen Wand of Tempestry +14 | 6,499.00 | 15,749.50 | 25,000.00 | 2 |
Ashen Wand of Tempestry +19 | 40,000.00 | 40,000.00 | 40,000.00 | 1 |
Ashen Wand of Tempestry +7 | 3,599.00 | 3,599.00 | 3,599.00 | 1 |
Ashen Wand of Tempestry +8 | 4,899.00 | 4,899.00 | 4,899.00 | 1 |
Ashen Wand of Tempestry +9 | 500.00 | 500.00 | 500.00 | 1 |
Ashen Wand of Thaumaturgy +10 | 22,500.00 | 22,500.00 | 22,500.00 | 1 |
Ashen Wand of Thaumaturgy +11 | 3,500.00 | 6,499.50 | 8,999.00 | 4 |
Ashen Wand of Thaumaturgy +12 | 26,000.00 | 30,500.00 | 35,000.00 | 2 |
Ashen Wand of Thaumaturgy +13 | 24,999.00 | 32,499.75 | 47,500.00 | 4 |
Ashen Wand of Thaumaturgy +14 | 2,500.00 | 16,142.86 | 35,000.00 | 7 |
Ashen Wand of Thaumaturgy +15 | 10,000.00 | 27,500.00 | 45,000.00 | 2 |
Ashen Wand of Thaumaturgy +16 | 4,500.00 | 21,750.00 | 39,000.00 | 2 |
Ashen Wand of Thaumaturgy +17 | 4,500.00 | 21,250.00 | 38,000.00 | 2 |
Ashen Wand of Thaumaturgy +18 | 17,000.00 | 35,999.50 | 54,999.00 | 2 |
Ashen Wand of Thaumaturgy +4 | 1,200.00 | 4,733.33 | 8,000.00 | 3 |
Ashen Wand of Thaumaturgy +6 | 2,499.00 | 2,499.00 | 2,499.00 | 1 |
Ashen Wand of Thaumaturgy +7 | 600.00 | 5,649.75 | 15,000.00 | 4 |
Ashen Wand of Thaumaturgy +8 | 5,500.00 | 12,250.00 | 19,000.00 | 2 |
Ashen Wand of Theurgy +10 | 1,999.00 | 2,249.50 | 2,500.00 | 2 |
Ashen Wand of Theurgy +11 | 18,000.00 | 18,000.00 | 18,000.00 | 1 |
Ashen Wand of Theurgy +12 | 9,900.00 | 9,950.00 | 10,000.00 | 2 |
Ashen Wand of Theurgy +13 | 15,000.00 | 17,500.00 | 20,000.00 | 2 |
Ashen Wand of Theurgy +14 | 13,000.00 | 25,666.67 | 50,000.00 | 3 |
Ashen Wand of Theurgy +15 | 21,000.00 | 25,500.00 | 30,000.00 | 2 |
Ashen Wand of Theurgy +16 | 10,000.00 | 37,250.00 | 60,000.00 | 4 |
Ashen Wand of Theurgy +4 | 500.00 | 500.00 | 500.00 | 1 |
Ashen Wand of Theurgy +5 | 2,500.00 | 2,500.00 | 2,500.00 | 1 |
Assassin Portrait Painting | 9,999.00 | 9,999.00 | 9,999.00 | 1 |
Assassin's Blade | 9,000.00 | 23,333.33 | 59,000.00 | 6 |
Assassin's Boots | 9,000.00 | 14,000.00 | 19,000.00 | 2 |
Assassin's Bracers | 9,000.00 | 14,000.00 | 19,000.00 | 2 |
Assassin's Chest Armor | 19,999.00 | 19,999.00 | 19,999.00 | 2 |
Assassin's Chest Armor +2 | 15,000.00 | 15,000.00 | 15,000.00 | 1 |
Assassin's Leggings | 19,000.00 | 19,000.00 | 19,000.00 | 1 |
Assassin's Short Chest Armor | 9,000.00 | 14,000.00 | 19,000.00 | 2 |
Astrolabe | 300.00 | 1,554.24 | 3,500.00 | 17 |
Astrolabe +1 | 550.00 | 1,556.57 | 3,500.00 | 7 |
Atenism Gem | 210.00 | 288.55 | 350.00 | 261 |
Atenism Jewel | 149.50 | 149.50 | 149.50 | 2 |
Atenism Ward Gem | 150.00 | 215.80 | 299.00 | 9 |
Atenism Ward Jewel | 149.50 | 149.50 | 149.50 | 2 |
Augmented Leather Boots +10 | 500.00 | 3,642.86 | 12,000.00 | 7 |
Augmented Leather Boots +11 | 500.00 | 2,422.22 | 4,500.00 | 9 |
Augmented Leather Boots +12 | 600.00 | 2,790.82 | 5,999.00 | 11 |
Augmented Leather Boots +13 | 900.00 | 3,380.00 | 4,000.00 | 5 |
Augmented Leather Boots +14 | 5,000.00 | 5,000.00 | 5,000.00 | 1 |
Augmented Leather Boots +2 | 122.00 | 296.89 | 450.00 | 28 |
Augmented Leather Boots +3 | 299.00 | 329.25 | 399.00 | 4 |
Augmented Leather Boots +4 | 300.00 | 500.00 | 1,000.00 | 4 |
Augmented Leather Boots +5 | 40.00 | 1,006.67 | 3,500.00 | 6 |
Augmented Leather Boots +6 | 400.00 | 788.68 | 2,499.00 | 31 |
Augmented Leather Boots +7 | 80.00 | 1,646.67 | 6,000.00 | 6 |
Augmented Leather Boots +8 | 900.00 | 900.00 | 900.00 | 1 |
Augmented Leather Boots +9 | 2,000.00 | 2,000.00 | 2,000.00 | 1 |
Augmented Leather Chest Armor +1 | 1,000.00 | 1,000.00 | 1,000.00 | 1 |
Augmented Leather Chest Armor +10 | 3,500.00 | 6,750.00 | 10,000.00 | 2 |
Augmented Leather Chest Armor +11 | 7,000.00 | 9,333.33 | 15,000.00 | 6 |
Augmented Leather Chest Armor +12 | 8,686.00 | 10,228.67 | 12,000.00 | 3 |
Augmented Leather Chest Armor +13 | 7,000.00 | 10,600.00 | 16,000.00 | 5 |
Augmented Leather Chest Armor +14 | 16,000.00 | 16,000.00 | 16,000.00 | 1 |
Augmented Leather Chest Armor +2 | 299.00 | 949.05 | 3,000.00 | 19 |
Augmented Leather Chest Armor +3 | 500.00 | 500.00 | 500.00 | 1 |
Augmented Leather Chest Armor +5 | 600.00 | 600.00 | 600.00 | 1 |
Augmented Leather Chest Armor +6 | 1,000.00 | 3,000.00 | 8,000.00 | 4 |
Augmented Leather Chest Armor +7 | 600.00 | 812.50 | 1,000.00 | 4 |
Augmented Leather Chest Armor +8 | 700.00 | 3,375.00 | 6,000.00 | 4 |
Augmented Leather Chest Armor of Gaiaism +11 | 1,500.00 | 1,500.00 | 1,500.00 | 2 |
Augmented Leather Chest Armor of Necromancy +14 | 15,000.00 | 15,000.00 | 15,000.00 | 1 |
Augmented Leather Chest Armor of Tempestry +4 | 1,235.00 | 1,235.00 | 1,235.00 | 1 |
Augmented Leather Chest Armor of Thaumaturgy +12 | 6,000.00 | 6,000.00 | 6,000.00 | 1 |
Augmented Leather Chest Armor of Thaumaturgy +17 | 17,000.00 | 17,000.00 | 17,000.00 | 1 |
Augmented Leather Chest Armor of Theurgy +18 | 8,000.00 | 8,000.00 | 8,000.00 | 1 |
Augmented Leather Chest Quarter-Armor +11 | 5,000.00 | 8,000.00 | 11,000.00 | 2 |
Augmented Leather Chest Quarter-Armor +19 | 7,500.00 | 7,500.00 | 7,500.00 | 1 |
Augmented Leather Chest Quarter-Armor +4 | 2,000.00 | 2,000.00 | 2,000.00 | 1 |
Augmented Leather Chest Quarter-Armor +5 | 150.00 | 1,466.67 | 4,000.00 | 3 |
Augmented Leather Chest Quarter-Armor +6 | 600.00 | 600.00 | 600.00 | 1 |
Augmented Leather Chest Quarter-Armor +7 | 500.00 | 500.00 | 500.00 | 1 |
Augmented Leather Chest Quarter-Armor of Necromancy +4 | 500.00 | 500.00 | 500.00 | 1 |
Augmented Leather Chest Quarter-Armor of Thaumaturgy +5 | 1,000.00 | 1,000.00 | 1,000.00 | 1 |
Augmented Leather Gloves +10 | 4,000.00 | 8,000.00 | 12,000.00 | 2 |
Augmented Leather Gloves +11 | 800.00 | 4,400.00 | 9,000.00 | 12 |
Augmented Leather Gloves +12 | 4,000.00 | 4,000.00 | 4,000.00 | 1 |
Augmented Leather Gloves +13 | 4,000.00 | 4,000.00 | 4,000.00 | 1 |
Augmented Leather Gloves +14 | 15,000.00 | 15,000.00 | 15,000.00 | 1 |
Augmented Leather Gloves +2 | 99.00 | 285.31 | 347.00 | 26 |
Augmented Leather Gloves +3 | 199.00 | 199.00 | 199.00 | 1 |
Augmented Leather Gloves +4 | 500.00 | 500.00 | 500.00 | 1 |
Augmented Leather Gloves +5 | 20.00 | 1,656.67 | 4,500.00 | 3 |
Augmented Leather Gloves +6 | 400.00 | 633.33 | 1,000.00 | 9 |
Augmented Leather Gloves +7 | 500.00 | 4,100.00 | 11,000.00 | 5 |
Augmented Leather Gloves +8 | 20.00 | 1,140.00 | 4,000.00 | 8 |
Augmented Leather Gloves +9 | 1,200.00 | 2,222.22 | 4,000.00 | 9 |
Augmented Leather Helm +10 | 3,200.00 | 3,200.00 | 3,200.00 | 1 |
Augmented Leather Helm +11 | 4,000.00 | 4,000.00 | 4,000.00 | 1 |
Augmented Leather Helm +12 | 4,000.00 | 6,000.00 | 16,000.00 | 9 |
Augmented Leather Helm +2 | 210.00 | 446.00 | 512.00 | 10 |
Augmented Leather Helm +3 | 390.00 | 444.50 | 499.00 | 2 |
Augmented Leather Helm +4 | 499.00 | 499.00 | 499.00 | 1 |
Augmented Leather Helm +5 | 750.00 | 875.00 | 1,000.00 | 2 |
Augmented Leather Helm +6 | 50.00 | 749.86 | 1,000.00 | 7 |
Augmented Leather Helm +7 | 400.00 | 5,966.67 | 9,500.00 | 3 |
Augmented Leather Helm +8 | 100.00 | 2,033.33 | 3,000.00 | 3 |
Augmented Leather Leggings +10 | 5,000.00 | 5,000.00 | 5,000.00 | 1 |
Augmented Leather Leggings +11 | 2,000.00 | 4,500.00 | 10,000.00 | 8 |
Augmented Leather Leggings +12 | 5,000.00 | 7,900.00 | 15,000.00 | 5 |
Augmented Leather Leggings +13 | 5,000.00 | 6,999.75 | 9,000.00 | 4 |
Augmented Leather Leggings +14 | 5,000.00 | 6,428.57 | 10,000.00 | 7 |
Augmented Leather Leggings +15 | 17,000.00 | 17,000.00 | 17,000.00 | 1 |
Augmented Leather Leggings +16 | 15,000.00 | 15,000.00 | 15,000.00 | 1 |
Augmented Leather Leggings +3 | 62.00 | 571.82 | 789.00 | 34 |
Augmented Leather Leggings +4 | 150.00 | 524.50 | 899.00 | 2 |
Augmented Leather Leggings +5 | 855.00 | 1,018.33 | 1,200.00 | 3 |
Augmented Leather Leggings +6 | 700.00 | 700.00 | 700.00 | 2 |
Augmented Leather Leggings +7 | 1,500.00 | 1,500.00 | 1,500.00 | 2 |
Augmented Leather Leggings +8 | 10,000.00 | 11,000.00 | 12,000.00 | 2 |
Augmented Leather Leggings +9 | 4,000.00 | 6,200.00 | 11,000.00 | 5 |
Automaton Decoration Pet | 37,500.00 | 37,500.00 | 37,500.00 | 1 |
Autumn Fairy Crown | 3,000.00 | 15,285.64 | 39,000.00 | 14 |
Autumn Fairy Dress | 3,000.00 | 15,777.72 | 39,999.00 | 18 |
Autumn Fairy Gloves | 5,000.00 | 17,863.45 | 29,999.00 | 11 |
Autumn Fairy Hands | 3,000.00 | 9,812.50 | 30,000.00 | 8 |
Autumn Fairy Leggings | 5,000.00 | 22,999.80 | 75,000.00 | 15 |
Autumn Fairy Legs | 3,000.00 | 7,333.33 | 12,500.00 | 9 |
Autumn Fairy Wings | 3,000.00 | 20,291.04 | 49,999.00 | 23 |
Autumn Leaf Mask | 12,500.00 | 23,499.80 | 45,000.00 | 5 |
Autumn Leaf Shield | 19,999.00 | 22,499.50 | 30,000.00 | 4 |
Autumn Leaf Trident | 19,999.00 | 24,999.67 | 35,000.00 | 3 |
Aviator Sunglasses | 4,000.00 | 11,599.80 | 19,999.00 | 5 |
Baby Copper Clockwork Dragon Decoration Pet | 11,500.00 | 16,950.00 | 23,000.00 | 10 |
Baby Llama Decoration Pet (Vault Edition) | 150,000.00 | 150,000.00 | 150,000.00 | 1 |
Baby Silver Clockwork Dragon Decoration Pet | 12,000.00 | 26,250.00 | 35,000.00 | 4 |
Bacchanal Belt | 65,000.00 | 167,941.18 | 500,000.00 | 17 |
Back-slung Ornate Lute | 9,000.00 | 12,000.00 | 15,000.00 | 2 |
Backpack | 25.00 | 133.18 | 500.00 | 546 |
Backpack +1 | 20.00 | 201.81 | 800.00 | 200 |
Backpack +10 | 250.00 | 9,044.58 | 30,000.00 | 38 |
Backpack +11 | 900.00 | 9,986.14 | 30,000.00 | 29 |
Backpack +12 | 800.00 | 12,070.15 | 55,000.00 | 26 |
Backpack +13 | 1,500.00 | 12,609.25 | 22,750.00 | 16 |
Backpack +14 | 1,300.00 | 15,414.29 | 60,000.00 | 14 |
Backpack +15 | 17,000.00 | 17,000.00 | 17,000.00 | 1 |
Backpack +16 | 16,000.00 | 17,500.00 | 19,000.00 | 2 |
Backpack +2 | 20.00 | 479.15 | 842.00 | 20 |
Backpack +3 | 125.00 | 517.83 | 1,242.00 | 29 |
Backpack +4 | 250.00 | 1,017.56 | 7,500.00 | 18 |
Backpack +5 | 300.00 | 1,819.47 | 8,500.00 | 15 |
Backpack +6 | 500.00 | 3,400.05 | 15,000.00 | 21 |
Backpack +7 | 250.00 | 4,848.11 | 28,000.00 | 27 |
Backpack +8 | 500.00 | 8,480.29 | 30,000.00 | 28 |
Backpack +9 | 200.00 | 8,759.90 | 19,000.00 | 20 |
Bacon | 1.00 | 30.97 | 79.96 | 416 |
Bag | 100.00 | 112.50 | 125.00 | 2 |
Bag of Luck | 101.00 | 101.00 | 101.00 | 1 |
Bag with Small Hole | 99.00 | 99.00 | 99.00 | 1 |
Bagpipes | 5.00 | 940.76 | 2,500.00 | 75 |
Bait Squid | 8,000.00 | 12,200.00 | 20,000.00 | 5 |
Baked Alligator Gar | 50.00 | 129.07 | 1,250.00 | 208 |
Baked Cod | 2.50 | 35.07 | 100.00 | 553 |
Baked Pacu | 26.00 | 1,179.34 | 2,000.00 | 1,119 |
Baked Pike | 20.00 | 302.51 | 2,000.00 | 193 |
Baked Salmon | 1.47 | 32.44 | 299.00 | 2,585 |
Baked Trout | 2.78 | 26.02 | 99.90 | 1,970 |
Ballad of Bloody Bones - The Servant to Mistress Valdis the Undying | 99.00 | 99.00 | 99.00 | 2 |
Ballet Leotard | 40,000.00 | 40,000.00 | 40,000.00 | 1 |
Ballet Pointe Shoes | 11,000.00 | 11,000.00 | 11,000.00 | 1 |
Banana | 2.00 | 2.57 | 6.67 | 1,698,144 |
Banana Bread | 1.92 | 40.42 | 99.00 | 173 |
Bandit Blade +2 | 60.00 | 153.02 | 1,000.00 | 505 |
Bandit Dagger +2 | 90.00 | 261.06 | 777.00 | 35 |
Bandit Longsword +10 | 4,500.00 | 4,500.00 | 4,500.00 | 1 |
Bandit Longsword +12 | 10,000.00 | 11,000.00 | 12,000.00 | 2 |
Bandit Longsword +13 | 600.00 | 600.00 | 600.00 | 1 |
Bandit Longsword +15 | 19,000.00 | 19,000.00 | 19,000.00 | 1 |
Bandit Longsword +2 | 550.00 | 550.00 | 550.00 | 10 |
Bandit Longsword +8 | 5,750.00 | 5,750.00 | 5,750.00 | 1 |
Bandit Longsword +9 | 4,000.00 | 4,500.00 | 5,500.00 | 3 |
Bandit Longsword Blade | 100.00 | 3,729.26 | 9,666.67 | 30 |
Bandit Longsword of Gaiaism +7 | 1,200.00 | 1,200.00 | 1,200.00 | 1 |
Bandit Longsword of Theurgy +11 | 3,000.00 | 3,000.00 | 3,000.00 | 1 |
Bandit Shortsword +2 | 99.00 | 216.23 | 350.00 | 13 |
Bandit Shortsword Blade | 400.00 | 400.00 | 400.00 | 1 |
Bandit Spear +2 | 99.00 | 179.96 | 500.00 | 24 |
Bandit Spear Head | 9,500.00 | 9,500.00 | 9,500.00 | 2 |
Banker NPC (Male) | 12,999.00 | 12,999.00 | 12,999.00 | 2 |
Banner of Compassion | 3,000.00 | 8,776.82 | 19,999.00 | 22 |
Banner of Courage | 3,500.00 | 10,638.28 | 19,999.00 | 18 |
Banner of Ethos | 3,000.00 | 25,124.75 | 59,999.00 | 4 |
Banner of Honesty | 14,999.00 | 17,499.00 | 19,999.00 | 2 |
Banner of Honor | 3,000.00 | 13,124.50 | 19,999.00 | 4 |
Banner of Humility | 5,000.00 | 11,437.13 | 19,999.00 | 8 |
Banner of Justice | 2,500.00 | 8,931.06 | 19,999.00 | 16 |
Banner of Love | 750.00 | 7,654.04 | 19,999.00 | 23 |
Banner of Sacrifice | 999.00 | 11,014.40 | 25,000.00 | 20 |
Banner of Spirituality | 3,500.00 | 11,999.67 | 19,999.00 | 3 |
Banner of Truth | 999.00 | 8,816.28 | 19,999.00 | 18 |
Banner of Valor | 6,000.00 | 18,749.75 | 40,000.00 | 4 |
Bark Bread | 2.50 | 32.04 | 89.00 | 42 |
Barley | 1.15 | 2.65 | 6.50 | 4,911,511 |
Barley Plant Seed | 2.00 | 16.07 | 20.00 | 5,295 |
Barn Owl Decoration Pet | 24,000.00 | 32,900.00 | 38,500.00 | 5 |
Barn Stall | 75.00 | 1,116.00 | 3,500.00 | 17 |
Barn Two-Story (Village Home) | 299,999.00 | 443,749.75 | 650,000.00 | 8 |
Baron 2 Founder (City Water Home) | 650,000.00 | 650,000.00 | 650,000.00 | 1 |
Baron Benefactor (City Home) | 990,000.00 | 1,146,666.67 | 1,450,000.00 | 3 |
Baron Founder (City Home) | 1,200,000.00 | 1,200,000.00 | 1,200,000.00 | 1 |
Baron Founder (City Water Home) | 550,000.00 | 600,000.00 | 650,000.00 | 4 |
Baron's Cloak +1 | 500,000.00 | 500,000.00 | 500,000.00 | 1 |
Baron's Crown | 900,000.00 | 900,000.00 | 900,000.00 | 1 |
Baron's Talking Mirror | 1,100,000.00 | 1,100,000.00 | 1,100,000.00 | 1 |
Barramundi (Fetid Water Fish) | 33.22 | 33.22 | 33.22 | 9 |
Barrel | 200.00 | 722.73 | 1,000.00 | 11 |
Bartender NPC (Female) | 2,999.00 | 2,999.00 | 2,999.00 | 1 |
Bartender NPC (Male) | 1,999.00 | 2,499.00 | 2,999.00 | 2 |
Basic Black Bishop Chess Piece | 1,000.00 | 1,333.33 | 1,500.00 | 3 |
Basic Black King Chess Piece | 1,450.00 | 1,450.00 | 1,450.00 | 1 |
Basic Black Knight Chess Piece | 1,000.00 | 1,000.00 | 1,000.00 | 1 |
Basic Black Pawn Chess Piece | 1,500.00 | 1,842.86 | 1,900.00 | 7 |
Basic Black Queen Chess Piece | 1,450.00 | 1,450.00 | 1,450.00 | 1 |
Basic White Bishop Chess Piece | 1,900.00 | 1,900.00 | 1,900.00 | 4 |
Basic White King Chess Piece | 1,450.00 | 1,450.00 | 1,450.00 | 1 |
Basic White Pawn Chess Piece | 1,000.00 | 1,750.00 | 1,900.00 | 7 |
Basic White Queen Chess Piece | 1,450.00 | 1,450.00 | 1,450.00 | 1 |
Basket | 1.00 | 268.02 | 650.00 | 61 |
Basket Guard Rapier | 375.00 | 391.67 | 425.00 | 3 |
Basket Guard Rapier +1 | 50.00 | 142.90 | 650.00 | 114 |
Bass | 3.00 | 14.10 | 30.00 | 631 |
Bass (Fish) | 8.25 | 8.63 | 9.00 | 23 |
Bass Fillet | 2.00 | 3.54 | 5.50 | 3,155 |
Bass Fish Mask | 1,000.00 | 4,375.60 | 20,000.00 | 43 |
Bass Trophy | 50.00 | 50.00 | 50.00 | 3 |
Bass with Peppers | 30.00 | 60.06 | 100.00 | 1,365 |
Battle Scythe | 250.00 | 1,286.89 | 6,666.00 | 9 |
Bay Horse Mount | 500.00 | 1,650.57 | 5,000.00 | 72 |
BeDoHave | 189.00 | 189.00 | 189.00 | 1 |
Beach Towel with Crabs | 250.00 | 7,764.29 | 11,000.00 | 7 |
Beach Towel with Fish | 250.00 | 9,549.86 | 19,999.00 | 7 |
Beach Towel with Shells | 250.00 | 7,808.33 | 11,000.00 | 6 |
Beach Towel with Turtles | 250.00 | 9,293.63 | 19,999.00 | 8 |
Beaker | 2.00 | 14.28 | 25.00 | 20 |
Beaker Tongs | 29.00 | 29.00 | 29.00 | 1 |
Bear Carcass | 10.00 | 79.45 | 15,000.00 | 19,194 |
Bear Head | 6.25 | 24.24 | 83.33 | 36,942 |
Bear Headdreass +3 | 310.00 | 310.00 | 310.00 | 1 |
Bear Headdress +10 | 100.00 | 2,615.00 | 8,500.00 | 18 |
Bear Headdress +11 | 500.00 | 4,583.33 | 15,000.00 | 12 |
Bear Headdress +12 | 1,000.00 | 5,748.89 | 35,000.00 | 9 |
Bear Headdress +13 | 250.00 | 5,709.80 | 12,900.00 | 5 |
Bear Headdress +14 | 5,000.00 | 12,000.00 | 17,000.00 | 3 |
Bear Headdress +15 | 6,499.00 | 6,499.00 | 6,499.00 | 1 |
Bear Headdress +16 | 1,500.00 | 4,250.00 | 7,000.00 | 2 |
Bear Headdress +17 | 7,000.00 | 16,750.00 | 20,000.00 | 4 |
Bear Headdress +18 | 15,000.00 | 15,000.00 | 15,000.00 | 3 |
Bear Headdress +2 | 69.00 | 177.03 | 250.00 | 34 |
Bear Headdress +3 | 50.00 | 253.37 | 2,750.00 | 67 |
Bear Headdress +4 | 50.00 | 590.29 | 1,500.00 | 7 |
Bear Headdress +5 | 50.00 | 860.89 | 4,500.00 | 9 |
Bear Headdress +6 | 50.00 | 511.08 | 1,145.00 | 13 |
Bear Headdress +7 | 50.00 | 925.58 | 3,999.00 | 19 |
Bear Headdress +8 | 50.00 | 1,979.86 | 5,000.00 | 14 |
Bear Headdress +9 | 150.00 | 1,654.76 | 8,500.00 | 21 |
Bear Meat | 5.00 | 9.60 | 20.00 | 3,710 |
Bear Steak and Potatoes | 10.00 | 48.45 | 250.00 | 14,672 |
Bear Surprise | 10.00 | 108.06 | 350.00 | 40,315 |
Bed | 100.00 | 823.89 | 1,699.00 | 146 |
Bedroll | 6.00 | 185.33 | 500.00 | 4 |
Beef Potpie | 10.00 | 52.38 | 89.00 | 88 |
Beer Brewing Symbol | 35.00 | 35.29 | 35.57 | 27 |
Beer Cask | 100.00 | 1,104.27 | 3,500.00 | 315 |
Beetle Carapace | 450.00 | 1,176.20 | 2,000.00 | 129,221 |
Bejeweled Elven Statue | 490.00 | 490.00 | 490.00 | 1 |
Bell Tower | 250,000.00 | 272,500.00 | 295,000.00 | 2 |
Belt of Control, Common | 4,999.00 | 29,709.71 | 125,000.00 | 184 |
Belt of Control, Uncommon | 20,000.00 | 30,000.00 | 100,000.00 | 8 |
Belt of Control, Uncommon +1 | 180,000.00 | 180,000.00 | 180,000.00 | 1 |
Belt of Zombie Skin, Common | 1,250.00 | 10,729.52 | 39,500.00 | 86 |
Belt of Zombie Skin, Common (L) | 666.00 | 666.00 | 666.00 | 2 |
Belt of Zombie Skin, Legendary | 249,000.00 | 1,012,250.00 | 1,500,000.00 | 4 |
Belt of Zombie Skin, Legendary +3 | 240,000.00 | 240,000.00 | 240,000.00 | 1 |
Belt of Zombie Skin, Rare | 200,000.00 | 200,000.00 | 200,000.00 | 1 |
Belt of Zombie Skin, Rare +1 | 60,000.00 | 74,500.00 | 89,000.00 | 2 |
Belt of Zombie Skin, Uncommon | 5,000.00 | 37,452.67 | 99,000.00 | 18 |
Belt of Zombie Skin, Uncommon +1 | 23,900.00 | 23,900.00 | 23,900.00 | 1 |
Belt of the Brutal Butcher | 2,000.00 | 6,686.76 | 19,999.00 | 55 |
Belt of the Brutal Butcher, Common | 888.00 | 9,348.67 | 25,000.00 | 9 |
Belt of the Brutal Butcher, Rare | 48,000.00 | 48,000.00 | 48,000.00 | 3 |
Belt of the Brutal Butcher, Uncommon | 4,500.00 | 15,378.41 | 45,000.00 | 75 |
Belt of the Brutal Butcher, Uncommon +4 | 14,900.00 | 14,900.00 | 14,900.00 | 2 |
Belt of the Dedicated, Common | 2,500.00 | 15,625.00 | 40,000.00 | 4 |
Belt of the Dedicated, Uncommon | 10,000.00 | 10,000.00 | 10,000.00 | 1 |
Belt of the Ox | 2,000.00 | 43,384.37 | 85,000.00 | 65 |
Belt of the Ox, Common | 666.00 | 4,975.74 | 25,000.00 | 27 |
Belt of the Ox, Rare | 99,999.00 | 112,499.00 | 124,999.00 | 2 |
Belt of the Ox, Uncommon | 5,000.00 | 31,178.05 | 69,000.00 | 110 |
Belt of the Patient Harvester | 2,000.00 | 5,822.30 | 20,000.00 | 40 |
Belt of the Patient Harvester, Common | 8,000.00 | 8,000.00 | 8,000.00 | 1 |
Belt of the Patient Harvester, Uncommon | 4,999.00 | 14,181.83 | 29,000.00 | 72 |
Belt of the Troll Lord | 7,500.00 | 15,421.38 | 30,000.00 | 56 |
Belt of the Troll Lord +1 | 6,000.00 | 22,757.42 | 59,999.00 | 33 |
Belt of the Troll Lord +2 | 29,000.00 | 29,000.00 | 29,000.00 | 1 |
Belt of the Troll Lord +4 | 37,000.00 | 37,000.00 | 37,000.00 | 1 |
Belt of the Troll Lord, Rare | 56,000.00 | 88,000.00 | 120,000.00 | 2 |
Belt of the Troll Lord, Uncommon | 5,000.00 | 18,430.04 | 32,500.00 | 23 |
Belt of the Troll Lord, Uncommon +1 | 5,000.00 | 22,749.67 | 40,000.00 | 24 |
Belt of the Troll Lord, Uncommon +3 | 21,000.00 | 28,666.67 | 40,000.00 | 3 |
Belt of the Troll Lord, Uncommon +4 | 25,000.00 | 27,000.00 | 29,000.00 | 2 |
Belt of the Troll Lord, Uncommon +5 | 19,800.00 | 19,800.00 | 19,800.00 | 1 |
Belt of the Troll Lord, Uncommon +6 | 29,000.00 | 29,000.00 | 29,000.00 | 1 |
Belt of the Troll Lord, Uncommon +7 | 30,000.00 | 57,799.80 | 99,000.00 | 5 |
Belt of the Troll Lord, Uncommon +8 | 52,000.00 | 87,400.00 | 169,000.00 | 5 |
Belt of the Troll Lord, Uncommon +9 | 149,000.00 | 149,000.00 | 149,000.00 | 1 |
Bench | 6.00 | 446.83 | 1,199.00 | 161 |
Benefactor Citizen Piano | 80,000.00 | 143,166.67 | 179,000.00 | 6 |
Benefactor Crafting Station Reward | 125,000.00 | 125,000.00 | 125,000.00 | 6 |
Benefactor Expert Carpentry Station | 250,000.00 | 250,000.00 | 250,000.00 | 1 |
Benefactor Expert Tailoring Station | 99,999.00 | 99,999.00 | 99,999.00 | 1 |
Benefactor's Cloak | 9,000.00 | 17,524.88 | 24,900.00 | 16 |
Benefactor's Cloth Tunic | 5,000.00 | 9,849.80 | 15,000.00 | 10 |
Benefactor's Plaque | 27,000.00 | 34,250.00 | 50,000.00 | 4 |
Benefactor's Vanduul Polearm | 10,000.00 | 17,884.62 | 40,000.00 | 13 |
Betrothal Band | 7,777.00 | 7,777.00 | 7,777.00 | 2 |
Big Benson's Chest Key | 550.00 | 550.00 | 550.00 | 1 |
Big Knife | 10.00 | 124.27 | 500.00 | 44 |
Bird Cage | 29,995.00 | 29,995.00 | 29,995.00 | 1 |
Black Cat Decoration Pet | 17,999.00 | 18,999.50 | 20,000.00 | 2 |
Black Clockwork Armor Chestpiece | 16,000.00 | 16,000.00 | 16,000.00 | 1 |
Black Clockwork Cat Decoration Pet | 7,500.00 | 8,249.50 | 8,999.00 | 2 |
Black Cutworm | 100.00 | 142.56 | 401.10 | 764 |
Black Cutworm Cupcake | 75.00 | 80.00 | 100.00 | 100 |
Black Dragon Egg | 5,000.00 | 12,250.00 | 25,000.00 | 8 |
Black Dragon Head | 10,000.00 | 136,888.89 | 299,000.00 | 9 |
Black Dragon Skin Rug | 7,500.00 | 17,500.00 | 25,000.00 | 3 |
Black Feather Wings | 50,000.00 | 50,000.00 | 50,000.00 | 1 |
Black Feather Wings +6 | 50,000.00 | 50,000.00 | 50,000.00 | 1 |
Black Ice Bow | 4,000.00 | 9,639.76 | 40,000.00 | 63 |
Black Ice Elemental Statue | 2,500.00 | 12,171.02 | 35,000.00 | 60 |
Black Ice Shield | 2,500.00 | 9,592.80 | 59,000.00 | 46 |
Black Ice Staff | 2,000.00 | 6,329.07 | 19,999.00 | 59 |
Black Ice Sword | 2,000.00 | 8,191.44 | 19,999.00 | 59 |
Black Ice Wand | 2,000.00 | 6,699.94 | 19,999.00 | 62 |
Black Ice Wings | 3,000.00 | 12,825.37 | 49,000.00 | 63 |
Black Ice Wings +13 | 98,000.00 | 98,000.00 | 98,000.00 | 1 |
Black Ice Wings +5 | 49,999.00 | 49,999.00 | 49,999.00 | 1 |
Black Leather Chesterfield Armchair | 35,000.00 | 35,000.00 | 35,000.00 | 1 |
Black Pearl | 3.00 | 4.92 | 6.00 | 115,343 |
Black Reindeer Mount | 275,000.00 | 275,000.00 | 275,000.00 | 1 |
Black Sky Navy Helmet | 2,500.00 | 10,594.34 | 59,999.00 | 92 |
Black Spice Bowl | 42.00 | 121.00 | 200.00 | 2 |
Black Striped Cloth Spool | 1.00 | 113.88 | 200.00 | 18 |
Black Trimmed Pinstripe Tuxedo Jacket | 1,000.00 | 12,801.18 | 49,000.00 | 17 |
Black Trimmed Pinstripe Tuxedo Pants | 1,000.00 | 12,242.35 | 49,000.00 | 17 |
Black Trimmed Pinstripe Tuxedo Shoes | 1,000.00 | 12,007.93 | 49,000.00 | 15 |
Black Trout | 50.00 | 194.00 | 300.00 | 15 |
Black Trout Trophy | 10.00 | 343.04 | 1,000.00 | 26 |
Black Unicorns Creature Painting | 9,999.00 | 14,499.50 | 19,000.00 | 2 |
Black Wyvern Head | 10,000.00 | 10,000.00 | 10,000.00 | 2 |
Black kitty needs loving home | 11,500.00 | 11,500.00 | 11,500.00 | 1 |
Blackbirds | 100,000.00 | 100,000.00 | 100,000.00 | 3 |
Blacksmithing Crafting Chest | 400.00 | 792.84 | 1,100.00 | 19 |
Blacksmithing Station | 500.00 | 2,571.81 | 4,500.00 | 16 |
Blade of the Avatar - Chapter 1: Midras | 10.00 | 22.00 | 42.00 | 5 |
Blade of the Avatar - Chapter 2: Ruin | 10.00 | 20.67 | 42.00 | 3 |
Blade of the Avatar - Prologue: The Destiny Pool | 10.00 | 10.00 | 10.00 | 1 |
Blank Book | 12.00 | 87.32 | 120.00 | 50 |
Blank Bulletin Board Flyer | 1.00 | 34.16 | 500.00 | 92 |
Blank Hospitaller Book | 188.00 | 199.10 | 299.00 | 10 |
Blank Ornate Street Sign | 2,000.00 | 9,944.44 | 12,500.00 | 9 |
Blank Sheet Music | 50.00 | 272.59 | 300.00 | 135 |
Blank Sheet of Paper | 2.00 | 5.73 | 100.00 | 199 |
Blank Valentine's Day 2017 Card | 1,199.00 | 1,199.00 | 1,199.00 | 1 |
Blank Valentine's Day 2019 Card | 2,000.00 | 6,929.33 | 10,000.00 | 3 |
Blank Wooden Street Sign | 100.00 | 456.91 | 1,200.00 | 32 |
Blank Yule Card 2017 | 1,500.00 | 3,666.67 | 5,000.00 | 3 |
Blank Yule Card 2018 | 4,000.00 | 4,666.67 | 8,000.00 | 6 |
Blanket Horse Mount | 566.00 | 1,672.70 | 5,000.00 | 66 |
Bleachers | 25.00 | 1,522.11 | 3,150.00 | 46 |
Blessing or Bane | 99.00 | 99.00 | 99.00 | 1 |
Block of Cheese | 30.00 | 126.84 | 250.00 | 27 |
Blood Leech | 4,500.00 | 9,570.86 | 19,999.00 | 7 |
Blood Leech (Bait) | 1,000.00 | 4,100.64 | 12,500.00 | 109 |
Blood Raven Decoration Pet | 8,500.00 | 11,444.22 | 17,500.00 | 9 |
Blood Raven Reward | 45,000.00 | 45,000.00 | 45,000.00 | 1 |
Bloodstained Treasure Map (#1) | 2,500.00 | 3,437.50 | 10,000.00 | 8 |
Bloodstained Treasure Map (#2) | 2,500.00 | 3,500.00 | 12,000.00 | 17 |
Bloodstained Treasure Map (#3) | 2,500.00 | 4,200.00 | 12,000.00 | 10 |
Bloodstained Treasure Map (#4) | 2,500.00 | 4,388.89 | 12,000.00 | 9 |
Bloodstained Treasure Map (#5) | 2,500.00 | 6,277.78 | 12,000.00 | 9 |
Bloodstained Treasure Map (#6) | 2,500.00 | 2,500.00 | 2,500.00 | 6 |
Bloodstained Treasure Map Revealed (#1) | 12,000.00 | 12,000.00 | 12,000.00 | 1 |
Bloodstained Treasure Map Revealed (#2) | 9,999.00 | 10,999.50 | 12,000.00 | 2 |
Bloodstained Treasure Map Revealed (#4) | 2,999.00 | 7,499.50 | 12,000.00 | 2 |
Bloody Bones' Skull | 200.00 | 19,466.67 | 45,000.00 | 9 |
Blue Cloth Spool | 4.00 | 97.35 | 266.67 | 34 |
Blue Cylinder | 100.00 | 2,033.23 | 12,000.00 | 91 |
Blue Dragon Egg | 10,000.00 | 27,857.14 | 115,000.00 | 7 |
Blue Dragon Head | 15,000.00 | 138,000.00 | 349,000.00 | 3 |
Blue Dragon Mask | 1,500.00 | 3,931.68 | 19,000.00 | 71 |
Blue Dragon Skin Rug | 7,500.00 | 7,500.00 | 7,500.00 | 1 |
Blue Dye | 10.00 | 525.95 | 1,500.00 | 426 |
Blue Electric Katana | 30,000.00 | 34,166.67 | 42,500.00 | 3 |
Blue Electric Sword | 7,500.00 | 19,045.21 | 69,000.00 | 85 |
Blue Female Merchant | 18,500.00 | 18,500.00 | 18,500.00 | 1 |
Blue Glowing Jewel Cube | 10,000.00 | 17,107.07 | 32,500.00 | 14 |
Blue Glowing Mushrooms | 2,000.00 | 9,475.00 | 29,000.00 | 13 |
Blue Male Merchant | 10,000.00 | 10,000.00 | 10,000.00 | 1 |
Blue Marble Hallway Intersection L | 1,000.00 | 4,100.00 | 9,000.00 | 15 |
Blue Marble Hallway Intersection T | 1,000.00 | 3,000.00 | 9,000.00 | 23 |
Blue Marble Hallway Intersection X | 2,000.00 | 5,250.00 | 20,000.00 | 8 |
Blue Marble Indoor Pool | 9,000.00 | 46,333.33 | 85,000.00 | 3 |
Blue Marble Room Two Entrances | 1,000.00 | 13,642.86 | 24,000.00 | 8 |
Blue Marble Straight Hallway | 1,000.00 | 4,533.33 | 12,000.00 | 33 |
Blue Rose | 1.00 | 4.07 | 11.00 | 7,473 |
Blue Rose Bouquet | 25.00 | 109.56 | 399.00 | 50 |
Blue Rose Bouquet +1 | 75.00 | 145.18 | 349.00 | 17 |
Blue Rose Bush Seed | 11.00 | 11.65 | 17.50 | 200 |
Blue Rose Flower Arrangement | 99.00 | 150.52 | 598.00 | 204 |
Blue Stall Awning | 100.00 | 2,413.12 | 4,599.00 | 51 |
Blue Standing Torch | 3,000.00 | 12,916.67 | 21,000.00 | 41 |
Blue Tang | 2,500.00 | 4,236.84 | 15,000.00 | 19 |
Blue Tang (Fish Tank) | 1,000.00 | 3,674.24 | 5,500.00 | 33 |
Blue Tile Roof Four-Story (Row Home) | 99,000.00 | 153,500.00 | 220,000.00 | 4 |
Blue Tile Roof Two-Story (Row Home) | 400,000.00 | 400,000.00 | 400,000.00 | 1 |
Blue Toadstool | 400.00 | 4,693.86 | 10,000.00 | 172 |
Blue Urn with Pink Flowers | 16,000.00 | 17,999.50 | 19,999.00 | 2 |
Blue Urn with White Flowers | 16,000.00 | 16,000.00 | 16,000.00 | 1 |
Blue Wyvern Head | 10,000.00 | 79,997.50 | 149,995.00 | 2 |
Bluefin Tuna | 200.00 | 806.57 | 1,200.00 | 7 |
Bluefin Tuna Trophy | 250.00 | 1,441.85 | 10,000.00 | 13 |
Bluefish (Deco) | 24.40 | 113.55 | 300.00 | 15 |
Blueprint: Ancient Stone Dungeon Hall (Intersection L) | 1,000.00 | 1,000.00 | 1,000.00 | 13 |
Blueprint: Ancient Stone Dungeon Hall (Intersection T) | 9,500.00 | 9,500.00 | 9,500.00 | 1 |
Blueprint: Ancient Stone Dungeon Hall (Intersection X) | 400.00 | 1,450.00 | 2,500.00 | 2 |
Blueprint: Ancient Stone Dungeon Hall (Straight) | 1,000.00 | 7,833.33 | 15,000.00 | 4 |
Blueprint: Dungeon Encounter Room Large Lich (The Fall) | 1,000.00 | 146,000.00 | 199,000.00 | 8 |
Blueprint: Dungeon Encounter Room Small Temple (The Fall) | 1,000.00 | 18,295.44 | 69,000.00 | 51 |
Blueprint: Dungeon Encounter Room Throne Room (The Fall) | 15,000.00 | 161,761.90 | 299,000.00 | 21 |
Blueprint: Green Marble Dungeon Hallway Straight | 250.00 | 250.00 | 250.00 | 3 |
Blueprint: Green Marble Dungeon Hallway X | 750.00 | 750.00 | 750.00 | 1 |
Blueprint: Green Marble Dungeon Room 16x16 2 Entrances | 750.00 | 750.00 | 750.00 | 1 |
Blueprint: Single Connection Stone Dungeon Foyer | 400.00 | 758.33 | 1,500.00 | 12 |
Blueprint: Spawned Stone Dungeon Room (Random Encounter 1) | 3,500.00 | 15,832.97 | 34,999.00 | 37 |
Blueprint: Spawned Stone Dungeon Room (Random Encounter 3) | 2,999.00 | 14,011.95 | 28,500.00 | 42 |
Blueprint: Stone Dungeon Hall (Intersection L) | 100.00 | 416.67 | 1,200.00 | 119 |
Blueprint: Stone Dungeon Hall (Intersection T) | 100.00 | 400.00 | 1,200.00 | 128 |
Blueprint: Stone Dungeon Hall (Intersection V) | 500.00 | 500.00 | 500.00 | 6 |
Blueprint: Stone Dungeon Hall (Intersection X) | 100.00 | 491.67 | 1,200.00 | 99 |
Blueprint: Stone Dungeon Hall (Straight) | 100.00 | 402.69 | 1,200.00 | 47 |
Blueprint: Stone Dungeon Owlshead Sewer | 150,000.00 | 247,200.00 | 499,000.00 | 5 |
Blueprint: Stone Dungeon Room (1x1) | 100.00 | 620.68 | 1,200.00 | 28 |
Blueprint: Stone Dungeon Room (3x3) | 100.00 | 643.33 | 1,500.00 | 73 |
Blueprint: Stone Dungeon Room (Hilt Spider Deco) | 130,000.00 | 130,000.00 | 130,000.00 | 1 |
Blueprint: Stone Dungeon Room (Hilt Spider Room with Spawns) | 130,000.00 | 130,000.00 | 130,000.00 | 3 |
Blueprint: Stone Dungeon Room (Lich Boss) | 100.00 | 118,616.61 | 350,000.00 | 38 |
Blueprint: Stone Dungeon Room (Random Encounter 1) | 2,000.00 | 9,665.45 | 25,000.00 | 127 |
Blueprint: Stone Dungeon Room (Random Encounter 2) | 100.00 | 10,118.85 | 25,000.00 | 120 |
Blueprint: Stone Dungeon Room (Random Encounter 3) | 1,999.00 | 10,662.38 | 48,000.00 | 142 |
Blueprint: Stone Dungeon Room (Spider Encounter) | 18,000.00 | 137,357.14 | 500,000.00 | 28 |
Blueprint: Stone Dungeon Room (Undead Ravensmoor) | 33,000.00 | 185,210.53 | 500,000.00 | 19 |
Blueprint: Stone Dungeon Room - The Rise Library | 2,500.00 | 27,541.12 | 299,000.00 | 128 |
Blueprint: Stone Dungeon Room -The Rise Dog Room | 75,000.00 | 99,250.00 | 169,000.00 | 8 |
Blueprint: Stone Dungeon Room 3x3 2 Entrances | 3,333.33 | 3,333.33 | 3,333.33 | 3 |
Blueprint: Stone Dungeon Rotunda | 20,000.00 | 148,586.21 | 300,000.00 | 29 |
Blueprint: Stone Dungeon Rotunda with Spawns | 30,000.00 | 102,384.62 | 399,000.00 | 13 |
Blueprint: Stone Dungeon Stairs | 100.00 | 437.35 | 1,400.00 | 54 |
Blueprint: The Rise Dog Room | 5,000.00 | 28,857.05 | 169,000.00 | 77 |
Blueprint: The Rise Shaft | 2,000.00 | 80,676.85 | 349,000.00 | 27 |
Blueprint: The Rise Shaft w/Spawns | 9,000.00 | 112,226.77 | 499,000.00 | 22 |
Blueprint: Transition Stone Dungeon to Ancient Stone | 50.00 | 1,171.67 | 1,500.00 | 12 |
Blueprint: Troll Encounter Room | 2,000.00 | 2,000.00 | 2,000.00 | 17 |
Blueprint:Spawned Stone Dungeon Room (Random Encounter 2) | 1,999.00 | 19,474.75 | 89,000.00 | 48 |
Boar Carcass | 10.87 | 29.65 | 150.00 | 3,540 |
Boar Head | 10.00 | 25.31 | 125.00 | 10,426 |
Boar Skin Rug | 100.00 | 788.83 | 3,000.00 | 12 |
Boar Surprise | 49.80 | 140.79 | 199.00 | 470 |
Bodice Bottoms +10 | 55.00 | 55.00 | 55.00 | 2 |
Bodice Bottoms +2 | 55.00 | 418.56 | 1,300.00 | 34 |
Bodice Bottoms +3 | 100.00 | 393.77 | 1,000.00 | 13 |
Bodice Bottoms +4 | 350.00 | 674.50 | 999.00 | 2 |
Bodice Bottoms +5 | 300.00 | 366.67 | 400.00 | 3 |
Bodice Bottoms +6 | 500.00 | 500.00 | 500.00 | 1 |
Bodice Bottoms +7 | 500.00 | 875.00 | 1,000.00 | 4 |
Bodice Top +2 | 75.00 | 454.32 | 750.00 | 31 |
Bodice Top +3 | 195.00 | 524.00 | 900.00 | 12 |
Bodice Top +4 | 400.00 | 400.00 | 400.00 | 1 |
Bodice Top +5 | 900.00 | 925.00 | 1,000.00 | 4 |
Bodice Top +6 | 600.00 | 666.50 | 733.00 | 2 |
Bodice Top +7 | 650.00 | 650.00 | 650.00 | 1 |
Bogman Club | 200.00 | 7,645.18 | 19,999.00 | 11 |
Boiler Glass | 1.00 | 38.30 | 99.00 | 11 |
Bolt of Carapacian Cloth | 250.00 | 3,168.28 | 5,500.00 | 1,550 |
Bolt of Cotton Cloth | 20.00 | 40.95 | 77.50 | 1,370 |
Bolt of Cotton Cloth (Vintage) | 50.00 | 57.14 | 100.00 | 225 |
Bolt of Fustian Cloth | 325.00 | 382.88 | 416.66 | 2,794 |
Bolton Maroon Leather Chesterfield Armchair | 25,000.00 | 26,249.75 | 29,999.00 | 4 |
Bolton Maroon Leather Chesterfield Sofa | 20,000.00 | 27,999.60 | 39,999.00 | 5 |
Bone Boots | 1,500.00 | 1,500.00 | 1,500.00 | 1 |
Bone Boots +1 | 1,000.00 | 1,000.00 | 1,000.00 | 1 |
Bone Boots +10 | 5,900.00 | 5,900.00 | 5,900.00 | 1 |
Bone Boots +5 | 2,000.00 | 3,500.00 | 5,000.00 | 2 |
Bone Boots +7 | 2,000.00 | 2,000.00 | 2,000.00 | 1 |
Bone Broth | 100.00 | 112.50 | 150.00 | 25 |
Bone Chest Armor | 1,000.00 | 1,237.50 | 1,950.00 | 4 |
Bone Chest Armor +6 | 3,500.00 | 3,500.00 | 3,500.00 | 1 |
Bone Chest Armor +8 | 10,000.00 | 10,000.00 | 10,000.00 | 1 |
Bone Chest Armor of Lunaism +13 | 12,000.00 | 12,000.00 | 12,000.00 | 1 |
Bone Chimes of Malrasa | 4,999.00 | 4,999.00 | 4,999.00 | 1 |
Bone Chimes of Obsidian Magus | 1,500.00 | 1,500.00 | 1,500.00 | 2 |
Bone Chimes of S'Mart Sales | 4,999.00 | 4,999.00 | 4,999.00 | 6 |
Bone Chimes of Thorland Ghoulslayer | 4,999.00 | 4,999.00 | 4,999.00 | 1 |
Bone Chimes of Vladamir Begemot | 4,999.00 | 4,999.00 | 4,999.00 | 1 |
Bone Chimes of kenzi | 500.00 | 775.00 | 1,000.00 | 4 |
Bone Gauntlets | 800.00 | 800.00 | 800.00 | 2 |
Bone Gauntlets +10 | 1,000.00 | 1,000.00 | 1,000.00 | 1 |
Bone Gauntlets +11 | 9,999.00 | 9,999.00 | 9,999.00 | 2 |
Bone Gauntlets +2 | 1,000.00 | 1,000.00 | 1,000.00 | 1 |
Bone Gauntlets +4 | 4,500.00 | 9,750.00 | 15,000.00 | 2 |
Bone Gauntlets +5 | 2,500.00 | 3,750.00 | 5,000.00 | 2 |
Bone Gauntlets +6 | 2,828.00 | 3,131.00 | 3,434.00 | 2 |
Bone Gauntlets +7 | 4,646.00 | 4,764.00 | 5,000.00 | 3 |
Bone Gauntlets +8 | 7,900.00 | 7,900.00 | 7,900.00 | 1 |
Bone Helm | 1,750.00 | 1,750.00 | 1,750.00 | 1 |
Bone Helm +13 | 9,900.00 | 9,900.00 | 9,900.00 | 1 |
Bone Helm +6 | 400.00 | 950.00 | 1,500.00 | 2 |
Bone Helm +7 | 1,500.00 | 1,500.00 | 1,500.00 | 1 |
Bone Helm +8 | 6,500.00 | 7,000.00 | 7,500.00 | 3 |
Bone Helm +9 | 1,200.00 | 1,475.00 | 1,750.00 | 2 |
Bone Leggings +8 | 4,000.00 | 5,950.00 | 7,900.00 | 2 |
Bone Plate | 290.00 | 561.20 | 1,000.00 | 945 |
Bonfire | 59,995.00 | 59,995.00 | 59,995.00 | 1 |
Book Crafting Chest | 650.00 | 759.20 | 799.00 | 5 |
Book of Learning, Common | 800.00 | 1,483.21 | 4,000.00 | 75 |
Book of Learning, Legendary | 32,000.00 | 35,199.00 | 40,000.00 | 5 |
Book of Learning, Rare | 9,995.00 | 13,332.67 | 16,000.00 | 9 |
Book of Learning, Uncommon | 1,999.00 | 2,934.97 | 8,999.00 | 97 |
Book of Mighty Weapons | 199.00 | 199.00 | 199.00 | 1 |
Book written by Aartemis | 1.00 | 5,936.45 | 15,000.00 | 11 |
Book written by Alioth | 750.00 | 750.00 | 750.00 | 2 |
Book written by Ami G'Dula | 1.00 | 1.00 | 1.00 | 1 |
Book written by Anpu | 12.00 | 264.00 | 300.00 | 8 |
Book written by Apollo Bladerunner | 500.00 | 2,083.33 | 5,000.00 | 3 |
Book written by Astirian | 12.00 | 426.18 | 750.00 | 73 |
Book written by Astor Cerberus | 4,000.00 | 4,000.00 | 4,000.00 | 2 |
Book written by Azhai | 27.00 | 27.74 | 29.00 | 38 |
Book written by Boris Mondragon | 1,000.00 | 1,000.00 | 1,000.00 | 8 |
Book written by D'Laein Lachlan | 1.00 | 1.00 | 1.00 | 1 |
Book written by Dulayne Movaro | 100,000.00 | 137,500.00 | 250,000.00 | 4 |
Book written by Fenrus MacRath | 1,000.00 | 1,000.00 | 1,000.00 | 1 |
Book written by Goriah Kuulas | 1.00 | 1.00 | 1.00 | 2 |
Book written by Iverka | 199.00 | 199.00 | 199.00 | 15 |
Book written by Johnkirk Bayard | 1.00 | 1.00 | 1.00 | 2 |
Book written by Jynx Maze | 3,000.00 | 3,000.00 | 3,000.00 | 1 |
Book written by Kabalyero Kidd | 10.00 | 49.25 | 100.00 | 55 |
Book written by Kaffius Forgius | 1.00 | 503.67 | 1,500.00 | 3 |
Book written by Kalen | 1.00 | 26.58 | 100.00 | 12 |
Book written by Kat Kalagaz | 1.00 | 8.33 | 12.00 | 45 |
Book written by LordGwyn | 12.00 | 12.00 | 12.00 | 2 |
Book written by Merisia Silvermoon | 300.00 | 300.00 | 300.00 | 3 |
Book written by Olthadir | 750.00 | 833.33 | 1,000.00 | 99 |
Book written by Orion Dhrannis | 25.00 | 25.00 | 25.00 | 2 |
Book written by Robyn Hood | 500.00 | 2,087.21 | 20,000.00 | 172 |
Book written by Scoffer Kada | 200.00 | 273.53 | 1,000.00 | 34 |
Book written by Scooby Doo | 100,000.00 | 329,285.71 | 500,000.00 | 28 |
Book written by Sean Silverfoot | 1.00 | 225.77 | 700.00 | 66 |
Book written by Shimizu | 12.00 | 173.80 | 1,000.00 | 182 |
Book written by Shimizu Kitoku | 100.00 | 162.50 | 200.00 | 8 |
Book written by Sorgin Txakal | 25.00 | 27.83 | 42.00 | 6 |
Book written by Synergy Blaize | 50.00 | 50.00 | 50.00 | 9 |
Book written by Thradia | 12.00 | 12.00 | 12.00 | 1 |
Book written by Valkaryie Nightvoid | 1.00 | 1.00 | 1.00 | 7 |
Book written by Vladamir Begemot | 1.00 | 597.97 | 10,000.00 | 153 |
Book written by Vraska Trueheart | 44.00 | 44.00 | 44.00 | 1 |
Book written by Xak Xarras | 1.00 | 1.00 | 1.00 | 7 |
Book written by Xee | 1,500.00 | 6,625.00 | 10,000.00 | 4 |
Book written by Yolo Solive | 200.00 | 200.00 | 200.00 | 1 |
Book written by flufferizer | 12.00 | 12.00 | 12.00 | 3 |
Book written by shawn | 1.00 | 238.19 | 500.00 | 21 |
Book written by vulcanjedi | 11.00 | 4,008.60 | 9,999.00 | 5 |
Bookcase | 200.00 | 719.15 | 1,799.00 | 13 |
Bookshelf | 5.00 | 423.84 | 1,000.00 | 523 |
Boots of Skulking +3 | 100,000.00 | 100,000.00 | 100,000.00 | 1 |
Boots of the Energetic Tamer, Common | 4,000.00 | 15,158.69 | 79,000.00 | 187 |
Boots of the Energetic Tamer, Uncommon | 16,000.00 | 19,200.00 | 20,000.00 | 5 |
Boots of the Energetic Tamer, Uncommon +1 | 16,000.00 | 16,000.00 | 16,000.00 | 2 |
Boris | 600.00 | 600.00 | 600.00 | 1 |
Bottle | 1.00 | 5.44 | 25.00 | 47 |
Bottle of Elven Wine | 95.00 | 512.57 | 3,500.00 | 367 |
Bottle of Milk | 11.00 | 11.00 | 11.00 | 275 |
Bottle of Wine | 20.00 | 55.86 | 100.00 | 33 |
Bovine Carcass | 15.00 | 15.40 | 30.00 | 566 |
Bovine Meat | 6.00 | 8.04 | 10.00 | 70 |
Bowl of Orange Powder | 49.00 | 49.00 | 49.00 | 1 |
Bowl of Red Powder | 19.00 | 19.00 | 19.00 | 1 |
Box Hay Bale | 4,999.92 | 16,845.22 | 19,999.00 | 24 |
Brace of Lapine | 15.00 | 37.14 | 60.00 | 452 |
Braided Bread Loaf | 0.40 | 15.18 | 25.00 | 18 |
Brass Clockwork Dog Decoration Pet | 8,500.00 | 11,666.67 | 17,500.00 | 3 |
Brass Clockwork Monkey Decoration Pet | 10,000.00 | 18,800.00 | 35,000.00 | 5 |
Brass Clockwork Raven Decoration Pet | 29,999.00 | 29,999.00 | 29,999.00 | 1 |
Brass Mini Automaton Decoration Pet | 12,000.00 | 18,454.09 | 50,000.00 | 22 |
Brass Number 0 | 700.00 | 1,174.50 | 2,000.00 | 4 |
Brass Number 1 | 550.00 | 1,020.18 | 2,500.00 | 29 |
Brass Number 2 | 2,000.00 | 2,000.00 | 2,000.00 | 3 |
Brass Number 3 | 999.00 | 1,666.33 | 2,000.00 | 6 |
Brass Number 4 | 1,500.00 | 1,800.00 | 2,000.00 | 5 |
Brass Number 5 | 700.00 | 1,174.50 | 2,000.00 | 4 |
Brass Number 6 | 700.00 | 1,528.29 | 2,000.00 | 7 |
Brass Number 7 | 700.00 | 1,174.50 | 2,000.00 | 4 |
Brass Number 8 | 700.00 | 1,079.60 | 2,000.00 | 5 |
Brass Number 9 | 700.00 | 1,156.86 | 2,000.00 | 7 |
Brass Runic 'A' | 1,000.00 | 1,454.55 | 2,000.00 | 27 |
Brass Runic 'B' | 2,000.00 | 2,000.00 | 2,000.00 | 3 |
Brass Runic 'C' | 2,000.00 | 2,133.33 | 2,400.00 | 6 |
Brass Runic 'D' | 1,000.00 | 1,454.55 | 2,000.00 | 11 |
Brass Runic 'E' | 1,000.00 | 1,600.00 | 2,400.00 | 18 |
Brass Runic 'F' | 1,000.00 | 1,600.00 | 2,000.00 | 5 |
Brass Runic 'G' | 1,000.00 | 1,571.43 | 2,000.00 | 7 |
Brass Runic 'H' | 2,000.00 | 2,100.00 | 2,400.00 | 4 |
Brass Runic 'I' | 0.02 | 1,637.50 | 2,400.00 | 57 |
Brass Runic 'J' | 1,000.00 | 1,333.33 | 2,000.00 | 6 |
Brass Runic 'K' | 1,000.00 | 1,800.00 | 2,000.00 | 5 |
Brass Runic 'L' | 1,000.00 | 1,625.00 | 2,000.00 | 8 |
Brass Runic 'M' | 2,000.00 | 2,000.00 | 2,000.00 | 5 |
Brass Runic 'N' | 1,000.00 | 1,569.23 | 2,400.00 | 13 |
Brass Runic 'O' | 1,000.00 | 1,800.00 | 2,000.00 | 17 |
Brass Runic 'P' | 2,000.00 | 2,000.00 | 2,000.00 | 5 |
Brass Runic 'Q' | 2,000.00 | 2,000.00 | 2,000.00 | 3 |
Brass Runic 'R' | 1,000.00 | 1,742.86 | 2,400.00 | 14 |
Brass Runic 'S' | 2,000.00 | 2,044.44 | 2,400.00 | 9 |
Brass Runic 'T' | 1,000.00 | 1,272.73 | 2,000.00 | 11 |
Brass Runic 'U' | 1,000.00 | 1,500.00 | 2,000.00 | 8 |
Brass Runic 'V' | 1,000.00 | 1,666.67 | 2,000.00 | 6 |
Brass Runic 'W' | 2,000.00 | 2,000.00 | 2,000.00 | 4 |
Brass Runic 'X' | 2,000.00 | 2,000.00 | 2,000.00 | 6 |
Brass Runic 'Y' | 2,000.00 | 2,000.00 | 2,000.00 | 5 |
Brass Runic 'Z' | 2,000.00 | 2,000.00 | 2,000.00 | 2 |
Brass Runic Period | 2,000.00 | 2,000.00 | 2,000.00 | 5 |
Brass Wall Clock | 15,000.00 | 19,999.67 | 29,999.00 | 3 |
Brazen Swordsman Illustration | 3,300.00 | 7,160.00 | 19,000.00 | 5 |
Bread Loaf | 0.20 | 296.84 | 1,000.00 | 20 |
Breathe Emote Reward | 14,141.00 | 26,047.00 | 32,000.00 | 3 |
Brewery Basement Entrance | 3,800.00 | 4,400.00 | 5,000.00 | 2 |
Brightbone Pass - A Tour Guide | 5.00 | 13.89 | 50.00 | 9 |
Brittany Ale | 2.00 | 23.41 | 100.00 | 409 |
Brittle Bronze Longfall Woods Key | 100.00 | 125.00 | 150.00 | 2 |
Brittle Copper Longfall Woods Key | 20.00 | 245.00 | 1,000.00 | 7 |
Brittle Miner's Key | 250.00 | 474.88 | 899.00 | 8 |
Brittle Panopticon Cell Key | 10.00 | 10.00 | 10.00 | 10 |
Brittle Tin South Broken Road Ruins Key | 175.00 | 175.00 | 175.00 | 1 |
Broad Hand Axe | 200.00 | 266.67 | 300.00 | 3 |
Broadcast Automated Phonograph | 30,000.00 | 53,000.00 | 80,000.00 | 3 |
Broiled Mackerel | 2.78 | 134.55 | 1,000.00 | 424 |
Broken Echoes Silver Mine Key | 20.00 | 109.53 | 500.00 | 19 |
Broken Skeleton | 2,500.00 | 20,899.60 | 34,999.00 | 5 |
Bronze Ancient Bastard Sword +13 | 11,000.00 | 11,000.00 | 11,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Ancient Bastard Sword +15 | 11,000.00 | 11,000.00 | 11,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Arabella's Leather Boots +11 | 8,900.00 | 9,449.50 | 9,999.00 | 2 |
Bronze Arabella's Leather Gloves +9 | 8,900.00 | 8,900.00 | 8,900.00 | 1 |
Bronze Arabella's Leather Leg Armor +9 | 8,900.00 | 8,900.00 | 8,900.00 | 1 |
Bronze Assassin's Boots +10 | 10,000.00 | 10,000.00 | 10,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Assassin's Bracers +9 | 7,000.00 | 7,000.00 | 7,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Augmented Chainmail Boots +10 | 800.00 | 8,279.90 | 18,000.00 | 10 |
Bronze Augmented Chainmail Boots +11 | 800.00 | 10,430.00 | 18,500.00 | 10 |
Bronze Augmented Chainmail Boots +12 | 9,599.00 | 12,649.75 | 18,500.00 | 4 |
Bronze Augmented Chainmail Boots +14 | 20,000.00 | 20,000.00 | 20,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Augmented Chainmail Boots +2 | 1,250.00 | 2,708.33 | 3,000.00 | 6 |
Bronze Augmented Chainmail Boots +4 | 500.00 | 1,331.67 | 1,995.00 | 3 |
Bronze Augmented Chainmail Boots +5 | 2,500.00 | 2,500.00 | 2,500.00 | 1 |
Bronze Augmented Chainmail Boots +6 | 500.00 | 1,136.36 | 4,500.00 | 11 |
Bronze Augmented Chainmail Boots +7 | 750.00 | 10,812.50 | 18,000.00 | 4 |
Bronze Augmented Chainmail Boots +8 | 450.00 | 8,718.75 | 17,000.00 | 16 |
Bronze Augmented Chainmail Boots +9 | 500.00 | 9,047.50 | 22,500.00 | 8 |
Bronze Augmented Chainmail Chest Armor +10 | 3,000.00 | 26,208.33 | 40,000.00 | 12 |
Bronze Augmented Chainmail Chest Armor +11 | 5,000.00 | 14,062.50 | 28,500.00 | 8 |
Bronze Augmented Chainmail Chest Armor +12 | 8,000.00 | 25,333.33 | 48,000.00 | 3 |
Bronze Augmented Chainmail Chest Armor +13 | 8,000.00 | 28,642.86 | 40,000.00 | 7 |
Bronze Augmented Chainmail Chest Armor +14 | 1,400.00 | 19,600.00 | 35,000.00 | 4 |
Bronze Augmented Chainmail Chest Armor +15 | 22,500.00 | 37,500.00 | 50,000.00 | 3 |
Bronze Augmented Chainmail Chest Armor +16 | 48,000.00 | 49,000.00 | 50,000.00 | 2 |
Bronze Augmented Chainmail Chest Armor +3 | 2,500.00 | 4,500.00 | 6,500.00 | 2 |
Bronze Augmented Chainmail Chest Armor +6 | 925.00 | 925.00 | 925.00 | 4 |
Bronze Augmented Chainmail Chest Armor +7 | 5,000.00 | 8,333.33 | 15,000.00 | 3 |
Bronze Augmented Chainmail Chest Armor +8 | 25,000.00 | 25,000.00 | 25,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Augmented Chainmail Chest Armor +9 | 2,999.00 | 10,874.75 | 25,000.00 | 4 |
Bronze Augmented Chainmail Chest Armor of Atenism +14 | 4,500.00 | 4,500.00 | 4,500.00 | 1 |
Bronze Augmented Chainmail Chest Armor of Gaiaism +11 | 12,000.00 | 13,500.00 | 15,000.00 | 2 |
Bronze Augmented Chainmail Chest Armor of Gaiaism +12 | 22,500.00 | 23,750.00 | 25,000.00 | 2 |
Bronze Augmented Chainmail Chest Armor of Gaiaism +13 | 30,000.00 | 30,000.00 | 30,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Augmented Chainmail Chest Armor of Gaiaism +14 | 500.00 | 12,750.00 | 25,000.00 | 2 |
Bronze Augmented Chainmail Chest Armor of Gaiaism +15 | 10,000.00 | 30,000.00 | 60,000.00 | 6 |
Bronze Augmented Chainmail Chest Armor of Gaiaism +16 | 5,000.00 | 23,333.33 | 50,000.00 | 3 |
Bronze Augmented Chainmail Chest Armor of Gaiaism +17 | 30,000.00 | 40,000.00 | 50,000.00 | 2 |
Bronze Augmented Chainmail Chest Armor of Gaiaism +19 | 75,000.00 | 75,000.00 | 75,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Augmented Chainmail Chest Armor of Gaiaism +21 | 75,000.00 | 75,000.00 | 75,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Augmented Chainmail Chest Armor of Gaiaism +4 | 500.00 | 500.00 | 500.00 | 1 |
Bronze Augmented Chainmail Chest Armor of Gaiaism +6 | 999.00 | 999.00 | 999.00 | 1 |
Bronze Augmented Chainmail Chest Armor of Gaiaism +8 | 1,000.00 | 1,000.00 | 1,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Augmented Chainmail Chest Armor of Gaiaism +9 | 1,200.00 | 5,733.33 | 9,000.00 | 3 |
Bronze Augmented Chainmail Chest Armor of Sorcery +14 | 3,500.00 | 3,500.00 | 3,500.00 | 1 |
Bronze Augmented Chainmail Chest Armor of Tempestry +14 | 30,000.00 | 30,000.00 | 30,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Augmented Chainmail Chest Armor of Tempestry +17 | 30,000.00 | 30,000.00 | 30,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Augmented Chainmail Chest Armor of Thaumaturgy +13 | 4,500.00 | 7,250.00 | 10,000.00 | 2 |
Bronze Augmented Chainmail Chest Armor of Thaumaturgy +15 | 7,000.00 | 14,500.00 | 22,000.00 | 2 |
Bronze Augmented Chainmail Chest Quarter-Armor +8 | 1,542.00 | 1,542.00 | 1,542.00 | 1 |
Bronze Augmented Chainmail Gloves +10 | 750.00 | 10,708.17 | 16,500.00 | 6 |
Bronze Augmented Chainmail Gloves +11 | 2,500.00 | 16,250.00 | 25,000.00 | 8 |
Bronze Augmented Chainmail Gloves +12 | 2,500.00 | 11,000.00 | 17,500.00 | 3 |
Bronze Augmented Chainmail Gloves +13 | 12,000.00 | 18,500.00 | 25,000.00 | 2 |
Bronze Augmented Chainmail Gloves +14 | 24,500.00 | 27,250.00 | 30,000.00 | 2 |
Bronze Augmented Chainmail Gloves +15 | 1,000.00 | 4,500.00 | 8,000.00 | 2 |
Bronze Augmented Chainmail Gloves +2 | 1,250.00 | 1,250.00 | 1,250.00 | 1 |
Bronze Augmented Chainmail Gloves +4 | 700.00 | 800.00 | 1,000.00 | 3 |
Bronze Augmented Chainmail Gloves +5 | 300.00 | 774.75 | 1,499.00 | 4 |
Bronze Augmented Chainmail Gloves +6 | 1,600.00 | 1,600.00 | 1,600.00 | 1 |
Bronze Augmented Chainmail Gloves +7 | 700.00 | 2,842.86 | 8,500.00 | 7 |
Bronze Augmented Chainmail Gloves +8 | 450.00 | 6,340.73 | 17,000.00 | 11 |
Bronze Augmented Chainmail Gloves +9 | 780.00 | 9,084.92 | 26,000.00 | 12 |
Bronze Augmented Chainmail Helm +10 | 1,100.00 | 9,842.71 | 18,500.00 | 7 |
Bronze Augmented Chainmail Helm +11 | 350.00 | 8,213.36 | 16,500.00 | 11 |
Bronze Augmented Chainmail Helm +12 | 10,000.00 | 16,833.33 | 25,000.00 | 6 |
Bronze Augmented Chainmail Helm +13 | 3,500.00 | 15,142.86 | 22,500.00 | 7 |
Bronze Augmented Chainmail Helm +14 | 999.00 | 15,099.80 | 25,000.00 | 5 |
Bronze Augmented Chainmail Helm +15 | 15,000.00 | 20,000.00 | 25,000.00 | 2 |
Bronze Augmented Chainmail Helm +16 | 30,000.00 | 30,000.00 | 30,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Augmented Chainmail Helm +3 | 788.00 | 1,769.00 | 2,750.00 | 2 |
Bronze Augmented Chainmail Helm +4 | 500.00 | 700.00 | 900.00 | 2 |
Bronze Augmented Chainmail Helm +5 | 110.00 | 180.00 | 250.00 | 2 |
Bronze Augmented Chainmail Helm +6 | 3,499.00 | 4,249.50 | 5,000.00 | 2 |
Bronze Augmented Chainmail Helm +7 | 1,500.00 | 2,250.00 | 3,000.00 | 2 |
Bronze Augmented Chainmail Helm +8 | 800.00 | 5,926.78 | 12,000.00 | 9 |
Bronze Augmented Chainmail Helm +9 | 900.00 | 2,949.75 | 5,000.00 | 4 |
Bronze Augmented Chainmail Leggings +10 | 2,500.00 | 17,332.07 | 33,000.00 | 14 |
Bronze Augmented Chainmail Leggings +11 | 950.00 | 22,370.83 | 52,500.00 | 12 |
Bronze Augmented Chainmail Leggings +12 | 3,500.00 | 24,312.50 | 50,000.00 | 16 |
Bronze Augmented Chainmail Leggings +13 | 3,000.00 | 18,583.33 | 50,000.00 | 6 |
Bronze Augmented Chainmail Leggings +14 | 6,000.00 | 25,400.00 | 55,000.00 | 5 |
Bronze Augmented Chainmail Leggings +15 | 8,000.00 | 29,000.00 | 50,000.00 | 2 |
Bronze Augmented Chainmail Leggings +16 | 5,000.00 | 20,000.00 | 35,000.00 | 2 |
Bronze Augmented Chainmail Leggings +17 | 30,000.00 | 40,000.00 | 50,000.00 | 2 |
Bronze Augmented Chainmail Leggings +18 | 35,000.00 | 35,000.00 | 35,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Augmented Chainmail Leggings +3 | 3,750.00 | 3,750.00 | 3,750.00 | 1 |
Bronze Augmented Chainmail Leggings +5 | 120.00 | 1,557.50 | 2,995.00 | 2 |
Bronze Augmented Chainmail Leggings +6 | 999.00 | 999.00 | 999.00 | 1 |
Bronze Augmented Chainmail Leggings +7 | 1,500.00 | 5,249.50 | 8,999.00 | 2 |
Bronze Augmented Chainmail Leggings +8 | 7,000.00 | 14,900.00 | 23,000.00 | 5 |
Bronze Augmented Chainmail Leggings +9 | 5,199.00 | 12,171.29 | 22,500.00 | 7 |
Bronze Augmented Plate Boots +11 | 3,000.00 | 3,000.00 | 3,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Augmented Plate Boots +4 | 1,100.00 | 1,100.00 | 1,100.00 | 1 |
Bronze Augmented Plate Boots +5 | 550.00 | 1,525.00 | 2,500.00 | 2 |
Bronze Augmented Plate Boots +6 | 1,000.00 | 2,350.00 | 3,700.00 | 2 |
Bronze Augmented Plate Boots +8 | 1,000.00 | 8,000.00 | 13,000.00 | 3 |
Bronze Augmented Plate Boots +9 | 5,000.00 | 5,000.00 | 5,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Augmented Plate Chest Armor +10 | 4,000.00 | 4,000.00 | 4,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Augmented Plate Chest Armor +13 | 8,000.00 | 24,000.00 | 40,000.00 | 2 |
Bronze Augmented Plate Chest Armor +14 | 55,000.00 | 55,000.00 | 55,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Augmented Plate Chest Armor +15 | 50,000.00 | 50,000.00 | 50,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Augmented Plate Chest Armor +16 | 50,000.00 | 50,000.00 | 50,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Augmented Plate Chest Armor +19 | 60,000.00 | 60,000.00 | 60,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Augmented Plate Chest Armor +8 | 900.00 | 900.00 | 900.00 | 1 |
Bronze Augmented Plate Chest Armor +9 | 12,600.00 | 16,733.33 | 25,000.00 | 3 |
Bronze Augmented Plate Chest Armor of Atenism +15 | 14,900.00 | 14,900.00 | 14,900.00 | 1 |
Bronze Augmented Plate Chest Armor of Gaiaism +14 | 7,900.00 | 7,900.00 | 7,900.00 | 1 |
Bronze Augmented Plate Chest Armor of Gaiaism +15 | 67,500.00 | 67,500.00 | 67,500.00 | 1 |
Bronze Augmented Plate Chest Armor of Gaiaism +16 | 50,000.00 | 50,000.00 | 50,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Augmented Plate Chest Armor of Gaiaism +17 | 35,000.00 | 47,500.00 | 60,000.00 | 2 |
Bronze Augmented Plate Chest Armor of Gaiaism +18 | 30,000.00 | 30,000.00 | 30,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Augmented Plate Chest Armor of Gaiaism +9 | 26,500.00 | 26,500.00 | 26,500.00 | 1 |
Bronze Augmented Plate Chest Armor of Lunaism +16 | 15,000.00 | 15,000.00 | 15,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Augmented Plate Chest Armor of Thaumaturgy +14 | 4,900.00 | 4,900.00 | 4,900.00 | 2 |
Bronze Augmented Plate Chest Armor of Thaumaturgy +15 | 20,000.00 | 20,000.00 | 20,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Augmented Plate Chest Armor of Thaumaturgy +17 | 25,000.00 | 25,000.00 | 25,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Augmented Plate Chest Quarter-Armor +14 | 900.00 | 900.00 | 900.00 | 1 |
Bronze Augmented Plate Gauntlets +10 | 28,500.00 | 29,000.00 | 29,500.00 | 2 |
Bronze Augmented Plate Gauntlets +11 | 1,100.00 | 7,150.00 | 17,500.00 | 4 |
Bronze Augmented Plate Gauntlets +14 | 11,000.00 | 11,000.00 | 11,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Augmented Plate Gauntlets +4 | 250.00 | 1,975.00 | 3,700.00 | 2 |
Bronze Augmented Plate Gauntlets +6 | 1,000.00 | 2,999.50 | 4,999.00 | 2 |
Bronze Augmented Plate Gauntlets +7 | 1,000.00 | 1,050.00 | 1,100.00 | 2 |
Bronze Augmented Plate Gauntlets +9 | 550.00 | 12,137.25 | 19,999.00 | 4 |
Bronze Augmented Plate Helm +10 | 300.00 | 2,650.00 | 5,000.00 | 2 |
Bronze Augmented Plate Helm +8 | 13,500.00 | 13,500.00 | 13,500.00 | 1 |
Bronze Augmented Plate Helm +9 | 3,000.00 | 6,300.00 | 11,000.00 | 3 |
Bronze Augmented Plate Leggings +10 | 17,500.00 | 17,500.00 | 17,500.00 | 1 |
Bronze Augmented Plate Leggings +11 | 700.00 | 30,066.67 | 50,000.00 | 3 |
Bronze Augmented Plate Leggings +12 | 45,000.00 | 45,000.00 | 45,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Augmented Plate Leggings +13 | 6,000.00 | 6,000.00 | 6,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Augmented Plate Leggings +5 | 1,600.00 | 1,600.00 | 1,600.00 | 1 |
Bronze Augmented Plate Leggings +6 | 23,500.00 | 23,500.00 | 23,500.00 | 1 |
Bronze Augmented Plate Leggings +8 | 5,000.00 | 9,049.75 | 14,999.00 | 4 |
Bronze Augmented Plate Leggings +9 | 4,000.00 | 16,250.00 | 37,500.00 | 4 |
Bronze Basket Guard Rapier +12 | 10,000.00 | 10,000.00 | 10,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Binding | 100.00 | 316.01 | 700.00 | 1,006 |
Bronze Bone Boots +1 | 1,500.00 | 1,549.95 | 2,000.00 | 20 |
Bronze Bone Boots +10 | 68.00 | 22,229.78 | 48,000.00 | 9 |
Bronze Bone Boots +11 | 5,500.00 | 29,937.50 | 90,000.00 | 8 |
Bronze Bone Boots +12 | 5,000.00 | 19,799.90 | 28,999.00 | 10 |
Bronze Bone Boots +13 | 1,200.00 | 28,400.00 | 55,000.00 | 3 |
Bronze Bone Boots +14 | 20,000.00 | 41,928.57 | 95,000.00 | 7 |
Bronze Bone Boots +15 | 2,000.00 | 38,750.00 | 75,000.00 | 4 |
Bronze Bone Boots +2 | 2,200.00 | 2,200.00 | 2,200.00 | 1 |
Bronze Bone Boots +4 | 2,500.00 | 5,166.67 | 10,500.00 | 3 |
Bronze Bone Boots +5 | 500.00 | 8,400.00 | 18,500.00 | 6 |
Bronze Bone Boots +6 | 3,000.00 | 7,200.00 | 15,000.00 | 5 |
Bronze Bone Boots +7 | 4,500.00 | 14,715.81 | 24,000.00 | 16 |
Bronze Bone Boots +8 | 500.00 | 14,228.94 | 30,000.00 | 16 |
Bronze Bone Boots +9 | 8,900.00 | 19,526.60 | 40,000.00 | 15 |
Bronze Bone Chest Armor | 3,400.00 | 3,400.00 | 3,400.00 | 1 |
Bronze Bone Chest Armor +1 | 1,000.00 | 1,000.00 | 1,000.00 | 36 |
Bronze Bone Chest Armor +10 | 4,500.00 | 29,696.43 | 74,000.00 | 28 |
Bronze Bone Chest Armor +11 | 10,000.00 | 23,141.91 | 50,000.00 | 11 |
Bronze Bone Chest Armor +12 | 10,000.00 | 50,526.26 | 125,000.00 | 19 |
Bronze Bone Chest Armor +13 | 12,900.00 | 40,737.50 | 70,000.00 | 8 |
Bronze Bone Chest Armor +14 | 13,900.00 | 33,980.00 | 58,000.00 | 5 |
Bronze Bone Chest Armor +15 | 50,000.00 | 50,000.00 | 50,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Bone Chest Armor +16 | 50,000.00 | 74,500.00 | 99,000.00 | 2 |
Bronze Bone Chest Armor +2 | 2,000.00 | 2,000.00 | 2,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Bone Chest Armor +3 | 1,000.00 | 2,000.00 | 3,000.00 | 2 |
Bronze Bone Chest Armor +5 | 2,000.00 | 11,450.00 | 30,000.00 | 4 |
Bronze Bone Chest Armor +6 | 3,000.00 | 7,141.00 | 14,500.00 | 10 |
Bronze Bone Chest Armor +7 | 1,500.00 | 14,944.44 | 55,000.00 | 9 |
Bronze Bone Chest Armor +8 | 7,900.00 | 30,150.00 | 60,000.00 | 16 |
Bronze Bone Chest Armor +9 | 4,500.00 | 31,506.17 | 79,000.00 | 18 |
Bronze Bone Chest Armor of Atenism +11 | 12,000.00 | 12,000.00 | 12,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Bone Chest Armor of Gaiaism +10 | 32,999.00 | 34,333.00 | 35,000.00 | 3 |
Bronze Bone Chest Armor of Gaiaism +11 | 40,000.00 | 40,000.00 | 40,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Bone Chest Armor of Gaiaism +12 | 18,500.00 | 29,250.00 | 40,000.00 | 2 |
Bronze Bone Chest Armor of Gaiaism +13 | 41,000.00 | 46,666.67 | 54,000.00 | 3 |
Bronze Bone Chest Armor of Gaiaism +14 | 25,000.00 | 25,000.00 | 25,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Bone Chest Armor of Gaiaism +15 | 24,000.00 | 29,666.67 | 39,000.00 | 3 |
Bronze Bone Chest Armor of Gaiaism +17 | 25,000.00 | 25,000.00 | 25,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Bone Chest Armor of Lunaism +13 | 30,000.00 | 30,000.00 | 30,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Bone Chest Armor of Lunaism +14 | 38,000.00 | 38,000.00 | 38,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Bone Chest Armor of Necromancy +10 | 1,000.00 | 1,000.00 | 1,000.00 | 2 |
Bronze Bone Chest Armor of Necromancy +11 | 17,500.00 | 24,125.00 | 30,000.00 | 4 |
Bronze Bone Chest Armor of Necromancy +12 | 12,500.00 | 12,500.00 | 12,500.00 | 1 |
Bronze Bone Chest Armor of Necromancy +13 | 52,999.00 | 52,999.00 | 52,999.00 | 1 |
Bronze Bone Chest Armor of Necromancy +14 | 26,000.00 | 26,000.00 | 26,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Bone Chest Armor of Necromancy +15 | 35,000.00 | 35,000.00 | 35,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Bone Chest Armor of Necromancy +16 | 115,000.00 | 115,000.00 | 115,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Bone Chest Armor of Necromancy +7 | 48,000.00 | 48,000.00 | 48,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Bone Chest Armor of Necromancy +9 | 24,000.00 | 24,000.00 | 24,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Bone Chest Armor of Sorcery +14 | 35,000.00 | 35,000.00 | 35,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Bone Chest Armor of Sorcery +9 | 7,000.00 | 7,000.00 | 7,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Bone Chest Armor of Sorcery Warding +16 | 40,000.00 | 40,000.00 | 40,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Bone Chest Armor of Sorcery Warding +8 | 12,000.00 | 12,000.00 | 12,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Bone Chest Armor of Sorcery Warding +9 | 10,000.00 | 10,000.00 | 10,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Bone Chest Armor of Tempestry +10 | 39,000.00 | 39,000.00 | 39,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Bone Chest Armor of Tempestry +13 | 12,900.00 | 34,450.00 | 56,000.00 | 2 |
Bronze Bone Chest Armor of Tempestry +8 | 38,999.00 | 43,499.50 | 48,000.00 | 2 |
Bronze Bone Chest Armor of Theurgy +10 | 23,500.00 | 23,500.00 | 23,500.00 | 1 |
Bronze Bone Chest Armor of Theurgy +8 | 13,500.00 | 13,500.00 | 13,500.00 | 1 |
Bronze Bone Chest Armor of Theurgy +9 | 26,000.00 | 34,250.00 | 42,500.00 | 2 |
Bronze Bone Gauntlets +1 | 3,500.00 | 9,350.00 | 10,000.00 | 20 |
Bronze Bone Gauntlets +10 | 16,000.00 | 36,307.69 | 89,500.00 | 13 |
Bronze Bone Gauntlets +11 | 20,000.00 | 40,700.00 | 55,000.00 | 5 |
Bronze Bone Gauntlets +12 | 49,000.00 | 49,000.00 | 49,000.00 | 2 |
Bronze Bone Gauntlets +13 | 11,000.00 | 55,000.00 | 110,000.00 | 4 |
Bronze Bone Gauntlets +14 | 125,000.00 | 125,000.00 | 125,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Bone Gauntlets +15 | 45,000.00 | 45,000.00 | 45,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Bone Gauntlets +2 | 1,000.00 | 1,000.00 | 1,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Bone Gauntlets +4 | 3,500.00 | 3,500.00 | 3,500.00 | 1 |
Bronze Bone Gauntlets +5 | 22,000.00 | 25,333.33 | 29,000.00 | 3 |
Bronze Bone Gauntlets +6 | 1,000.00 | 15,750.00 | 25,000.00 | 4 |
Bronze Bone Gauntlets +7 | 4,500.00 | 26,750.00 | 47,500.00 | 10 |
Bronze Bone Gauntlets +8 | 11,000.00 | 33,476.19 | 59,500.00 | 21 |
Bronze Bone Gauntlets +9 | 22,500.00 | 40,916.67 | 77,500.00 | 12 |
Bronze Bone Helm | 999.00 | 999.00 | 999.00 | 1 |
Bronze Bone Helm +1 | 500.00 | 3,633.33 | 6,500.00 | 3 |
Bronze Bone Helm +10 | 1,100.00 | 19,131.58 | 40,000.00 | 19 |
Bronze Bone Helm +11 | 5,900.00 | 21,521.81 | 45,000.00 | 16 |
Bronze Bone Helm +12 | 11,000.00 | 18,983.17 | 26,500.00 | 6 |
Bronze Bone Helm +13 | 18,000.00 | 30,863.64 | 79,000.00 | 11 |
Bronze Bone Helm +14 | 30,000.00 | 33,333.33 | 40,000.00 | 3 |
Bronze Bone Helm +15 | 26,500.00 | 26,500.00 | 26,500.00 | 1 |
Bronze Bone Helm +2 | 1,100.00 | 1,100.00 | 1,100.00 | 1 |
Bronze Bone Helm +3 | 4,000.00 | 4,000.00 | 4,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Bone Helm +4 | 1,000.00 | 1,000.00 | 1,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Bone Helm +5 | 2,000.00 | 7,357.14 | 18,500.00 | 7 |
Bronze Bone Helm +6 | 3,838.00 | 14,967.60 | 25,000.00 | 5 |
Bronze Bone Helm +7 | 3,838.00 | 13,485.08 | 25,000.00 | 12 |
Bronze Bone Helm +8 | 700.00 | 14,918.05 | 32,500.00 | 22 |
Bronze Bone Helm +9 | 4,343.00 | 16,118.48 | 35,000.00 | 29 |
Bronze Bone Leggings +10 | 10,000.00 | 31,461.54 | 55,000.00 | 13 |
Bronze Bone Leggings +11 | 1,000.00 | 38,277.67 | 97,500.00 | 18 |
Bronze Bone Leggings +12 | 500.00 | 51,781.25 | 80,000.00 | 16 |
Bronze Bone Leggings +13 | 29,000.00 | 49,833.33 | 90,000.00 | 12 |
Bronze Bone Leggings +14 | 1,500.00 | 36,083.33 | 65,000.00 | 6 |
Bronze Bone Leggings +15 | 150,000.00 | 175,000.00 | 200,000.00 | 2 |
Bronze Bone Leggings +16 | 30,000.00 | 49,500.00 | 69,000.00 | 2 |
Bronze Bone Leggings +3 | 5,000.00 | 5,000.00 | 5,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Bone Leggings +4 | 10,000.00 | 10,000.00 | 10,000.00 | 2 |
Bronze Bone Leggings +5 | 500.00 | 14,250.00 | 28,000.00 | 2 |
Bronze Bone Leggings +6 | 5,000.00 | 28,416.67 | 75,000.00 | 6 |
Bronze Bone Leggings +7 | 6,900.00 | 33,575.00 | 79,500.00 | 12 |
Bronze Bone Leggings +8 | 8,686.00 | 33,698.73 | 70,000.00 | 11 |
Bronze Bone Leggings +9 | 500.00 | 34,421.65 | 135,000.00 | 23 |
Bronze Bucket Helmet +10 | 8,500.00 | 8,500.00 | 8,500.00 | 1 |
Bronze Bucket Helmet +3 | 1,250.00 | 1,250.00 | 1,250.00 | 1 |
Bronze Chainmail Boots +11 | 5,900.00 | 5,900.00 | 5,900.00 | 1 |
Bronze Chainmail Boots +2 | 425.00 | 462.50 | 500.00 | 2 |
Bronze Chainmail Boots +3 | 500.00 | 700.00 | 900.00 | 2 |
Bronze Chainmail Boots +4 | 1,000.00 | 1,000.00 | 1,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Chainmail Boots +5 | 80.00 | 1,026.67 | 1,500.00 | 3 |
Bronze Chainmail Boots +6 | 80.00 | 80.00 | 80.00 | 1 |
Bronze Chainmail Boots +8 | 2,000.00 | 2,000.00 | 2,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Chainmail Boots +9 | 1,000.00 | 7,500.00 | 14,000.00 | 2 |
Bronze Chainmail Chest Armor +10 | 225.00 | 16,384.09 | 39,500.00 | 11 |
Bronze Chainmail Chest Armor +11 | 11,000.00 | 23,100.00 | 35,000.00 | 10 |
Bronze Chainmail Chest Armor +12 | 35,000.00 | 35,000.00 | 35,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Chainmail Chest Armor +13 | 35,000.00 | 43,750.00 | 65,000.00 | 4 |
Bronze Chainmail Chest Armor +2 | 5,599.00 | 13,433.17 | 15,000.00 | 6 |
Bronze Chainmail Chest Armor +4 | 1,500.00 | 1,500.00 | 1,500.00 | 2 |
Bronze Chainmail Chest Armor +5 | 225.00 | 1,075.00 | 1,500.00 | 3 |
Bronze Chainmail Chest Armor +6 | 225.00 | 1,275.00 | 1,500.00 | 7 |
Bronze Chainmail Chest Armor +7 | 1,500.00 | 8,625.00 | 13,000.00 | 4 |
Bronze Chainmail Chest Armor +8 | 225.00 | 12,408.33 | 25,000.00 | 3 |
Bronze Chainmail Chest Armor +9 | 225.00 | 24,247.22 | 49,500.00 | 9 |
Bronze Chainmail Chest Armor of Gaiaism +11 | 25,000.00 | 25,000.00 | 25,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Chainmail Chest Armor of Gaiaism +12 | 20,000.00 | 20,000.00 | 20,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Chainmail Chest Armor of Gaiaism +14 | 15,000.00 | 30,000.00 | 50,000.00 | 3 |
Bronze Chainmail Chest Armor of Gaiaism +15 | 15,000.00 | 17,500.00 | 20,000.00 | 2 |
Bronze Chainmail Chest Armor of Gaiaism +16 | 30,000.00 | 31,666.67 | 35,000.00 | 3 |
Bronze Chainmail Chest Armor of Gaiaism +18 | 30,000.00 | 30,000.00 | 30,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Chainmail Chest Armor of Sorcery +10 | 225.00 | 6,075.00 | 9,000.00 | 3 |
Bronze Chainmail Chest Armor of Sorcery +11 | 1,000.00 | 10,333.33 | 15,000.00 | 3 |
Bronze Chainmail Chest Armor of Sorcery +12 | 12,000.00 | 13,000.00 | 15,000.00 | 3 |
Bronze Chainmail Chest Armor of Sorcery +13 | 15,000.00 | 15,000.00 | 15,000.00 | 3 |
Bronze Chainmail Chest Armor of Sorcery +5 | 225.00 | 225.00 | 225.00 | 1 |
Bronze Chainmail Chest Armor of Sorcery +6 | 225.00 | 225.00 | 225.00 | 1 |
Bronze Chainmail Chest Armor of Sorcery +8 | 225.00 | 225.00 | 225.00 | 1 |
Bronze Chainmail Chest Armor of Sorcery +9 | 9,000.00 | 9,000.00 | 9,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Chainmail Gloves +10 | 1,000.00 | 3,399.60 | 7,999.00 | 5 |
Bronze Chainmail Gloves +5 | 1,500.00 | 1,500.00 | 1,500.00 | 1 |
Bronze Chainmail Gloves +6 | 1,000.00 | 2,400.00 | 8,000.00 | 5 |
Bronze Chainmail Gloves +7 | 999.00 | 999.00 | 999.00 | 1 |
Bronze Chainmail Gloves +8 | 4,999.00 | 4,999.00 | 4,999.00 | 1 |
Bronze Chainmail Gloves +9 | 2,000.00 | 2,000.00 | 2,000.00 | 2 |
Bronze Chainmail Helm +10 | 1,000.00 | 15,500.00 | 30,000.00 | 2 |
Bronze Chainmail Helm +11 | 110.00 | 110.00 | 110.00 | 1 |
Bronze Chainmail Helm +5 | 10,000.00 | 10,000.00 | 10,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Chainmail Helm +6 | 1,200.00 | 5,600.00 | 10,000.00 | 2 |
Bronze Chainmail Helm +7 | 1,000.00 | 6,500.00 | 12,000.00 | 2 |
Bronze Chainmail Helm +8 | 1,100.00 | 3,325.00 | 10,000.00 | 4 |
Bronze Chainmail Helm +9 | 1,500.00 | 11,666.67 | 28,000.00 | 6 |
Bronze Chainmail Leggings +10 | 1,000.00 | 3,333.00 | 7,999.00 | 3 |
Bronze Chainmail Leggings +2 | 8,000.00 | 8,000.00 | 8,000.00 | 5 |
Bronze Chainmail Leggings +7 | 1,000.00 | 1,000.00 | 1,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Chainmail Leggings +8 | 2,000.00 | 4,000.00 | 6,000.00 | 2 |
Bronze Chainmail Leggings +9 | 2,000.00 | 2,166.67 | 2,500.00 | 3 |
Bronze Crown of the Obsidians | 3,000.00 | 3,526.41 | 4,500.00 | 71 |
Bronze Dagger +10 | 1,000.00 | 10,874.75 | 22,000.00 | 8 |
Bronze Dagger +11 | 3,000.00 | 6,500.00 | 10,000.00 | 2 |
Bronze Dagger +12 | 8,500.00 | 12,500.00 | 16,000.00 | 3 |
Bronze Dagger +13 | 15,500.00 | 17,000.00 | 18,500.00 | 2 |
Bronze Dagger +14 | 14,000.00 | 44,500.00 | 75,000.00 | 2 |
Bronze Dagger +16 | 11,000.00 | 11,000.00 | 11,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Dagger +2 | 950.00 | 1,227.71 | 2,799.00 | 14 |
Bronze Dagger +3 | 999.00 | 999.00 | 999.00 | 2 |
Bronze Dagger +4 | 500.00 | 500.00 | 500.00 | 1 |
Bronze Dagger +5 | 500.00 | 666.67 | 1,000.00 | 3 |
Bronze Dagger +6 | 200.00 | 2,924.75 | 7,500.00 | 4 |
Bronze Dagger +7 | 300.00 | 1,183.00 | 2,499.00 | 3 |
Bronze Dagger +8 | 300.00 | 4,400.00 | 8,500.00 | 2 |
Bronze Dagger +9 | 300.00 | 6,760.00 | 16,500.00 | 5 |
Bronze Dagger of Atenism +18 | 10,000.00 | 10,000.00 | 10,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Dagger of Gaiaism Warding +9 | 800.00 | 800.00 | 800.00 | 1 |
Bronze Dagger of Lunaism +3 | 500.00 | 500.00 | 500.00 | 1 |
Bronze Dagger of Lunaism +8 | 5,000.00 | 5,000.00 | 5,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Dagger of Necromancy +12 | 12,000.00 | 12,000.00 | 12,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Dagger of Necromancy +14 | 32,000.00 | 32,000.00 | 32,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Dagger of Necromancy +17 | 39,999.00 | 39,999.00 | 39,999.00 | 1 |
Bronze Dagger of Necromancy +18 | 55,000.00 | 55,000.00 | 55,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Dagger of Sorcery +16 | 20,000.00 | 20,000.00 | 20,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Dagger of Tempestry +10 | 4,000.00 | 4,000.00 | 4,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Dagger of Tempestry +11 | 4,000.00 | 4,000.00 | 4,000.00 | 3 |
Bronze Dagger of Tempestry +9 | 4,000.00 | 4,000.00 | 4,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Dagger of Thaumaturgy +14 | 11,999.00 | 11,999.00 | 11,999.00 | 1 |
Bronze Dagger of Thaumaturgy +8 | 1,500.00 | 1,500.00 | 1,500.00 | 1 |
Bronze Elven Elite Archer Hood +9 | 19,999.00 | 19,999.00 | 19,999.00 | 1 |
Bronze Elven Elite Archer Leggings +10 | 40,000.00 | 40,000.00 | 40,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Elven Elite Archer Leggings +14 | 80,000.00 | 80,000.00 | 80,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Elven Elite Fighter Bracers +8 | 3,900.00 | 3,900.00 | 3,900.00 | 1 |
Bronze Elven Estoc +11 | 9,000.00 | 12,000.00 | 15,000.00 | 2 |
Bronze Elven Estoc +2 | 200.00 | 200.00 | 200.00 | 1 |
Bronze Elven Estoc +5 | 2,500.00 | 2,500.00 | 2,500.00 | 1 |
Bronze Elven Estoc +7 | 7,500.00 | 7,500.00 | 7,500.00 | 1 |
Bronze Elven Koncerz +9 | 3,000.00 | 3,000.00 | 3,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Enforced Bone Plate | 100.00 | 1,212.02 | 1,600.00 | 137 |
Bronze Epic Plate Boots +11 | 27,500.00 | 27,500.00 | 27,500.00 | 1 |
Bronze Epic Plate Boots +12 | 22,500.00 | 43,125.00 | 75,000.00 | 4 |
Bronze Epic Plate Boots +2 | 2,000.00 | 2,000.00 | 2,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Epic Plate Boots +3 | 450.00 | 775.00 | 1,100.00 | 2 |
Bronze Epic Plate Boots +5 | 2,199.00 | 3,232.67 | 4,999.00 | 3 |
Bronze Epic Plate Boots +6 | 5,000.00 | 5,000.00 | 5,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Epic Plate Boots +7 | 3,000.00 | 11,055.44 | 19,500.00 | 9 |
Bronze Epic Plate Boots +8 | 4,500.00 | 12,250.00 | 20,000.00 | 8 |
Bronze Epic Plate Boots +9 | 1,100.00 | 14,824.83 | 28,000.00 | 6 |
Bronze Epic Plate Chest Armor +10 | 8,000.00 | 23,250.00 | 38,500.00 | 2 |
Bronze Epic Plate Chest Armor +11 | 5,000.00 | 5,000.00 | 5,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Epic Plate Chest Armor +12 | 5,000.00 | 7,500.00 | 10,000.00 | 2 |
Bronze Epic Plate Chest Armor +16 | 12,000.00 | 12,000.00 | 12,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Epic Plate Chest Armor +3 | 2,500.00 | 2,500.00 | 2,500.00 | 1 |
Bronze Epic Plate Chest Armor +5 | 800.00 | 800.00 | 800.00 | 1 |
Bronze Epic Plate Chest Armor +8 | 750.00 | 750.00 | 750.00 | 1 |
Bronze Epic Plate Chest Armor +9 | 19,999.00 | 19,999.00 | 19,999.00 | 1 |
Bronze Epic Plate Chest Armor of Gaiaism +12 | 11,500.00 | 24,500.00 | 37,500.00 | 2 |
Bronze Epic Plate Chest Armor of Gaiaism +13 | 3,500.00 | 34,249.50 | 64,999.00 | 2 |
Bronze Epic Plate Chest Armor of Gaiaism +14 | 42,500.00 | 42,500.00 | 42,500.00 | 1 |
Bronze Epic Plate Chest Armor of Gaiaism +9 | 4,000.00 | 4,000.00 | 4,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Epic Plate Chest Armor of Thaumaturgy +11 | 44,999.00 | 44,999.00 | 44,999.00 | 1 |
Bronze Epic Plate Chest Quarter-Armor +6 | 800.00 | 800.00 | 800.00 | 1 |
Bronze Epic Plate Gauntlets +10 | 16,500.00 | 20,874.75 | 24,500.00 | 4 |
Bronze Epic Plate Gauntlets +11 | 1,110.00 | 11,372.86 | 19,000.00 | 7 |
Bronze Epic Plate Gauntlets +12 | 4,500.00 | 4,500.00 | 4,500.00 | 1 |
Bronze Epic Plate Gauntlets +14 | 40,000.00 | 40,000.00 | 40,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Epic Plate Gauntlets +15 | 11,000.00 | 11,000.00 | 11,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Epic Plate Gauntlets +16 | 11,000.00 | 12,500.00 | 14,000.00 | 2 |
Bronze Epic Plate Gauntlets +2 | 2,500.00 | 2,500.00 | 2,500.00 | 1 |
Bronze Epic Plate Gauntlets +3 | 2,000.00 | 2,000.00 | 2,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Epic Plate Gauntlets +4 | 2,500.00 | 2,500.00 | 2,500.00 | 1 |
Bronze Epic Plate Gauntlets +5 | 250.00 | 3,250.00 | 7,500.00 | 4 |
Bronze Epic Plate Gauntlets +7 | 1,110.00 | 6,422.00 | 15,000.00 | 5 |
Bronze Epic Plate Gauntlets +8 | 1,800.00 | 6,433.33 | 14,500.00 | 3 |
Bronze Epic Plate Gauntlets +9 | 8,500.00 | 9,000.00 | 9,500.00 | 2 |
Bronze Epic Plate Helm +10 | 2,000.00 | 13,937.50 | 27,500.00 | 8 |
Bronze Epic Plate Helm +11 | 9,500.00 | 23,928.57 | 40,000.00 | 7 |
Bronze Epic Plate Helm +12 | 2,000.00 | 3,500.00 | 5,000.00 | 2 |
Bronze Epic Plate Helm +13 | 8,500.00 | 18,500.00 | 26,000.00 | 3 |
Bronze Epic Plate Helm +14 | 5,000.00 | 5,000.00 | 5,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Epic Plate Helm +19 | 26,000.00 | 26,000.00 | 26,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Epic Plate Helm +2 | 4,699.00 | 4,699.00 | 4,699.00 | 1 |
Bronze Epic Plate Helm +6 | 900.00 | 4,466.67 | 9,500.00 | 3 |
Bronze Epic Plate Helm +8 | 7,500.00 | 15,166.67 | 20,000.00 | 3 |
Bronze Epic Plate Helm +9 | 600.00 | 900.00 | 1,200.00 | 2 |
Bronze Epic Plate Leggings +10 | 3,000.00 | 11,100.00 | 26,000.00 | 5 |
Bronze Epic Plate Leggings +11 | 500.00 | 18,828.57 | 30,000.00 | 7 |
Bronze Epic Plate Leggings +12 | 4,000.00 | 18,414.29 | 32,500.00 | 7 |
Bronze Epic Plate Leggings +13 | 8,000.00 | 14,100.00 | 22,000.00 | 5 |
Bronze Epic Plate Leggings +14 | 27,000.00 | 27,000.00 | 27,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Epic Plate Leggings +16 | 75,000.00 | 75,000.00 | 75,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Epic Plate Leggings +19 | 52,000.00 | 52,000.00 | 52,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Epic Plate Leggings +3 | 4,999.00 | 4,999.00 | 4,999.00 | 1 |
Bronze Epic Plate Leggings +6 | 3,200.00 | 3,350.00 | 3,500.00 | 2 |
Bronze Epic Plate Leggings +7 | 5,000.00 | 5,000.00 | 5,000.00 | 2 |
Bronze Epic Plate Leggings +8 | 750.00 | 750.00 | 750.00 | 1 |
Bronze Epic Plate Leggings +9 | 12,999.00 | 12,999.00 | 12,999.00 | 1 |
Bronze Halberd +10 | 1,500.00 | 14,974.33 | 34,500.00 | 39 |
Bronze Halberd +11 | 2,500.00 | 16,064.25 | 30,000.00 | 28 |
Bronze Halberd +12 | 500.00 | 19,907.11 | 40,000.00 | 35 |
Bronze Halberd +13 | 500.00 | 14,895.83 | 30,000.00 | 24 |
Bronze Halberd +14 | 12,000.00 | 25,954.55 | 40,000.00 | 11 |
Bronze Halberd +15 | 16,500.00 | 27,625.00 | 49,000.00 | 12 |
Bronze Halberd +16 | 12,599.00 | 15,549.50 | 18,500.00 | 2 |
Bronze Halberd +17 | 40,000.00 | 70,000.00 | 100,000.00 | 2 |
Bronze Halberd +18 | 26,500.00 | 26,500.00 | 26,500.00 | 1 |
Bronze Halberd +2 | 800.00 | 2,932.86 | 5,000.00 | 21 |
Bronze Halberd +3 | 1,500.00 | 1,500.00 | 1,500.00 | 1 |
Bronze Halberd +4 | 500.00 | 1,406.13 | 2,900.00 | 8 |
Bronze Halberd +5 | 1,000.00 | 1,516.67 | 1,750.00 | 9 |
Bronze Halberd +6 | 500.00 | 3,842.79 | 13,000.00 | 14 |
Bronze Halberd +7 | 500.00 | 4,157.45 | 16,500.00 | 20 |
Bronze Halberd +8 | 650.00 | 7,254.59 | 18,500.00 | 32 |
Bronze Halberd +9 | 500.00 | 11,381.44 | 35,000.00 | 27 |
Bronze Halberd of Atenism +2 | 842.00 | 842.00 | 842.00 | 1 |
Bronze Halberd of Atenism +3 | 1,042.00 | 1,042.00 | 1,042.00 | 1 |
Bronze Halberd of Atenism Warding +14 | 14,000.00 | 14,000.00 | 14,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Halberd of Gaiaism +10 | 16,000.00 | 16,000.00 | 16,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Halberd of Gaiaism +11 | 9,999.00 | 12,499.50 | 15,000.00 | 2 |
Bronze Halberd of Gaiaism +12 | 7,000.00 | 7,000.00 | 7,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Halberd of Gaiaism +13 | 4,000.00 | 4,000.00 | 4,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Halberd of Gaiaism +14 | 5,000.00 | 9,333.33 | 14,000.00 | 3 |
Bronze Halberd of Gaiaism +18 | 20,000.00 | 20,000.00 | 20,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Halberd of Gaiaism +3 | 1,750.00 | 1,750.00 | 1,750.00 | 1 |
Bronze Halberd of Gaiaism +9 | 5,000.00 | 5,000.00 | 5,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Halberd of Necromancy +10 | 7,799.00 | 7,799.00 | 7,799.00 | 1 |
Bronze Halberd of Necromancy +19 | 27,000.00 | 27,000.00 | 27,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Halberd of Necromancy +3 | 1,242.00 | 1,242.00 | 1,242.00 | 2 |
Bronze Halberd of Necromancy +4 | 1,442.00 | 1,442.00 | 1,442.00 | 1 |
Bronze Halberd of Necromancy +9 | 10,000.00 | 10,000.00 | 10,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Halberd of Sorcery +10 | 175.00 | 175.00 | 175.00 | 1 |
Bronze Halberd of Sorcery +11 | 10,000.00 | 10,000.00 | 10,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Halberd of Sorcery +7 | 1,700.00 | 1,700.00 | 1,700.00 | 1 |
Bronze Halberd of Sorcery +9 | 3,000.00 | 3,000.00 | 3,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Halberd of Sorcery Warding +9 | 2,999.00 | 2,999.00 | 2,999.00 | 1 |
Bronze Halberd of Tempestry +11 | 8,000.00 | 8,000.00 | 8,000.00 | 2 |
Bronze Halberd of Tempestry +14 | 10,000.00 | 10,000.00 | 10,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Halberd of Tempestry +8 | 1,499.00 | 7,124.75 | 9,000.00 | 4 |
Bronze Halberd of Thaumaturgy +11 | 14,500.00 | 17,250.00 | 20,000.00 | 2 |
Bronze Halberd of Thaumaturgy +12 | 12,500.00 | 12,500.00 | 12,500.00 | 1 |
Bronze Halberd of Thaumaturgy +14 | 16,500.00 | 16,500.00 | 16,500.00 | 2 |
Bronze Halberd of Thaumaturgy +5 | 1,642.00 | 1,642.00 | 1,642.00 | 1 |
Bronze Halberd of Theurgy +3 | 1,242.00 | 1,242.00 | 1,242.00 | 1 |
Bronze Halberd of Theurgy +5 | 1,442.00 | 1,542.00 | 1,642.00 | 2 |
Bronze Halberd of Theurgy +7 | 1,999.00 | 1,999.00 | 1,999.00 | 1 |
Bronze Halberd of Theurgy +9 | 4,999.00 | 4,999.00 | 4,999.00 | 1 |
Bronze Halberd of the Sun of Polearm Combat +12 | 999.00 | 999.00 | 999.00 | 1 |
Bronze Hand Axe +10 | 4,900.00 | 13,080.00 | 18,500.00 | 5 |
Bronze Hand Axe +11 | 5,900.00 | 12,060.00 | 20,000.00 | 5 |
Bronze Hand Axe +12 | 5,000.00 | 18,125.00 | 28,500.00 | 4 |
Bronze Hand Axe +13 | 24,500.00 | 24,500.00 | 24,500.00 | 1 |
Bronze Hand Axe +14 | 18,500.00 | 21,166.67 | 26,500.00 | 3 |
Bronze Hand Axe +15 | 16,500.00 | 18,500.00 | 22,500.00 | 5 |
Bronze Hand Axe +16 | 18,500.00 | 18,500.00 | 18,500.00 | 3 |
Bronze Hand Axe +17 | 50,000.00 | 50,000.00 | 50,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Hand Axe +2 | 800.00 | 800.00 | 800.00 | 2 |
Bronze Hand Axe +5 | 500.00 | 750.00 | 1,000.00 | 2 |
Bronze Hand Axe +6 | 14,500.00 | 14,500.00 | 14,500.00 | 1 |
Bronze Hand Axe +7 | 3,000.00 | 3,000.00 | 3,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Hand Axe +8 | 2,500.00 | 12,375.00 | 20,500.00 | 4 |
Bronze Hand Axe +9 | 10,000.00 | 14,250.00 | 18,500.00 | 2 |
Bronze Hand Axe of Atenism +10 | 500.00 | 500.00 | 500.00 | 2 |
Bronze Hand Axe of Atenism +12 | 500.00 | 4,166.67 | 6,000.00 | 3 |
Bronze Hand Axe of Atenism +15 | 500.00 | 2,000.00 | 8,000.00 | 5 |
Bronze Hand Axe of Atenism +7 | 500.00 | 500.00 | 500.00 | 1 |
Bronze Hand Axe of Gaiaism +10 | 4,900.00 | 4,900.00 | 4,900.00 | 1 |
Bronze Hand Axe of Gaiaism +9 | 500.00 | 500.00 | 500.00 | 1 |
Bronze Hand Axe of Necromancy +12 | 6,900.00 | 6,900.00 | 6,900.00 | 1 |
Bronze Heavy Round Shield +10 | 500.00 | 2,350.00 | 5,900.00 | 4 |
Bronze Heavy Round Shield +11 | 3,500.00 | 9,850.00 | 15,000.00 | 4 |
Bronze Heavy Round Shield +12 | 300.00 | 4,284.54 | 18,000.00 | 13 |
Bronze Heavy Round Shield +13 | 13,750.00 | 16,350.00 | 21,500.00 | 5 |
Bronze Heavy Round Shield +14 | 15,000.00 | 16,333.00 | 18,999.00 | 3 |
Bronze Heavy Round Shield +3 | 90.00 | 90.00 | 90.00 | 11 |
Bronze Heavy Round Shield +7 | 8,000.00 | 10,000.00 | 12,000.00 | 3 |
Bronze Heavy Round Shield +8 | 1,500.00 | 1,500.00 | 1,500.00 | 1 |
Bronze Heavy Round Shield +9 | 500.00 | 10,057.00 | 15,000.00 | 7 |
Bronze Heavy Round Shield of Tempestry +13 | 4,900.00 | 4,900.00 | 4,900.00 | 1 |
Bronze Heavy Round Shield of Tempestry +8 | 3,900.00 | 3,900.00 | 3,900.00 | 1 |
Bronze Heavy Round Shield of Theurgy +10 | 6,899.00 | 6,899.00 | 6,899.00 | 1 |
Bronze Heraldry Rectangle Shield +16 | 72,000.00 | 72,000.00 | 72,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Ingot | 299.00 | 474.10 | 997.33 | 27,630 |
Bronze Kobold Hammer +11 | 16,500.00 | 16,500.00 | 16,500.00 | 2 |
Bronze Kobold Ranseur Spear of Lunaism +11 | 2,500.00 | 2,500.00 | 2,500.00 | 1 |
Bronze Kobold Slag Sword +8 | 3,500.00 | 3,500.00 | 3,500.00 | 1 |
Bronze Kobold Slag Sword of Thaumaturgy +8 | 1,200.00 | 1,200.00 | 1,200.00 | 1 |
Bronze Leather Guard Chest Armor of Necromancy +14 | 15,000.00 | 15,000.00 | 15,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Limehouse Sword +11 | 10,000.00 | 10,000.00 | 10,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Limehouse Sword +12 | 10,000.00 | 10,000.00 | 10,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Longsword +10 | 900.00 | 10,763.98 | 20,500.00 | 44 |
Bronze Longsword +11 | 1,222.00 | 12,136.60 | 40,000.00 | 45 |
Bronze Longsword +12 | 1,000.00 | 14,477.07 | 30,000.00 | 42 |
Bronze Longsword +13 | 1,000.00 | 16,072.70 | 41,999.00 | 44 |
Bronze Longsword +14 | 2,500.00 | 21,919.96 | 70,000.00 | 25 |
Bronze Longsword +15 | 2,500.00 | 15,928.57 | 30,000.00 | 7 |
Bronze Longsword +16 | 10,000.00 | 20,166.67 | 35,000.00 | 6 |
Bronze Longsword +17 | 15,000.00 | 24,285.71 | 35,000.00 | 7 |
Bronze Longsword +18 | 50,000.00 | 50,000.00 | 50,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Longsword +19 | 30,000.00 | 30,000.00 | 30,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Longsword +2 | 500.00 | 1,500.10 | 3,999.00 | 21 |
Bronze Longsword +3 | 500.00 | 1,012.25 | 2,100.00 | 8 |
Bronze Longsword +4 | 550.00 | 929.60 | 1,999.00 | 5 |
Bronze Longsword +5 | 120.00 | 1,105.14 | 4,000.00 | 22 |
Bronze Longsword +6 | 120.00 | 1,452.86 | 16,500.00 | 14 |
Bronze Longsword +7 | 120.00 | 1,754.81 | 4,900.00 | 21 |
Bronze Longsword +8 | 500.00 | 5,011.88 | 20,500.00 | 65 |
Bronze Longsword +9 | 1,000.00 | 7,758.72 | 24,500.00 | 39 |
Bronze Longsword of Gaiaism +10 | 7,000.00 | 11,700.00 | 22,000.00 | 4 |
Bronze Longsword of Gaiaism +11 | 10,000.00 | 10,000.00 | 10,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Longsword of Gaiaism +12 | 6,666.00 | 8,333.00 | 10,000.00 | 2 |
Bronze Longsword of Gaiaism +13 | 10,000.00 | 10,000.00 | 10,000.00 | 2 |
Bronze Longsword of Gaiaism +14 | 15,000.00 | 28,333.33 | 55,000.00 | 3 |
Bronze Longsword of Gaiaism +9 | 1,500.00 | 6,250.00 | 11,000.00 | 2 |
Bronze Longsword of Lunaism +9 | 8,500.00 | 8,500.00 | 8,500.00 | 1 |
Bronze Longsword of Necromancy +8 | 2,299.00 | 2,299.00 | 2,299.00 | 1 |
Bronze Longsword of Sorcery +12 | 9,899.00 | 10,949.50 | 12,000.00 | 2 |
Bronze Longsword of Sorcery +14 | 10,000.00 | 10,000.00 | 10,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Longsword of Sorcery +6 | 500.00 | 1,000.00 | 1,500.00 | 4 |
Bronze Longsword of Thaumaturgy +10 | 2,000.00 | 7,090.00 | 12,000.00 | 5 |
Bronze Longsword of Thaumaturgy +12 | 1,800.00 | 1,800.00 | 1,800.00 | 1 |
Bronze Longsword of Thaumaturgy +13 | 2,500.00 | 2,500.00 | 2,500.00 | 1 |
Bronze Longsword of Thaumaturgy +16 | 18,500.00 | 18,500.00 | 18,500.00 | 1 |
Bronze Longsword of Thaumaturgy +17 | 16,500.00 | 16,500.00 | 16,500.00 | 1 |
Bronze Longsword of Thaumaturgy +8 | 500.00 | 2,419.80 | 4,999.00 | 5 |
Bronze Longsword of Thaumaturgy +9 | 120.00 | 1,717.50 | 2,500.00 | 4 |
Bronze Mace +10 | 10,010.00 | 10,505.00 | 11,000.00 | 2 |
Bronze Mace +11 | 16,500.00 | 16,500.00 | 16,500.00 | 1 |
Bronze Mace +12 | 6,900.00 | 18,450.00 | 30,000.00 | 2 |
Bronze Mace +13 | 4,999.00 | 27,499.50 | 50,000.00 | 2 |
Bronze Mace +14 | 38,000.00 | 38,000.00 | 38,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Mace +15 | 5,000.00 | 27,750.00 | 55,000.00 | 6 |
Bronze Mace +16 | 29,000.00 | 29,000.00 | 29,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Mace +2 | 1,999.00 | 2,099.00 | 2,199.00 | 2 |
Bronze Mace +6 | 6,800.00 | 6,800.00 | 6,800.00 | 1 |
Bronze Mace +7 | 4,000.00 | 4,000.00 | 4,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Mace +9 | 4,000.00 | 8,625.00 | 12,000.00 | 4 |
Bronze Mace of Atenism +11 | 500.00 | 2,083.33 | 4,900.00 | 3 |
Bronze Mace of Gaiaism +10 | 11,000.00 | 11,000.00 | 11,000.00 | 2 |
Bronze Mace of Gaiaism +12 | 900.00 | 9,633.33 | 18,000.00 | 3 |
Bronze Mace of Gaiaism +14 | 18,000.00 | 18,000.00 | 18,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Mace of Gaiaism +8 | 1,999.00 | 1,999.00 | 1,999.00 | 1 |
Bronze Mace of Gaiaism +9 | 500.00 | 500.00 | 500.00 | 1 |
Bronze Mace of Sorcery +12 | 6,900.00 | 6,900.00 | 6,900.00 | 1 |
Bronze Mace of Thaumaturgy +11 | 15,000.00 | 15,000.00 | 15,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Mace of Theurgy +10 | 5,000.00 | 5,000.00 | 5,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Messer of Gaiaism +15 | 55,000.00 | 55,000.00 | 55,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Miner's Helmet +10 | 5,000.00 | 5,000.00 | 5,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Miner's Helmet +12 | 19,000.00 | 19,000.00 | 19,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Miner's Helmet +3 | 4,000.00 | 4,000.00 | 4,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Miner's Helmet +5 | 7,000.00 | 7,000.00 | 7,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Miner's Helmet +6 | 600.00 | 600.00 | 600.00 | 2 |
Bronze Miner's Helmet +7 | 700.00 | 1,760.00 | 6,000.00 | 10 |
Bronze Miner's Helmet +8 | 800.00 | 3,150.00 | 6,000.00 | 4 |
Bronze Miner's Helmet +9 | 1,000.00 | 7,666.67 | 12,000.00 | 3 |
Bronze Necklace | 2,000.00 | 2,000.00 | 2,000.00 | 4 |
Bronze Necklace +1 | 250.00 | 683.33 | 1,500.00 | 3 |
Bronze Necklace +10 | 10,000.00 | 98,500.00 | 300,000.00 | 4 |
Bronze Necklace +11 | 18,000.00 | 18,000.00 | 18,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Necklace +12 | 24,000.00 | 25,000.00 | 26,000.00 | 2 |
Bronze Necklace +3 | 1,000.00 | 1,000.00 | 1,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Necklace +5 | 3,500.00 | 6,333.17 | 9,500.00 | 6 |
Bronze Necklace +6 | 500.00 | 7,873.20 | 30,000.00 | 15 |
Bronze Necklace +7 | 2,000.00 | 11,333.33 | 20,000.00 | 3 |
Bronze Necklace +8 | 15,000.00 | 23,750.00 | 30,000.00 | 4 |
Bronze Necklace +9 | 5,500.00 | 13,250.00 | 17,500.00 | 4 |
Bronze Norgard Knightly Order Plate Chest Armor of Thaumaturgy +15 | 15,000.00 | 17,500.00 | 20,000.00 | 2 |
Bronze Norgard Knightly Order Plate Gauntlets +12 | 20,000.00 | 20,000.00 | 20,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Norgard Knightly Order Plate Greaves +12 | 20,000.00 | 20,000.00 | 20,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Norgard Knightly Order Plate Leggings +8 | 20,000.00 | 20,000.00 | 20,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Norgard Lucerne Hammer +2 | 300.00 | 300.00 | 300.00 | 1 |
Bronze Norgard Spatha of Gaiaism +4 | 3,000.00 | 3,000.00 | 3,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Norgard Spear +15 | 15,000.00 | 15,000.00 | 15,000.00 | 2 |
Bronze Norgard Spear of Gaiaism +15 | 2,500.00 | 2,500.00 | 2,500.00 | 1 |
Bronze Obsidian Order Plate Leggings +12 | 12,000.00 | 12,000.00 | 12,000.00 | 3 |
Bronze Ornate Basket Hilt Sword of Gaiaism +4 | 3,000.00 | 3,000.00 | 3,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Ornate Chainsword of Theurgy +5 | 10,000.00 | 10,000.00 | 10,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Ornate Dagger +18 | 85,000.00 | 85,000.00 | 85,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Ornate Dagger of Necromancy +14 | 29,999.00 | 29,999.00 | 29,999.00 | 1 |
Bronze Ornate Dagger of Tempestry +9 | 800.00 | 800.00 | 800.00 | 1 |
Bronze Ornate Elven Longsword of Gaiaism +12 | 2,000.00 | 2,000.00 | 2,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Ornate Flamberge of Necromancy +12 | 800.00 | 2,350.00 | 3,900.00 | 2 |
Bronze Ornate Flamberge of Sorcery Warding +15 | 2,000.00 | 2,000.00 | 2,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Ornate Glaive of Thaumaturgy +13 | 28,499.00 | 28,499.00 | 28,499.00 | 1 |
Bronze Ornate Katana +10 | 8,500.00 | 8,500.00 | 8,500.00 | 1 |
Bronze Ornate Katana +8 | 5,000.00 | 5,000.00 | 5,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Ornate Katana of Gaiaism +7 | 1,500.00 | 1,500.00 | 1,500.00 | 1 |
Bronze Ornate Norgard Battle Axe +16 | 49,999.00 | 49,999.00 | 49,999.00 | 1 |
Bronze Ornate Obsidian Halberd of Tempestry +6 | 1,750.00 | 1,750.00 | 1,750.00 | 2 |
Bronze Plate Boots +6 | 899.00 | 1,449.50 | 2,000.00 | 2 |
Bronze Plate Chest Armor +10 | 3,550.00 | 22,110.00 | 47,500.00 | 5 |
Bronze Plate Chest Armor +11 | 9,000.00 | 27,000.00 | 45,000.00 | 2 |
Bronze Plate Chest Armor +12 | 150,000.00 | 150,000.00 | 150,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Plate Chest Armor +13 | 9,000.00 | 19,500.00 | 30,000.00 | 2 |
Bronze Plate Chest Armor +15 | 13,200.00 | 13,200.00 | 13,200.00 | 1 |
Bronze Plate Chest Armor +6 | 7,500.00 | 13,750.00 | 20,000.00 | 2 |
Bronze Plate Chest Armor +7 | 3,000.00 | 16,500.00 | 30,000.00 | 2 |
Bronze Plate Chest Armor +9 | 35,000.00 | 35,000.00 | 35,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Plate Chest Armor of Gaiaism +10 | 10,000.00 | 19,250.00 | 28,500.00 | 2 |
Bronze Plate Chest Armor of Gaiaism +11 | 30,000.00 | 30,000.00 | 30,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Plate Chest Armor of Gaiaism +13 | 35,000.00 | 35,000.00 | 35,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Plate Chest Armor of Gaiaism +8 | 28,500.00 | 28,500.00 | 28,500.00 | 1 |
Bronze Plate Chest Armor of Necromancy +17 | 21,000.00 | 21,000.00 | 21,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Plate Chest Armor of Tempestry +11 | 1,500.00 | 1,500.00 | 1,500.00 | 1 |
Bronze Plate Helm +1 | 600.00 | 600.00 | 600.00 | 4 |
Bronze Plate Leggings +10 | 5,000.00 | 6,500.00 | 8,000.00 | 2 |
Bronze Plate Leggings +11 | 3,500.00 | 3,500.00 | 3,500.00 | 1 |
Bronze Plate Leggings +15 | 15,000.00 | 15,000.00 | 15,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Plate Leggings +8 | 1,350.00 | 1,350.00 | 1,350.00 | 1 |
Bronze Ragged Leather Gloves +3 | 999.00 | 999.00 | 999.00 | 1 |
Bronze Rectangle Shield +10 | 500.00 | 500.00 | 500.00 | 3 |
Bronze Rectangle Shield +11 | 1,299.00 | 2,799.00 | 4,299.00 | 2 |
Bronze Rectangle Shield +13 | 6,000.00 | 6,000.00 | 6,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Rectangle Shield +17 | 55,000.00 | 55,000.00 | 55,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Rectangle Shield +6 | 500.00 | 500.00 | 500.00 | 1 |
Bronze Rectangle Shield +7 | 500.00 | 1,899.50 | 3,299.00 | 2 |
Bronze Rectangle Shield +8 | 3,000.00 | 3,000.00 | 3,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Rectangle Shield +9 | 500.00 | 5,249.50 | 9,999.00 | 2 |
Bronze Red Electric Sword +5 | 20,000.00 | 20,000.00 | 20,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Ring | 10.00 | 982.00 | 4,000.00 | 5 |
Bronze Ring +1 | 10.00 | 790.00 | 2,500.00 | 4 |
Bronze Ring +10 | 18,000.00 | 19,666.67 | 23,000.00 | 3 |
Bronze Ring +2 | 666.00 | 3,353.56 | 10,000.00 | 9 |
Bronze Ring +3 | 700.00 | 6,643.75 | 15,000.00 | 8 |
Bronze Ring +4 | 10.00 | 6,125.83 | 15,000.00 | 12 |
Bronze Ring +5 | 500.00 | 8,571.43 | 35,000.00 | 7 |
Bronze Ring +6 | 10.00 | 9,371.48 | 26,000.00 | 27 |
Bronze Ring +7 | 10.00 | 11,158.17 | 35,000.00 | 12 |
Bronze Ring +8 | 10.00 | 9,680.00 | 25,000.00 | 7 |
Bronze Ring +9 | 10.00 | 8,502.50 | 15,000.00 | 4 |
Bronze Ring of Greater Sorcery +12 | 9,999.00 | 9,999.00 | 9,999.00 | 1 |
Bronze Rusty Plate Helm +13 | 3,999.00 | 3,999.00 | 3,999.00 | 1 |
Bronze Rusty Plate Helm +14 | 3,999.00 | 3,999.00 | 3,999.00 | 1 |
Bronze Rusty Plate Leggings +9 | 3,200.00 | 3,200.00 | 3,200.00 | 1 |
Bronze Sheet | 1,750.00 | 1,790.54 | 1,850.00 | 476 |
Bronze Shortsword +10 | 20,000.00 | 20,000.00 | 20,000.00 | 2 |
Bronze Shortsword +13 | 20,000.00 | 20,000.00 | 20,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Shortsword +17 | 34,000.00 | 34,000.00 | 34,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Shortsword +2 | 500.00 | 500.00 | 500.00 | 1 |
Bronze Shortsword +6 | 95.00 | 95.00 | 95.00 | 1 |
Bronze Shortsword +8 | 20,000.00 | 20,000.00 | 20,000.00 | 2 |
Bronze Shortsword of Gaiaism +11 | 8,500.00 | 8,500.00 | 8,500.00 | 1 |
Bronze Spear +10 | 500.00 | 12,548.69 | 20,500.00 | 39 |
Bronze Spear +11 | 1,000.00 | 13,100.00 | 25,000.00 | 51 |
Bronze Spear +12 | 2,000.00 | 17,089.72 | 30,000.00 | 39 |
Bronze Spear +13 | 2,500.00 | 16,999.97 | 26,500.00 | 31 |
Bronze Spear +14 | 16,500.00 | 37,227.27 | 75,000.00 | 11 |
Bronze Spear +15 | 12,500.00 | 26,562.50 | 75,000.00 | 8 |
Bronze Spear +16 | 18,600.00 | 46,800.00 | 75,000.00 | 2 |
Bronze Spear +17 | 20,500.00 | 22,750.00 | 25,000.00 | 2 |
Bronze Spear +18 | 18,500.00 | 18,500.00 | 18,500.00 | 1 |
Bronze Spear +19 | 75,000.00 | 75,000.00 | 75,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Spear +2 | 110.00 | 618.29 | 1,499.00 | 24 |
Bronze Spear +3 | 110.00 | 906.67 | 2,500.00 | 3 |
Bronze Spear +4 | 125.00 | 1,041.67 | 1,500.00 | 3 |
Bronze Spear +5 | 4,499.00 | 6,833.00 | 8,000.00 | 3 |
Bronze Spear +6 | 250.00 | 4,356.25 | 12,000.00 | 8 |
Bronze Spear +7 | 400.00 | 6,835.71 | 13,000.00 | 7 |
Bronze Spear +8 | 500.00 | 9,714.26 | 18,500.00 | 35 |
Bronze Spear +9 | 1,600.00 | 11,731.96 | 49,999.00 | 25 |
Bronze Spear of Atenism +11 | 8,000.00 | 8,000.00 | 8,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Spear of Gaiaism +10 | 11,999.00 | 11,999.00 | 11,999.00 | 1 |
Bronze Spear of Gaiaism +15 | 20,000.00 | 20,000.00 | 20,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Spear of Necromancy +10 | 11,000.00 | 11,000.00 | 11,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Spear of Necromancy +11 | 3,000.00 | 8,180.00 | 19,000.00 | 5 |
Bronze Spear of Necromancy +12 | 110.00 | 3,055.00 | 6,000.00 | 2 |
Bronze Spear of Necromancy +13 | 12,500.00 | 12,500.00 | 12,500.00 | 1 |
Bronze Spear of Necromancy +14 | 7,500.00 | 7,500.00 | 7,500.00 | 2 |
Bronze Spear of Necromancy +15 | 45,000.00 | 45,000.00 | 45,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Spear of Necromancy +8 | 11,000.00 | 11,000.00 | 11,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Spear of Necromancy +9 | 12,000.00 | 12,000.00 | 12,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Spear of Sorcery +11 | 500.00 | 500.00 | 500.00 | 1 |
Bronze Spear of Sorcery +4 | 2,000.00 | 2,000.00 | 2,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Spear of Sorcery +5 | 2,000.00 | 2,000.00 | 2,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Spear of Sorcery +7 | 1,100.00 | 2,050.00 | 3,000.00 | 2 |
Bronze Spear of Sorcery +8 | 3,000.00 | 3,000.00 | 3,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Spear of Sorcery Warding +10 | 3,999.00 | 3,999.00 | 3,999.00 | 1 |
Bronze Spear of Tempestry +3 | 3,000.00 | 3,000.00 | 3,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Spear of Tempestry +5 | 200.00 | 200.00 | 200.00 | 1 |
Bronze Spear of Tempestry +7 | 2,500.00 | 2,500.00 | 2,500.00 | 1 |
Bronze Spear of Thaumaturgy +12 | 10,000.00 | 10,000.00 | 10,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Spear of Thaumaturgy +14 | 10,000.00 | 10,000.00 | 10,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Spear of Thaumaturgy +16 | 16,999.00 | 16,999.00 | 16,999.00 | 1 |
Bronze Spear of Thaumaturgy +8 | 5,500.00 | 5,500.00 | 5,500.00 | 1 |
Bronze Spear of Theurgy +10 | 4,000.00 | 4,000.00 | 4,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Triangle Shield of Sorcery Warding +7 | 3,999.00 | 3,999.00 | 3,999.00 | 2 |
Bronze Trident +10 | 1,200.00 | 10,790.91 | 20,000.00 | 11 |
Bronze Trident +11 | 1,000.00 | 9,450.00 | 18,500.00 | 10 |
Bronze Trident +12 | 1,000.00 | 17,187.44 | 37,000.00 | 16 |
Bronze Trident +13 | 750.00 | 13,345.00 | 21,000.00 | 10 |
Bronze Trident +14 | 18,500.00 | 20,800.00 | 29,000.00 | 5 |
Bronze Trident +15 | 1,000.00 | 12,000.00 | 18,500.00 | 3 |
Bronze Trident +16 | 15,000.00 | 15,750.00 | 16,500.00 | 2 |
Bronze Trident +17 | 29,000.00 | 29,000.00 | 29,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Trident +2 | 2,000.00 | 3,000.00 | 4,000.00 | 2 |
Bronze Trident +3 | 2,000.00 | 2,000.00 | 2,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Trident +4 | 2,000.00 | 2,000.00 | 2,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Trident +5 | 3,500.00 | 4,250.00 | 5,000.00 | 2 |
Bronze Trident +6 | 5,000.00 | 9,750.00 | 14,500.00 | 2 |
Bronze Trident +7 | 500.00 | 4,208.33 | 14,500.00 | 6 |
Bronze Trident +8 | 750.00 | 9,093.75 | 18,500.00 | 8 |
Bronze Trident +9 | 500.00 | 10,285.71 | 18,500.00 | 14 |
Bronze Trident Head | 1,000.00 | 2,500.00 | 3,000.00 | 23 |
Bronze Trident of Thaumaturgy +11 | 2,000.00 | 2,000.00 | 2,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Two-handed Axe +10 | 10,000.00 | 10,333.33 | 11,000.00 | 3 |
Bronze Two-handed Axe +11 | 1,500.00 | 8,000.00 | 13,000.00 | 5 |
Bronze Two-handed Axe +12 | 1,000.00 | 9,166.67 | 15,000.00 | 6 |
Bronze Two-handed Axe +13 | 6,000.00 | 10,000.00 | 14,000.00 | 2 |
Bronze Two-handed Axe +14 | 25,000.00 | 25,000.00 | 25,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Two-handed Axe +16 | 8,900.00 | 8,900.00 | 8,900.00 | 1 |
Bronze Two-handed Axe +5 | 1,750.00 | 2,125.00 | 2,500.00 | 2 |
Bronze Two-handed Axe +6 | 2,500.00 | 4,400.00 | 8,200.00 | 3 |
Bronze Two-handed Axe +8 | 5,000.00 | 5,000.00 | 5,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Two-handed Axe of Necromancy +11 | 15,000.00 | 15,000.00 | 15,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Two-handed Axe of Necromancy +12 | 4,900.00 | 5,900.00 | 6,900.00 | 2 |
Bronze Two-handed Axe of Tempestry +7 | 200.00 | 200.00 | 200.00 | 1 |
Bronze Two-handed Axe of Tempestry +8 | 200.00 | 200.00 | 200.00 | 1 |
Bronze Two-handed Axe of Theurgy +12 | 1,750.00 | 1,750.00 | 1,750.00 | 1 |
Bronze Two-handed Axe of Theurgy +7 | 200.00 | 200.00 | 200.00 | 1 |
Bronze Two-handed Hammer +10 | 8,000.00 | 11,250.00 | 14,500.00 | 2 |
Bronze Two-handed Hammer +11 | 7,000.00 | 14,750.00 | 30,000.00 | 4 |
Bronze Two-handed Hammer +12 | 7,500.00 | 20,200.00 | 30,000.00 | 5 |
Bronze Two-handed Hammer +13 | 12,500.00 | 16,875.00 | 20,000.00 | 4 |
Bronze Two-handed Hammer +14 | 30,000.00 | 30,000.00 | 30,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Two-handed Hammer +15 | 27,500.00 | 27,500.00 | 27,500.00 | 1 |
Bronze Two-handed Hammer +16 | 32,500.00 | 32,500.00 | 32,500.00 | 1 |
Bronze Two-handed Hammer +17 | 32,500.00 | 40,000.00 | 45,000.00 | 3 |
Bronze Two-handed Hammer +18 | 34,000.00 | 34,000.00 | 34,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Two-handed Hammer +2 | 800.00 | 800.00 | 800.00 | 3 |
Bronze Two-handed Hammer +4 | 2,000.00 | 2,000.00 | 2,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Two-handed Hammer +5 | 1,000.00 | 1,000.00 | 1,000.00 | 2 |
Bronze Two-handed Hammer +6 | 1,000.00 | 4,100.00 | 8,000.00 | 4 |
Bronze Two-handed Hammer +8 | 999.00 | 9,749.50 | 18,500.00 | 2 |
Bronze Two-handed Hammer +9 | 8,500.00 | 10,250.00 | 12,000.00 | 2 |
Bronze Two-handed Hammer of Lunaism Warding +16 | 37,500.00 | 37,500.00 | 37,500.00 | 1 |
Bronze Two-handed Hammer of Thaumaturgy +16 | 40,000.00 | 40,000.00 | 40,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Two-handed Hammer of Thaumaturgy +18 | 90,000.00 | 90,000.00 | 90,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Two-handed Mace +10 | 500.00 | 8,149.80 | 20,500.00 | 5 |
Bronze Two-handed Mace +11 | 1,750.00 | 18,805.56 | 30,000.00 | 9 |
Bronze Two-handed Mace +12 | 500.00 | 16,300.00 | 30,000.00 | 5 |
Bronze Two-handed Mace +13 | 500.00 | 14,750.00 | 25,000.00 | 8 |
Bronze Two-handed Mace +14 | 18,500.00 | 18,500.00 | 18,500.00 | 1 |
Bronze Two-handed Mace +15 | 20,000.00 | 26,666.67 | 40,000.00 | 3 |
Bronze Two-handed Mace +2 | 800.00 | 800.00 | 800.00 | 4 |
Bronze Two-handed Mace +4 | 2,000.00 | 2,000.00 | 2,000.00 | 4 |
Bronze Two-handed Mace +5 | 1,500.00 | 1,500.00 | 1,500.00 | 1 |
Bronze Two-handed Mace +6 | 1,500.00 | 1,500.00 | 1,500.00 | 1 |
Bronze Two-handed Mace +7 | 3,000.00 | 3,000.00 | 3,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Two-handed Mace +8 | 2,000.00 | 3,000.00 | 5,000.00 | 5 |
Bronze Two-handed Mace +9 | 3,000.00 | 3,000.00 | 3,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Two-handed Mace of Gaiaism +12 | 500.00 | 500.00 | 500.00 | 1 |
Bronze Two-handed Mace of Gaiaism +8 | 6,500.00 | 6,500.00 | 6,500.00 | 1 |
Bronze Two-handed Mace of Sorcery +7 | 2,500.00 | 2,500.00 | 2,500.00 | 2 |
Bronze Two-handed Mace of Tempestry +5 | 200.00 | 200.00 | 200.00 | 1 |
Bronze Two-handed Sword +10 | 1,500.00 | 13,185.59 | 25,000.00 | 22 |
Bronze Two-handed Sword +11 | 1,500.00 | 10,458.25 | 37,999.00 | 12 |
Bronze Two-handed Sword +12 | 2,500.00 | 25,999.88 | 98,000.00 | 16 |
Bronze Two-handed Sword +13 | 1,500.00 | 23,002.63 | 50,000.00 | 16 |
Bronze Two-handed Sword +14 | 10,000.00 | 34,125.00 | 60,000.00 | 4 |
Bronze Two-handed Sword +15 | 15,000.00 | 41,416.67 | 125,000.00 | 6 |
Bronze Two-handed Sword +16 | 40,000.00 | 63,666.67 | 76,000.00 | 3 |
Bronze Two-handed Sword +17 | 50,000.00 | 50,000.00 | 50,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Two-handed Sword +18 | 10,000.00 | 10,000.00 | 10,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Two-handed Sword +19 | 45,000.00 | 45,000.00 | 45,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Two-handed Sword +2 | 750.00 | 1,568.50 | 4,799.00 | 8 |
Bronze Two-handed Sword +3 | 150.00 | 325.00 | 500.00 | 2 |
Bronze Two-handed Sword +4 | 150.00 | 498.67 | 1,542.00 | 6 |
Bronze Two-handed Sword +5 | 150.00 | 1,038.89 | 5,000.00 | 9 |
Bronze Two-handed Sword +6 | 1,000.00 | 5,000.00 | 12,000.00 | 3 |
Bronze Two-handed Sword +7 | 500.00 | 9,328.57 | 35,000.00 | 7 |
Bronze Two-handed Sword +8 | 1,000.00 | 8,580.11 | 25,000.00 | 18 |
Bronze Two-handed Sword +9 | 1,000.00 | 9,096.07 | 25,000.00 | 15 |
Bronze Two-handed Sword of Gaiaism +10 | 2,500.00 | 3,116.67 | 4,000.00 | 3 |
Bronze Two-handed Sword of Gaiaism +14 | 13,000.00 | 13,000.00 | 13,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Two-handed Sword of Gaiaism +15 | 15,000.00 | 15,000.00 | 15,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Two-handed Sword of Necromancy +8 | 4,999.00 | 4,999.00 | 4,999.00 | 1 |
Bronze Two-handed Sword of Necromancy Warding +12 | 500.00 | 500.00 | 500.00 | 1 |
Bronze Two-handed Sword of Sorcery +10 | 900.00 | 4,149.50 | 7,399.00 | 2 |
Bronze Two-handed Sword of Sorcery +11 | 9,999.00 | 9,999.00 | 9,999.00 | 1 |
Bronze Two-handed Sword of Sorcery +14 | 8,442.00 | 8,442.00 | 8,442.00 | 1 |
Bronze Two-handed Sword of Sorcery +15 | 5,000.00 | 5,000.00 | 5,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Two-handed Sword of Sorcery +9 | 10,999.00 | 10,999.00 | 10,999.00 | 1 |
Bronze Two-handed Sword of Thaumaturgy +10 | 11,499.00 | 11,499.00 | 11,499.00 | 1 |
Bronze Two-handed Sword of Thaumaturgy +11 | 9,999.00 | 9,999.00 | 9,999.00 | 1 |
Bronze Two-handed Sword of Thaumaturgy +12 | 9,999.00 | 9,999.00 | 9,999.00 | 1 |
Bronze Two-handed Sword of Thaumaturgy +7 | 1,000.00 | 1,000.00 | 1,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze Two-handed Sword of Theurgy +11 | 5,900.00 | 5,900.00 | 5,900.00 | 1 |
Bronze Two-handed Sword of Theurgy +12 | 6,900.00 | 6,900.00 | 6,900.00 | 1 |
Bronze War Hammer +10 | 500.00 | 8,746.67 | 20,500.00 | 15 |
Bronze War Hammer +11 | 1,000.00 | 7,822.22 | 18,500.00 | 9 |
Bronze War Hammer +12 | 2,000.00 | 15,125.00 | 20,500.00 | 12 |
Bronze War Hammer +13 | 1,100.00 | 18,142.86 | 25,000.00 | 14 |
Bronze War Hammer +14 | 16,500.00 | 19,916.67 | 25,000.00 | 6 |
Bronze War Hammer +15 | 18,500.00 | 34,250.00 | 50,000.00 | 2 |
Bronze War Hammer +2 | 1,499.00 | 1,849.00 | 2,199.00 | 2 |
Bronze War Hammer +20 | 120,000.00 | 120,000.00 | 120,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze War Hammer +4 | 500.00 | 500.00 | 500.00 | 1 |
Bronze War Hammer +5 | 1,100.00 | 1,150.00 | 1,200.00 | 6 |
Bronze War Hammer +6 | 1,000.00 | 1,550.00 | 2,000.00 | 4 |
Bronze War Hammer +8 | 500.00 | 10,600.00 | 18,500.00 | 10 |
Bronze War Hammer +9 | 1,000.00 | 11,100.00 | 18,500.00 | 10 |
Bronze War Hammer of Atenism +17 | 20,000.00 | 20,000.00 | 20,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze War Hammer of Gaiaism +12 | 4,900.00 | 4,900.00 | 4,900.00 | 1 |
Bronze War Hammer of Gaiaism +13 | 20,000.00 | 20,000.00 | 20,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze War Hammer of Necromancy +10 | 15,000.00 | 15,000.00 | 15,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze War Hammer of Necromancy +7 | 6,666.00 | 6,666.00 | 6,666.00 | 1 |
Bronze War Hammer of Sorcery +14 | 20,000.00 | 20,000.00 | 20,000.00 | 1 |
Bronze War Hammer of Tempestry +12 | 4,900.00 | 4,900.00 | 4,900.00 | 1 |
Bronze White Sky Navy Helmet +11 | 29,999.00 | 29,999.00 | 29,999.00 | 1 |
Brook Trout | 100.00 | 225.00 | 350.00 | 10 |
Brook Trout Trophy | 10.00 | 275.35 | 600.00 | 20 |
Broom Decoration Pet | 5,000.00 | 28,659.00 | 69,000.00 | 22 |
Brown Bear Skin Rug | 50.00 | 994.44 | 3,500.00 | 9 |
Brown Cap Mushroom | 3.25 | 3.50 | 4.00 | 60 |
Brown Cylindrical Jug | 42.00 | 42.00 | 42.00 | 1 |
Brown Dye | 10.00 | 486.13 | 1,349.50 | 288 |
Brown Fur Hat +1 | 50.00 | 134.50 | 165.00 | 4 |
Brown Fur Hat +10 | 3,500.00 | 3,500.00 | 3,500.00 | 1 |
Brown Fur Hat +11 | 1,250.00 | 1,250.00 | 1,250.00 | 1 |
Brown Fur Hat +2 | 688.00 | 693.50 | 699.00 | 2 |
Brown Fur Hat +4 | 800.00 | 800.00 | 800.00 | 1 |
Brown Fur Hat +5 | 225.00 | 225.00 | 225.00 | 1 |
Brown Fur Hat +6 | 450.00 | 475.00 | 500.00 | 2 |
Brown Jug | 25.00 | 33.00 | 49.00 | 7 |
Brown Plague Doctor Mask | 29,999.00 | 29,999.00 | 29,999.00 | 1 |
Brown Rounded Jug | 44.00 | 44.00 | 44.00 | 2 |
Brown Steampunk Goggles | 5,000.00 | 15,833.00 | 26,000.00 | 6 |
Brown Suede Arm Chair | 15.00 | 816.14 | 1,999.00 | 172 |
Brown Suede Ottoman | 20.00 | 509.99 | 1,100.00 | 143 |
Brown Suede Sofa | 150.00 | 1,746.66 | 4,699.00 | 122 |
Brown Suede Wingback Chair | 15.00 | 1,092.07 | 2,599.00 | 258 |
Brown Tricorn Hat +8 | 3,566.00 | 3,566.00 | 3,566.00 | 1 |
Brown Vase with Geometrical Shape | 13,333.00 | 13,333.00 | 13,333.00 | 1 |
Brown Vase with Hummingbirds | 15,000.00 | 15,000.00 | 15,000.00 | 1 |
Bubbling Cauldron | 25,000.00 | 30,000.00 | 65,000.00 | 26 |
Bucket | 5.00 | 62.57 | 100.00 | 10 |
Bucket Of Water | 0.55 | 1.17 | 1.90 | 675,448 |
Bucket of Water | 0.90 | 0.90 | 0.90 | 501,000 |
Buckled Cross Hatched Gambeson | 140.00 | 720.68 | 3,788.00 | 22 |
Buckled Cross Hatched Gambeson Leggings | 99.00 | 680.63 | 1,788.00 | 16 |
Buckled Gambeson | 140.00 | 739.52 | 3,788.00 | 25 |
Buckled Gambeson Leggings | 95.00 | 655.12 | 1,298.00 | 17 |
Bug Sprayer | 200,000.00 | 200,000.00 | 200,000.00 | 1 |
Bulletin Board | 100.00 | 1,974.07 | 4,523.00 | 55 |
Bundle of Feathers | 2.45 | 3.99 | 5.00 | 11,779 |
Bunk Bed | 80.00 | 1,736.65 | 3,499.00 | 72 |
Bunny Slippers | 8,500.00 | 31,541.67 | 55,000.00 | 12 |
Buoy rope | 1,000.00 | 3,372.00 | 7,000.00 | 18 |
Burial Coffin | 4,500.00 | 4,936.17 | 5,000.00 | 47 |
Burial Skeleton | 3,500.00 | 6,285.43 | 9,999.00 | 7 |
Burled Wood Chair | 6,000.00 | 6,000.00 | 6,000.00 | 2 |
Burled Wood Coffee Table | 12,000.00 | 12,250.00 | 12,500.00 | 2 |
Burled Wood Curved Arm Chair | 10,000.00 | 11,666.67 | 12,500.00 | 4 |
Burled Wood Dining Chair | 10,000.00 | 10,000.00 | 10,000.00 | 2 |
Burled Wood Dining Table | 13,000.00 | 13,000.00 | 13,000.00 | 1 |
Burled Wood Drawer Table | 13,000.00 | 13,000.00 | 13,000.00 | 2 |
Burled Wood Dresser | 13,000.00 | 13,000.00 | 13,000.00 | 2 |
Burled Wood Hallway Table | 12,000.00 | 12,500.00 | 13,000.00 | 2 |
Burled Wood Mantle Clock | 9,000.00 | 17,833.00 | 29,999.00 | 3 |
Burled Wood Round End Table | 13,000.00 | 13,000.00 | 13,000.00 | 2 |
Bust of Child | 7,400.00 | 7,400.00 | 7,400.00 | 1 |
Butchering Station | 500.00 | 2,442.71 | 4,500.00 | 14 |
Butchery Crafting Chest | 250.00 | 808.25 | 1,200.00 | 8 |
Butter | 6.00 | 16.50 | 25.00 | 2,165 |
Butterfly Mask | 5,000.00 | 11,563.11 | 29,000.00 | 19 |
Buy Armor at Soryn fields | 400.00 | 400.00 | 400.00 | 1 |
Cabalist Avara Hood | 20,000.00 | 39,354.55 | 109,000.00 | 11 |
Cabalist Avara Hood +1 | 25,000.00 | 25,000.00 | 25,000.00 | 1 |
Cabalist Avara Hood +3 | 70,000.00 | 70,000.00 | 70,000.00 | 1 |
Cabalist Avara Hood +4 | 45,000.00 | 56,000.00 | 67,000.00 | 2 |
Cabalist Boots | 200.00 | 1,525.87 | 9,999.00 | 60 |
Cabalist Corpus Hood | 17,500.00 | 42,999.93 | 200,000.00 | 15 |
Cabalist Corpus Hood +10 | 150,000.00 | 150,000.00 | 150,000.00 | 1 |
Cabalist Corpus Hood +2 | 95,000.00 | 95,000.00 | 95,000.00 | 1 |
Cabalist Corpus Hood +4 | 24,999.00 | 38,333.00 | 45,000.00 | 3 |
Cabalist Corpus Hood +6 | 39,000.00 | 39,000.00 | 39,000.00 | 1 |
Cabalist Dolus Hood | 100,000.00 | 278,352.44 | 599,999.00 | 34 |
Cabalist Dolus Hood +1 | 275,000.00 | 275,000.00 | 275,000.00 | 1 |
Cabalist Dolus Hood +10 | 750,000.00 | 875,000.00 | 1,000,000.00 | 2 |
Cabalist Dolus Hood +12 | 525,000.00 | 525,000.00 | 525,000.00 | 1 |
Cabalist Dolus Hood +5 | 145,000.00 | 145,000.00 | 145,000.00 | 1 |
Cabalist Dolus Hood +6 | 325,000.00 | 325,000.00 | 325,000.00 | 1 |
Cabalist Dolus Hood +9 | 174,000.00 | 431,500.00 | 689,000.00 | 2 |
Cabalist Fastus Hood | 19,999.00 | 33,249.83 | 50,000.00 | 12 |
Cabalist Fastus Hood +13 | 49,000.00 | 49,000.00 | 49,000.00 | 1 |
Cabalist Fastus Hood +6 | 29,000.00 | 34,500.00 | 40,000.00 | 2 |
Cabalist Indigno Hood | 49,000.00 | 117,818.00 | 250,000.00 | 11 |
Cabalist Indigno Hood +4 | 70,000.00 | 72,500.00 | 75,000.00 | 2 |
Cabalist Indigno Hood +5 | 79,000.00 | 79,000.00 | 79,000.00 | 2 |
Cabalist Indigno Hood +6 | 90,000.00 | 90,000.00 | 90,000.00 | 1 |
Cabalist Indigno Hood +7 | 120,000.00 | 120,000.00 | 120,000.00 | 1 |
Cabalist Nefario Hood | 55,000.00 | 94,999.93 | 275,000.00 | 14 |
Cabalist Nefario Hood +2 | 29,000.00 | 49,000.00 | 69,000.00 | 2 |
Cabalist Nefario Hood +6 | 74,000.00 | 79,000.00 | 84,000.00 | 2 |
Cabalist Nefario Hood +7 | 125,000.00 | 125,000.00 | 125,000.00 | 1 |
Cabalist Nefas Hood | 29,000.00 | 46,727.18 | 69,999.00 | 11 |
Cabalist Nefas Hood +7 | 99,000.00 | 99,000.00 | 99,000.00 | 1 |
Cabalist Robe | 1,200.00 | 6,036.89 | 29,000.00 | 82 |
Cabalist Temna Hood | 39,900.00 | 142,821.22 | 450,000.00 | 23 |
Cabalist Temna Hood +15 | 350,000.00 | 350,000.00 | 350,000.00 | 1 |
Cabalist Temna Hood +2 | 250,000.00 | 250,000.00 | 250,000.00 | 1 |
Cabalist Temna Hood +4 | 45,000.00 | 45,000.00 | 45,000.00 | 1 |
Cabalist Temna Hood +6 | 69,000.00 | 169,000.00 | 269,000.00 | 2 |
Cabalists Creature Painting | 19,000.00 | 24,000.00 | 29,000.00 | 2 |
Cackling Jack O' Lantern | 5,000.00 | 5,000.00 | 5,000.00 | 1 |
Caltrops | 0.02 | 4.09 | 33.00 | 11,001 |
Camera | 15,000.00 | 19,375.00 | 39,000.00 | 8 |
Candelabra | 5.00 | 647.56 | 31,250.00 | 122 |
Candle | 2.00 | 54.74 | 400.00 | 223 |
Candle Helmet | 3,000.00 | 12,099.87 | 29,000.00 | 15 |
Candle in Bulb Base | 2.00 | 107.19 | 999.00 | 19 |
Candy Cane Wand | 8,500.00 | 21,166.50 | 45,000.00 | 6 |
Cannibal Stew of Bent Benny | 250.00 | 250.00 | 250.00 | 7 |
Cannibal Stew of Disturbed Denny | 250.00 | 250.00 | 250.00 | 3 |
Cannibal Stew of Rosmarin | 399.00 | 449.00 | 499.00 | 20 |
Cannon | 9,000.00 | 11,944.33 | 30,000.00 | 54 |
Canvas Upholstered Armchair | 106.25 | 1,579.69 | 3,171.00 | 176 |
Canvas Upholstered Barrel Chair | 250.00 | 1,859.14 | 3,884.00 | 160 |
Canvas Upholstered Barrel Sofa | 150.00 | 1,905.40 | 3,750.00 | 108 |
Canvas Upholstered Chair | 250.00 | 1,626.75 | 2,341.00 | 97 |
Canvas Upholstered Long Couch | 150.00 | 2,045.55 | 4,425.00 | 81 |
Canvas Upholstered Loveseat | 150.00 | 2,166.48 | 4,299.00 | 79 |
Canvas Upholstered Wooden Trim Loveseat | 150.00 | 1,927.97 | 3,536.00 | 66 |
Carapacian Angled Tabard Gambeson Boots +12 | 20,000.00 | 20,000.00 | 20,000.00 | 1 |
Carapacian Angled Tabard Gambeson Gloves +9 | 17,500.00 | 17,500.00 | 17,500.00 | 1 |
Carapacian Augmented Cloth Boots +10 | 16,500.00 | 16,500.00 | 16,500.00 | 1 |
Carapacian Augmented Cloth Boots +11 | 3,500.00 | 10,250.00 | 28,500.00 | 6 |
Carapacian Augmented Cloth Boots +12 | 350.00 | 14,525.00 | 30,000.00 | 8 |
Carapacian Augmented Cloth Boots +13 | 5,000.00 | 17,428.57 | 25,000.00 | 7 |
Carapacian Augmented Cloth Boots +14 | 30,000.00 | 36,666.67 | 50,000.00 | 3 |
Carapacian Augmented Cloth Boots +15 | 18,500.00 | 25,875.00 | 35,000.00 | 4 |
Carapacian Augmented Cloth Boots +16 | 18,500.00 | 21,750.00 | 25,000.00 | 2 |
Carapacian Augmented Cloth Boots +17 | 170,000.00 | 170,000.00 | 170,000.00 | 1 |
Carapacian Augmented Cloth Boots +2 | 999.00 | 999.00 | 999.00 | 1 |
Carapacian Augmented Cloth Boots +5 | 3,500.00 | 3,500.00 | 3,500.00 | 1 |
Carapacian Augmented Cloth Boots +6 | 350.00 | 350.00 | 350.00 | 3 |
Carapacian Augmented Cloth Boots +7 | 642.00 | 692.00 | 742.00 | 2 |
Carapacian Augmented Cloth Boots +8 | 842.00 | 15,447.33 | 25,000.00 | 3 |
Carapacian Augmented Cloth Chest Armor +10 | 5,000.00 | 13,333.33 | 25,000.00 | 3 |
Carapacian Augmented Cloth Chest Armor +11 | 10,000.00 | 28,750.00 | 47,500.00 | 2 |
Carapacian Augmented Cloth Chest Armor +13 | 30,000.00 | 43,333.33 | 50,000.00 | 3 |
Carapacian Augmented Cloth Chest Armor +14 | 140,000.00 | 140,000.00 | 140,000.00 | 1 |
Carapacian Augmented Cloth Chest Armor +15 | 100,000.00 | 100,000.00 | 100,000.00 | 2 |
Carapacian Augmented Cloth Chest Armor +16 | 100,000.00 | 100,000.00 | 100,000.00 | 1 |
Carapacian Augmented Cloth Chest Armor +3 | 2,800.00 | 7,899.50 | 12,999.00 | 2 |
Carapacian Augmented Cloth Chest Armor of Atenism +7 | 500.00 | 500.00 | 500.00 | 1 |
Carapacian Augmented Cloth Chest Armor of Greater Thaumaturgy +15 | 9,000.00 | 9,000.00 | 9,000.00 | 1 |
Carapacian Augmented Cloth Chest Armor of Greater Thaumaturgy +19 | 10,000.00 | 10,000.00 | 10,000.00 | 1 |
Carapacian Augmented Cloth Chest Armor of Lunaism +11 | 24,500.00 | 24,500.00 | 24,500.00 | 1 |
Carapacian Augmented Cloth Chest Armor of Necromancy +11 | 25,000.00 | 25,000.00 | 25,000.00 | 1 |
Carapacian Augmented Cloth Chest Armor of Necromancy +14 | 20,000.00 | 20,000.00 | 20,000.00 | 1 |
Carapacian Augmented Cloth Chest Armor of Necromancy +15 | 25,000.00 | 25,000.00 | 25,000.00 | 1 |
Carapacian Augmented Cloth Chest Armor of Necromancy +9 | 3,500.00 | 4,250.00 | 5,000.00 | 2 |
Carapacian Augmented Cloth Chest Armor of Sorcery +11 | 18,500.00 | 18,500.00 | 18,500.00 | 1 |
Carapacian Augmented Cloth Chest Armor of Sorcery +12 | 47,500.00 | 47,500.00 | 47,500.00 | 1 |
Carapacian Augmented Cloth Chest Armor of Sorcery +13 | 50,000.00 | 50,000.00 | 50,000.00 | 1 |
Carapacian Augmented Cloth Chest Armor of Sorcery +16 | 14,500.00 | 14,500.00 | 14,500.00 | 1 |
Carapacian Augmented Cloth Chest Armor of Sorcery +9 | 5,000.00 | 5,000.00 | 5,000.00 | 1 |
Carapacian Augmented Cloth Chest Armor of Thaumaturgy +14 | 25,000.00 | 25,000.00 | 25,000.00 | 1 |
Carapacian Augmented Cloth Chest Armor of Thaumaturgy +16 | 42,500.00 | 42,500.00 | 42,500.00 | 1 |
Carapacian Augmented Cloth Gloves +10 | 4,000.00 | 4,750.00 | 5,500.00 | 2 |
Carapacian Augmented Cloth Gloves +12 | 5,000.00 | 6,333.33 | 8,000.00 | 3 |
Carapacian Augmented Cloth Helm +11 | 5,000.00 | 5,000.00 | 5,000.00 | 1 |
Carapacian Augmented Cloth Helm +16 | 6,500.00 | 6,500.00 | 6,500.00 | 1 |
Carapacian Augmented Cloth Helm +7 | 3,000.00 | 3,000.00 | 3,000.00 | 2 |
Carapacian Augmented Cloth Leggings +10 | 2,500.00 | 13,166.67 | 30,000.00 | 3 |
Carapacian Augmented Cloth Leggings +11 | 10,000.00 | 22,500.00 | 35,000.00 | 2 |
Carapacian Augmented Cloth Leggings +12 | 3,500.00 | 11,600.00 | 30,000.00 | 10 |
Carapacian Augmented Cloth Leggings +13 | 80,000.00 | 80,000.00 | 80,000.00 | 1 |
Carapacian Augmented Cloth Leggings +14 | 25,000.00 | 30,000.00 | 35,000.00 | 2 |
Carapacian Augmented Cloth Leggings +15 | 50,000.00 | 62,500.00 | 75,000.00 | 2 |
Carapacian Augmented Cloth Leggings +17 | 9,000.00 | 69,500.00 | 130,000.00 | 2 |
Carapacian Augmented Cloth Leggings +3 | 2,000.00 | 2,000.00 | 2,000.00 | 1 |
Carapacian Augmented Cloth Leggings +6 | 6,000.00 | 6,000.00 | 6,000.00 | 1 |
Carapacian Augmented Cloth Leggings +7 | 8,000.00 | 8,000.00 | 8,000.00 | 1 |
Carapacian Augmented Cloth Leggings +8 | 9,000.00 | 16,500.00 | 24,000.00 | 2 |
Carapacian Autumn Fairy Leggings +12 | 20,000.00 | 20,000.00 | 20,000.00 | 1 |
Carapacian Cabalist Robe of Necromancy +13 | 25,000.00 | 25,000.00 | 25,000.00 | 1 |
Carapacian Cabalist Robe of Sorcery +14 | 24,000.00 | 24,000.00 | 24,000.00 | 1 |
Carapacian Cloth Belt +2 | 999.00 | 999.00 | 999.00 | 1 |
Carapacian Cloth Boots +1 | 1,999.00 | 1,999.00 | 1,999.00 | 1 |
Carapacian Cloth Strap | 850.00 | 1,802.48 | 2,750.00 | 1,645 |
Carapacian Dirty Cloth Chest Armor of Necromancy +15 | 50,000.00 | 50,000.00 | 50,000.00 | 1 |
Carapacian Dirty Cloth Chest Armor of Thaumaturgy +16 | 99,000.00 | 99,000.00 | 99,000.00 | 1 |
Carapacian Dirty Cloth Gloves +16 | 50,000.00 | 50,000.00 | 50,000.00 | 1 |
Carapacian Dirty Cloth Gloves +9 | 24,000.00 | 24,000.00 | 24,000.00 | 1 |
Carapacian Dirty Cloth Helm +9 | 24,000.00 | 24,000.00 | 24,000.00 | 1 |
Carapacian Dirty Cloth Leggings +13 | 20,000.00 | 20,000.00 | 20,000.00 | 1 |
Carapacian Elven Elite Mage Gauntlets +9 | 5,000.00 | 5,000.00 | 5,000.00 | 1 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Boots | 1,000.00 | 1,000.00 | 1,000.00 | 1 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Boots +1 | 75.00 | 6,446.63 | 10,000.00 | 8 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Boots +10 | 500.00 | 23,551.72 | 69,000.00 | 29 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Boots +11 | 5,500.00 | 21,456.52 | 45,000.00 | 23 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Boots +12 | 3,000.00 | 25,229.17 | 75,000.00 | 24 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Boots +13 | 1,500.00 | 25,100.00 | 80,000.00 | 25 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Boots +14 | 14,500.00 | 23,277.78 | 28,000.00 | 9 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Boots +15 | 16,000.00 | 37,142.86 | 45,000.00 | 7 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Boots +16 | 28,000.00 | 34,125.00 | 46,000.00 | 4 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Boots +17 | 65,000.00 | 65,000.00 | 65,000.00 | 1 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Boots +2 | 1,000.00 | 1,250.00 | 2,000.00 | 4 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Boots +3 | 500.00 | 1,520.00 | 2,500.00 | 5 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Boots +4 | 100.00 | 1,987.50 | 5,000.00 | 4 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Boots +5 | 677.00 | 4,871.17 | 11,000.00 | 6 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Boots +6 | 350.00 | 8,835.00 | 22,000.00 | 10 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Boots +7 | 500.00 | 11,687.50 | 34,000.00 | 16 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Boots +8 | 3,500.00 | 17,200.00 | 38,000.00 | 10 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Boots +9 | 1,500.00 | 14,634.62 | 35,000.00 | 26 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Chest Armor +1 | 2,500.00 | 2,500.00 | 2,500.00 | 3 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Chest Armor +10 | 2,500.00 | 27,785.71 | 80,000.00 | 21 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Chest Armor +11 | 1,500.00 | 30,785.71 | 55,000.00 | 14 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Chest Armor +12 | 12,000.00 | 54,785.71 | 100,000.00 | 14 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Chest Armor +13 | 19,500.00 | 52,558.82 | 140,000.00 | 17 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Chest Armor +14 | 22,000.00 | 68,444.44 | 115,000.00 | 9 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Chest Armor +15 | 2,000.00 | 43,000.00 | 75,000.00 | 4 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Chest Armor +16 | 38,000.00 | 89,000.00 | 140,000.00 | 2 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Chest Armor +17 | 45,000.00 | 45,000.00 | 45,000.00 | 1 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Chest Armor +6 | 1,500.00 | 5,500.00 | 28,000.00 | 10 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Chest Armor +7 | 500.00 | 12,500.00 | 44,000.00 | 7 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Chest Armor +8 | 500.00 | 14,692.31 | 60,000.00 | 13 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Chest Armor +9 | 500.00 | 24,071.43 | 65,000.00 | 14 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Chest Armor of Atenism +10 | 22,000.00 | 22,000.00 | 22,000.00 | 1 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Chest Armor of Atenism +11 | 38,000.00 | 38,000.00 | 38,000.00 | 1 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Chest Armor of Atenism +12 | 42,000.00 | 42,000.00 | 42,000.00 | 1 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Chest Armor of Atenism +13 | 35,000.00 | 40,000.00 | 45,000.00 | 2 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Chest Armor of Atenism +14 | 30,000.00 | 36,000.00 | 40,000.00 | 3 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Chest Armor of Atenism +15 | 19,000.00 | 32,400.00 | 48,000.00 | 5 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Chest Armor of Atenism +16 | 20,000.00 | 37,500.00 | 80,000.00 | 4 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Chest Armor of Atenism +17 | 80,000.00 | 80,000.00 | 80,000.00 | 1 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Chest Armor of Atenism +6 | 12,000.00 | 16,500.00 | 21,000.00 | 2 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Chest Armor of Atenism +8 | 600.00 | 4,550.00 | 8,500.00 | 2 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Chest Armor of Atenism +9 | 28,000.00 | 29,000.00 | 30,000.00 | 2 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Chest Armor of Gaiaism +11 | 30,000.00 | 30,000.00 | 30,000.00 | 1 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Chest Armor of Gaiaism +12 | 35,000.00 | 35,000.00 | 35,000.00 | 1 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Chest Armor of Gaiaism +14 | 28,000.00 | 28,000.00 | 28,000.00 | 1 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Chest Armor of Gaiaism +8 | 25,000.00 | 25,000.00 | 25,000.00 | 1 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Chest Armor of Gaiaism +9 | 6,500.00 | 11,250.00 | 16,000.00 | 2 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Chest Armor of Lunaism +11 | 27,000.00 | 27,000.00 | 27,000.00 | 1 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Chest Armor of Lunaism +12 | 20,000.00 | 27,500.00 | 35,000.00 | 2 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Chest Armor of Lunaism +14 | 36,000.00 | 36,000.00 | 36,000.00 | 1 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Chest Armor of Lunaism +17 | 45,000.00 | 45,000.00 | 45,000.00 | 1 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Chest Armor of Necromancy +10 | 8,500.00 | 16,750.00 | 25,000.00 | 2 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Chest Armor of Necromancy +11 | 11,000.00 | 24,600.00 | 35,000.00 | 5 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Chest Armor of Necromancy +12 | 12,000.00 | 25,923.00 | 45,000.00 | 13 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Chest Armor of Necromancy +13 | 1,500.00 | 19,166.67 | 30,000.00 | 3 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Chest Armor of Necromancy +14 | 6,500.00 | 30,892.86 | 48,000.00 | 14 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Chest Armor of Necromancy +15 | 25,000.00 | 38,125.00 | 65,000.00 | 8 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Chest Armor of Necromancy +16 | 25,000.00 | 48,000.00 | 60,000.00 | 5 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Chest Armor of Necromancy +17 | 36,000.00 | 85,000.00 | 150,000.00 | 3 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Chest Armor of Necromancy +18 | 32,000.00 | 36,000.00 | 40,000.00 | 2 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Chest Armor of Necromancy +19 | 42,000.00 | 42,000.00 | 42,000.00 | 1 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Chest Armor of Necromancy +4 | 6,000.00 | 6,000.00 | 6,000.00 | 1 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Chest Armor of Necromancy +7 | 15,000.00 | 15,000.00 | 15,000.00 | 1 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Chest Armor of Necromancy +8 | 15,000.00 | 15,000.00 | 15,000.00 | 1 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Chest Armor of Necromancy +9 | 38,000.00 | 38,000.00 | 38,000.00 | 1 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Chest Armor of Sorcery +10 | 15,000.00 | 24,000.00 | 45,000.00 | 5 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Chest Armor of Sorcery +11 | 8,000.00 | 28,083.33 | 70,000.00 | 6 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Chest Armor of Sorcery +12 | 32,000.00 | 38,800.00 | 55,000.00 | 5 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Chest Armor of Sorcery +13 | 14,000.00 | 35,125.00 | 65,000.00 | 8 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Chest Armor of Sorcery +14 | 24,000.00 | 39,227.27 | 65,000.00 | 11 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Chest Armor of Sorcery +15 | 16,000.00 | 38,318.18 | 65,000.00 | 11 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Chest Armor of Sorcery +16 | 28,000.00 | 49,000.00 | 60,000.00 | 4 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Chest Armor of Sorcery +17 | 35,000.00 | 177,500.00 | 320,000.00 | 2 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Chest Armor of Sorcery +18 | 37,000.00 | 37,000.00 | 37,000.00 | 1 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Chest Armor of Sorcery +4 | 16,000.00 | 16,000.00 | 16,000.00 | 1 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Chest Armor of Sorcery +6 | 5,000.00 | 7,000.00 | 9,000.00 | 2 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Chest Armor of Sorcery +7 | 2,500.00 | 8,250.00 | 14,000.00 | 2 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Chest Armor of Sorcery +8 | 10,000.00 | 16,000.00 | 20,000.00 | 4 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Chest Armor of Sorcery +9 | 11,000.00 | 24,833.33 | 38,000.00 | 6 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Chest Armor of Tempestry +11 | 26,000.00 | 26,000.00 | 26,000.00 | 1 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Chest Armor of Tempestry +12 | 24,000.00 | 33,500.00 | 40,000.00 | 4 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Chest Armor of Tempestry +15 | 35,000.00 | 37,666.67 | 40,000.00 | 3 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Chest Armor of Tempestry +9 | 39,500.00 | 39,500.00 | 39,500.00 | 1 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Chest Armor of Thaumaturgy +10 | 12,000.00 | 17,700.00 | 20,000.00 | 5 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Chest Armor of Thaumaturgy +11 | 3,000.00 | 3,000.00 | 3,000.00 | 1 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Chest Armor of Thaumaturgy +12 | 14,000.00 | 25,200.00 | 35,000.00 | 5 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Chest Armor of Thaumaturgy +13 | 10,000.00 | 29,833.33 | 48,000.00 | 6 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Chest Armor of Thaumaturgy +14 | 30,000.00 | 52,500.00 | 75,000.00 | 2 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Chest Armor of Thaumaturgy +15 | 12,500.00 | 31,312.50 | 42,000.00 | 8 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Chest Armor of Thaumaturgy +16 | 48,000.00 | 57,666.67 | 75,000.00 | 3 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Chest Armor of Thaumaturgy +17 | 35,000.00 | 35,000.00 | 35,000.00 | 1 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Chest Armor of Thaumaturgy +3 | 3,500.00 | 3,500.00 | 3,500.00 | 1 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Chest Armor of Thaumaturgy +4 | 3,500.00 | 3,500.00 | 3,500.00 | 1 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Chest Armor of Thaumaturgy +7 | 8,500.00 | 8,500.00 | 8,500.00 | 1 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Chest Armor of Thaumaturgy +8 | 3,000.00 | 11,333.33 | 16,000.00 | 3 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Chest Armor of Thaumaturgy +9 | 15,000.00 | 26,666.67 | 50,000.00 | 3 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Chest Armor of Theurgy +10 | 20,000.00 | 25,000.00 | 30,000.00 | 2 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Chest Armor of Theurgy +11 | 13,000.00 | 24,333.33 | 30,000.00 | 3 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Chest Armor of Theurgy +12 | 18,000.00 | 18,000.00 | 18,000.00 | 1 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Chest Armor of Theurgy +13 | 16,000.00 | 26,666.67 | 40,000.00 | 6 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Chest Armor of Theurgy +14 | 17,000.00 | 29,800.00 | 45,000.00 | 5 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Chest Armor of Theurgy +16 | 22,000.00 | 29,000.00 | 36,000.00 | 2 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Chest Armor of Theurgy +21 | 100,000.00 | 100,000.00 | 100,000.00 | 1 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Chest Armor of Theurgy +6 | 12,000.00 | 12,000.00 | 12,000.00 | 1 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Gloves +10 | 1,500.00 | 18,328.57 | 115,000.00 | 35 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Gloves +11 | 500.00 | 18,772.73 | 50,000.00 | 33 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Gloves +12 | 500.00 | 19,690.48 | 59,000.00 | 42 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Gloves +13 | 9,500.00 | 33,840.91 | 95,000.00 | 22 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Gloves +14 | 500.00 | 27,107.14 | 49,000.00 | 28 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Gloves +15 | 16,000.00 | 31,083.33 | 45,000.00 | 6 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Gloves +16 | 25,000.00 | 35,666.67 | 45,000.00 | 9 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Gloves +17 | 25,000.00 | 40,333.33 | 50,000.00 | 6 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Gloves +18 | 25,000.00 | 37,500.00 | 50,000.00 | 2 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Gloves +19 | 34,500.00 | 38,250.00 | 42,000.00 | 2 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Gloves +2 | 35.00 | 3,803.31 | 11,000.00 | 16 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Gloves +3 | 3,000.00 | 3,000.00 | 3,000.00 | 2 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Gloves +4 | 500.00 | 3,366.67 | 16,000.00 | 9 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Gloves +5 | 2,500.00 | 4,666.67 | 6,500.00 | 3 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Gloves +6 | 350.00 | 8,427.78 | 17,500.00 | 9 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Gloves +7 | 500.00 | 5,291.67 | 12,500.00 | 12 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Gloves +8 | 500.00 | 6,432.50 | 20,000.00 | 20 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Gloves +9 | 500.00 | 13,540.00 | 37,000.00 | 25 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Helm +10 | 500.00 | 19,375.00 | 39,000.00 | 20 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Helm +11 | 10,000.00 | 25,648.15 | 75,000.00 | 27 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Helm +12 | 8,500.00 | 18,400.00 | 32,000.00 | 15 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Helm +13 | 1,000.00 | 23,464.29 | 45,000.00 | 14 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Helm +14 | 3,500.00 | 25,944.44 | 37,500.00 | 9 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Helm +15 | 28,000.00 | 36,428.57 | 60,000.00 | 7 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Helm +16 | 32,000.00 | 74,000.00 | 150,000.00 | 7 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Helm +17 | 45,000.00 | 66,666.67 | 105,000.00 | 3 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Helm +2 | 5,999.00 | 5,999.00 | 5,999.00 | 1 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Helm +5 | 7,000.00 | 8,000.00 | 9,000.00 | 4 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Helm +6 | 1,000.00 | 2,700.00 | 7,000.00 | 5 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Helm +7 | 500.00 | 11,500.00 | 18,500.00 | 4 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Helm +8 | 450.00 | 13,746.88 | 35,000.00 | 16 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Helm +9 | 4,000.00 | 18,666.67 | 65,000.00 | 24 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Leg Armor +10 | 2,000.00 | 68,183.84 | 2,550,000.00 | 56 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Leg Armor +11 | 500.00 | 30,138.28 | 100,000.00 | 47 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Leg Armor +12 | 1,500.00 | 39,013.89 | 95,000.00 | 36 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Leg Armor +13 | 1,500.00 | 41,984.38 | 110,000.00 | 32 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Leg Armor +14 | 5,000.00 | 41,068.97 | 200,000.00 | 29 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Leg Armor +15 | 12,000.00 | 44,807.69 | 75,000.00 | 26 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Leg Armor +16 | 25,000.00 | 55,100.00 | 100,000.00 | 10 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Leg Armor +17 | 38,000.00 | 57,000.00 | 100,000.00 | 4 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Leg Armor +18 | 110,000.00 | 110,000.00 | 110,000.00 | 1 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Leg Armor +2 | 500.00 | 25,357.14 | 35,000.00 | 7 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Leg Armor +3 | 500.00 | 2,750.00 | 5,000.00 | 2 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Leg Armor +4 | 500.00 | 2,666.67 | 5,000.00 | 3 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Leg Armor +5 | 500.00 | 4,333.33 | 6,500.00 | 3 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Leg Armor +6 | 500.00 | 12,000.00 | 28,000.00 | 5 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Leg Armor +7 | 500.00 | 8,040.00 | 25,000.00 | 10 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Leg Armor +8 | 500.00 | 11,636.36 | 28,500.00 | 22 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Leg Armor +9 | 500.00 | 20,939.39 | 48,000.00 | 33 |
Carapacian Epic Cloth Leggings +10 | 4,000.00 | 4,000.00 | 4,000.00 | 1 |
Carapacian Fancy Doublet of Tempestry +6 | 49,500.00 | 49,500.00 | 49,500.00 | 1 |
Carapacian Fortified Cloth Boots +10 | 20,500.00 | 20,500.00 | 20,500.00 | 2 |
Carapacian Fortified Cloth Boots +11 | 30,000.00 | 30,000.00 | 30,000.00 | 1 |
Carapacian Fortified Cloth Boots +12 | 16,500.00 | 21,400.00 | 25,000.00 | 5 |
Carapacian Fortified Cloth Boots +13 | 2,500.00 | 21,416.67 | 30,000.00 | 6 |
Carapacian Fortified Cloth Boots +14 | 18,500.00 | 20,916.67 | 25,000.00 | 6 |
Carapacian Fortified Cloth Boots +15 | 5,000.00 | 23,333.33 | 35,000.00 | 3 |
Carapacian Fortified Cloth Boots +16 | 20,500.00 | 31,375.00 | 40,000.00 | 4 |
Carapacian Fortified Cloth Boots +17 | 25,000.00 | 30,000.00 | 35,000.00 | 2 |
Carapacian Fortified Cloth Boots +2 | 6,999.00 | 6,999.00 | 6,999.00 | 1 |
Carapacian Fortified Cloth Boots +4 | 1,499.00 | 1,499.00 | 1,499.00 | 1 |
Carapacian Fortified Cloth Boots +7 | 500.00 | 500.00 | 500.00 | 1 |
Carapacian Fortified Cloth Boots +8 | 2,450.00 | 2,450.00 | 2,450.00 | 2 |
Carapacian Fortified Cloth Chest Armor +1 | 2,500.00 | 2,500.00 | 2,500.00 | 1 |
Carapacian Fortified Cloth Chest Armor +10 | 24,000.00 | 30,200.00 | 49,500.00 | 5 |
Carapacian Fortified Cloth Chest Armor +11 | 18,000.00 | 33,250.00 | 55,000.00 | 8 |
Carapacian Fortified Cloth Chest Armor +12 | 19,500.00 | 28,000.00 | 39,500.00 | 3 |
Carapacian Fortified Cloth Chest Armor +13 | 27,500.00 | 36,125.00 | 50,000.00 | 4 |
Carapacian Fortified Cloth Chest Armor +14 | 15,000.00 | 15,000.00 | 15,000.00 | 1 |
Carapacian Fortified Cloth Chest Armor +15 | 50,000.00 | 50,000.00 | 50,000.00 | 1 |
Carapacian Fortified Cloth Chest Armor +17 | 50,000.00 | 50,000.00 | 50,000.00 | 1 |
Carapacian Fortified Cloth Chest Armor +3 | 1,800.00 | 34,537.38 | 45,000.00 | 8 |
Carapacian Fortified Cloth Chest Armor +7 | 3,000.00 | 3,000.00 | 3,000.00 | 1 |
Carapacian Fortified Cloth Chest Armor +9 | 22,500.00 | 22,500.00 | 22,500.00 | 1 |
Carapacian Fortified Cloth Chest Armor of Atenism +13 | 45,000.00 | 45,000.00 | 45,000.00 | 1 |
Carapacian Fortified Cloth Chest Armor of Gaiaism +12 | 25,000.00 | 25,000.00 | 25,000.00 | 1 |
Carapacian Fortified Cloth Chest Armor of Lunaism +13 | 32,500.00 | 32,500.00 | 32,500.00 | 1 |
Carapacian Fortified Cloth Chest Armor of Necromancy +13 | 27,500.00 | 27,500.00 | 27,500.00 | 1 |
Carapacian Fortified Cloth Chest Armor of Necromancy +14 | 47,500.00 | 47,500.00 | 47,500.00 | 1 |
Carapacian Fortified Cloth Chest Armor of Sorcery +11 | 33,000.00 | 33,000.00 | 33,000.00 | 1 |
Carapacian Fortified Cloth Chest Armor of Sorcery +12 | 50,000.00 | 50,000.00 | 50,000.00 | 1 |
Carapacian Fortified Cloth Chest Armor of Sorcery +13 | 32,500.00 | 32,500.00 | 32,500.00 | 1 |
Carapacian Fortified Cloth Chest Armor of Sorcery +15 | 20,000.00 | 32,500.00 | 45,000.00 | 2 |
Carapacian Fortified Cloth Chest Armor of Sorcery +16 | 60,000.00 | 60,000.00 | 60,000.00 | 1 |
Carapacian Fortified Cloth Chest Armor of Sorcery +17 | 40,000.00 | 40,000.00 | 40,000.00 | 1 |
Carapacian Fortified Cloth Chest Armor of Tempestry +11 | 25,000.00 | 25,000.00 | 25,000.00 | 1 |
Carapacian Fortified Cloth Chest Armor of Tempestry +14 | 24,500.00 | 24,750.00 | 25,000.00 | 2 |
Carapacian Fortified Cloth Chest Armor of Thaumaturgy +11 | 37,500.00 | 39,833.33 | 42,500.00 | 3 |
Carapacian Fortified Cloth Chest Armor of Thaumaturgy +12 | 32,500.00 | 32,500.00 | 32,500.00 | 1 |
Carapacian Fortified Cloth Chest Armor of Thaumaturgy +13 | 37,500.00 | 41,250.00 | 45,000.00 | 2 |
Carapacian Fortified Cloth Chest Armor of Thaumaturgy +15 | 47,500.00 | 57,500.00 | 67,500.00 | 2 |
Carapacian Fortified Cloth Chest Armor of Theurgy +12 | 45,000.00 | 45,000.00 | 45,000.00 | 1 |
Carapacian Fortified Cloth Chest Armor of Theurgy +18 | 28,000.00 | 28,000.00 | 28,000.00 | 1 |
Carapacian Fortified Cloth Gloves +10 | 14,500.00 | 18,100.00 | 20,500.00 | 5 |
Carapacian Fortified Cloth Gloves +11 | 3,000.00 | 14,000.00 | 25,000.00 | 4 |
Carapacian Fortified Cloth Gloves +12 | 18,500.00 | 25,687.50 | 37,000.00 | 8 |
Carapacian Fortified Cloth Gloves +13 | 18,500.00 | 19,500.00 | 20,500.00 | 2 |
Carapacian Fortified Cloth Gloves +14 | 2,500.00 | 12,500.00 | 30,000.00 | 3 |
Carapacian Fortified Cloth Gloves +15 | 24,500.00 | 25,500.00 | 26,500.00 | 2 |
Carapacian Fortified Cloth Gloves +16 | 20,500.00 | 24,000.00 | 26,500.00 | 3 |
Carapacian Fortified Cloth Gloves +2 | 6,699.00 | 6,699.00 | 6,699.00 | 1 |
Carapacian Fortified Cloth Gloves +6 | 2,500.00 | 2,500.00 | 2,500.00 | 1 |
Carapacian Fortified Cloth Gloves +7 | 500.00 | 11,375.00 | 24,000.00 | 4 |
Carapacian Fortified Cloth Gloves +8 | 2,500.00 | 6,816.67 | 15,000.00 | 3 |
Carapacian Fortified Cloth Gloves +9 | 22,500.00 | 22,500.00 | 22,500.00 | 1 |
Carapacian Fortified Cloth Helm +10 | 5,000.00 | 20,000.00 | 35,000.00 | 2 |
Carapacian Fortified Cloth Helm +14 | 30,000.00 | 32,500.00 | 35,000.00 | 2 |
Carapacian Fortified Cloth Helm +15 | 18,500.00 | 24,000.00 | 35,000.00 | 3 |
Carapacian Fortified Cloth Helm +17 | 28,500.00 | 28,500.00 | 28,500.00 | 1 |
Carapacian Fortified Cloth Helm +7 | 5,000.00 | 5,000.00 | 5,000.00 | 1 |
Carapacian Fortified Cloth Leggings +11 | 39,000.00 | 39,000.00 | 39,000.00 | 2 |
Carapacian Fortified Cloth Leggings +12 | 12,000.00 | 13,500.00 | 15,000.00 | 2 |
Carapacian Fortified Cloth Leggings +14 | 99,000.00 | 99,000.00 | 99,000.00 | 1 |
Carapacian Fortified Cloth Leggings +16 | 165,000.00 | 165,000.00 | 165,000.00 | 1 |
Carapacian Luminous Atavist Robe +7 | 3,000.00 | 3,000.00 | 3,000.00 | 2 |
Carapacian Obsidian Order Cloth Chest Armor of Atenism +13 | 120,000.00 | 120,000.00 | 120,000.00 | 1 |
Carapacian Obsidian Order Cloth Chest Armor of Necromancy +18 | 150,000.00 | 150,000.00 | 150,000.00 | 1 |
Carapacian Obsidian Order Cloth Chest Armor of Necromancy +19 | 180,000.00 | 180,000.00 | 180,000.00 | 1 |
Carapacian Obsidian Order Cloth Chest Armor of Necromancy +20 | 95,000.00 | 95,000.00 | 95,000.00 | 1 |
Carapacian Obsidian Order Wizard Gloves +14 | 24,995.00 | 24,995.00 | 24,995.00 | 1 |
Carapacian Obsidian Order Wizard Gloves +9 | 25,000.00 | 25,000.00 | 25,000.00 | 1 |
Carapacian Obsidian Order Wizard Leggings +10 | 25,000.00 | 25,000.00 | 25,000.00 | 1 |
Carapacian Obsidian Order Wizard Leggings +14 | 24,995.00 | 24,995.00 | 24,995.00 | 1 |
Carapacian Ornate Floral Kimono Leggings +11 | 25,000.00 | 25,000.00 | 25,000.00 | 1 |
Carapacian Ornate Floral Kimono of Sorcery +10 | 25,000.00 | 25,000.00 | 25,000.00 | 1 |
Carapacian Wealthy Merchant Hat +9 | 9,000.00 | 9,000.00 | 9,000.00 | 1 |
Carapacian Wizard's Hat +10 | 21,000.00 | 21,000.00 | 21,000.00 | 1 |
Carapacian Wizard's Hat +12 | 49,000.00 | 49,000.00 | 49,000.00 | 1 |
Carapacian Wizard's Hat +13 | 26,000.00 | 26,000.00 | 26,000.00 | 1 |
Carapacian Wizard's Hat +6 | 15,000.00 | 15,000.00 | 15,000.00 | 1 |
Carapacian Wizard's Hat +7 | 500.00 | 500.00 | 500.00 | 1 |
Caretaker NPC (Female) | 1,999.00 | 2,499.00 | 2,999.00 | 2 |
Caretaker NPC (Male) | 2,999.00 | 2,999.00 | 2,999.00 | 1 |
Carmelized Onion Quiche | 36.00 | 36.00 | 36.00 | 5 |
Carnal Vile Shield | 45,000.00 | 73,899.60 | 149,999.00 | 10 |
Carnal Vile Shield +6 | 34,999.00 | 34,999.00 | 34,999.00 | 1 |
Carp | 2.38 | 4.60 | 6.82 | 32 |
Carp (Fetid Water Fish) | 9.00 | 9.00 | 9.00 | 11 |
Carp Fillet | 5.00 | 5.00 | 5.00 | 200 |
Carpentry Crafting Chest | 500.00 | 778.44 | 1,000.00 | 16 |
Carpentry Hammer | 600.00 | 600.00 | 600.00 | 1 |
Carpentry Hammer of Prosperity | 85,000.00 | 115,711.75 | 175,000.00 | 12 |
Carpentry Hammer of Prosperity (Vault Edition) | 130,000.00 | 140,000.00 | 150,000.00 | 2 |
Carpentry Hammer with Gold Engravings +1 | 80.00 | 504.29 | 750.00 | 7 |
Carpentry Hammer with Heavy Iron Engravings +1 | 5,000.00 | 5,000.00 | 5,000.00 | 1 |
Carpentry Hammer with Silver Engravings +1 | 250.00 | 250.00 | 250.00 | 1 |
Carpentry Hammer with True Bronze Engravings +1 | 750.00 | 1,232.94 | 5,000.00 | 51 |
Carpentry Station | 500.00 | 2,734.54 | 4,250.00 | 13 |
Carrot | 1.60 | 2.64 | 5.20 | 763,114 |
Carved Decorative Fountain | 105,000.00 | 105,000.00 | 105,000.00 | 1 |
Carved Decorative Tombstone | 50.00 | 362.32 | 999.00 | 63 |
Carved Figures Oak Cabinet | 10.00 | 1,386.99 | 3,000.00 | 288 |
Carved Oak Cabinet | 10.00 | 1,558.02 | 5,170.00 | 167 |
Carved Oak Sidetable | 200.00 | 1,361.77 | 3,011.00 | 186 |
Carved Oak Weapon Rack | 10.00 | 1,564.63 | 3,699.00 | 206 |
Carved Wall Clock | 240.00 | 1,425.84 | 2,500.00 | 83 |
Cash Register | 12,500.00 | 13,750.00 | 15,000.00 | 2 |
Castle Banner | 10.00 | 361.07 | 1,500.00 | 324 |
Castle Irvine - Lord Solas | 49.00 | 49.00 | 49.00 | 1 |
Castle Stone Arena Basement | 450,000.00 | 450,000.00 | 450,000.00 | 1 |
Catfish | 3.00 | 38.84 | 300.00 | 560 |
Catfish (Fish) | 7.62 | 7.62 | 7.62 | 13 |
Catfish Fillet | 2.00 | 4.45 | 5.50 | 2,000 |
Cave Fables II | 50.00 | 50.00 | 50.00 | 1 |
Cave Fables III | 51.00 | 51.00 | 51.00 | 1 |
Cave Fables IV | 52.00 | 52.00 | 52.00 | 1 |
Cave Stone Room 3x3 1 Entrance A | 1,000.00 | 4,000.00 | 10,000.00 | 6 |
Cave Stone Room 3x3 1 Entrance B | 1,000.00 | 4,000.00 | 10,000.00 | 6 |
Cave Stone Room 3x3 2 Entrance A | 1,000.00 | 1,000.00 | 1,000.00 | 2 |
Cave Stone Room 5x5 2 Entrance A | 7,500.00 | 8,750.00 | 10,000.00 | 2 |
Cave Stone Room 5x5 2 Entrance B | 7,500.00 | 8,750.00 | 10,000.00 | 3 |
Cave Stone Room 5x5 2 Entrance C | 7,500.00 | 8,750.00 | 10,000.00 | 2 |
Cavern Amphitheatre Painting | 2,800.00 | 4,583.33 | 9,500.00 | 6 |
Cavern Amphitheatre Tapestry | 2,500.00 | 5,750.00 | 8,000.00 | 4 |
Cavern Painting | 2,800.00 | 6,287.50 | 19,000.00 | 8 |
Cavern Tapestry | 2,500.00 | 5,000.00 | 7,500.00 | 2 |
Ceiling Yule Tree | 20,000.00 | 22,499.50 | 24,999.00 | 6 |
Ceramic Bowl | 25.00 | 28.00 | 29.00 | 8 |
Ceramic Cup | 1.00 | 33.00 | 39.00 | 11 |
Ceramic Goblet | 1.00 | 76.80 | 250.00 | 14 |
Ceramic Jar | 14.50 | 50.42 | 99.00 | 7 |
Ceramic Mug | 13.00 | 16.00 | 19.00 | 4 |
Ceramic Plate | 10.00 | 16.51 | 24.75 | 24 |
Chained Obsidian Shard Small A | 19,999.00 | 19,999.50 | 20,000.00 | 2 |
Chained Obsidian Shard Small B | 19,999.00 | 19,999.50 | 20,000.00 | 2 |
Chained Obsidian Shard Small C | 19,999.00 | 19,999.50 | 20,000.00 | 2 |
Chainmail Boots +5 | 250.00 | 250.00 | 250.00 | 1 |
Chainmail Chest Armor of Gaiaism +5 | 2,500.00 | 2,500.00 | 2,500.00 | 1 |
Chainmail Chest Quarter-Armor +7 | 250.00 | 250.00 | 250.00 | 1 |
Chainmail Chest Quarter-Armor +8 | 500.00 | 500.00 | 500.00 | 1 |
Chainmail Gloves | 100.00 | 100.00 | 100.00 | 1 |
Chair | 7.00 | 261.53 | 767.00 | 154 |
Chamberstick Candle | 6.00 | 262.08 | 999.00 | 33 |
Chaos Magic Glowing Mug | 39,999.00 | 63,333.00 | 75,000.00 | 3 |
Chaos Plant Pollen | 25.00 | 49.23 | 150.00 | 9,244 |
Chaox Pork and Beef Loaf | 8.00 | 43.85 | 160.00 | 321 |
Checkered Cloak | 4,000.00 | 8,454.45 | 20,000.00 | 11 |
Cheese Wedge | 33.33 | 101.83 | 200.00 | 22 |
Chest of Gold | 25,000.00 | 25,000.00 | 25,000.00 | 4 |
Chicken Carcass | 5.00 | 5.56 | 20.00 | 1,909 |
Chicken Meat | 6.00 | 9.33 | 10.00 | 370 |
Chicken Potpie | 8.33 | 42.79 | 89.00 | 128 |
Chip | 999.00 | 999.00 | 999.00 | 1 |
Choice of Principles Illustration | 3,200.00 | 9,240.00 | 19,000.00 | 5 |
Chunk of Coal | 3.94 | 5.09 | 6.00 | 7,629 |
Chunk of Cooked Meat | 3.33 | 3.33 | 3.33 | 3 |
Chunk of Rotten Meat | 10.00 | 14.00 | 20.00 | 4 |
Cinereous Stone 2-Tier Outdoor Pedestal Fountain | 20,000.00 | 29,999.50 | 39,999.00 | 2 |
Cinnamon Bark | 4.00 | 10.59 | 50.00 | 11,972 |
Circle of Stones Rift Dungeon Entrance | 39,900.00 | 254,966.67 | 375,000.00 | 3 |
Circlet | 50.00 | 319.00 | 999.00 | 5 |
Circling Black Dragon (Medium Altitude) | 120,000.00 | 120,000.00 | 120,000.00 | 1 |
Citizen Benefactor (Village Home) | 9,999.00 | 23,674.90 | 45,000.00 | 20 |
Citizen Founder (Village Home) | 9,999.00 | 22,233.20 | 45,000.00 | 15 |
Citizen Founder (Village Water Home) | 35,000.00 | 89,454.55 | 165,000.00 | 11 |
Citrine | 180.00 | 249.85 | 400.00 | 3,649 |
Citrine (Unrefined Gemstone) | 270.00 | 270.00 | 270.00 | 2 |
Citrine Fragment | 1.00 | 2.01 | 6.00 | 88,486 |
City Lot Deed | 2,999,999.00 | 4,449,999.33 | 6,999,999.00 | 3 |
City Stone & Timber 1-Story Basement | 500.00 | 1,833.33 | 3,000.00 | 3 |
City Stone 1-Story Basement | 999.00 | 2,304.50 | 3,000.00 | 6 |
City Stone 2-Story Basement | 32,000.00 | 48,166.67 | 75,000.00 | 3 |
City Stone 3-Story Basement | 15,000.00 | 22,700.00 | 45,000.00 | 5 |
City Stone 5-Story Basement | 100,000.00 | 100,000.00 | 100,000.00 | 2 |
City Stone Arena Basement | 133,000.00 | 202,000.00 | 320,000.00 | 4 |
Clan of the Bear Boots | 99.00 | 423.24 | 1,000.00 | 17 |
Clan of the Bear Bracers | 99.00 | 520.35 | 1,050.00 | 17 |
Clan of the Bear Chest Armor | 150.00 | 541.73 | 1,200.00 | 15 |
Clan of the Bear Leggings | 110.00 | 425.53 | 1,000.00 | 17 |
Clan of the Boar Bracers | 350.00 | 400.00 | 500.00 | 3 |
Clan of the Boar Chest Armor | 500.00 | 500.00 | 500.00 | 1 |
Clan of the Boar Hat +10 | 1,100.00 | 4,025.00 | 5,000.00 | 4 |
Clan of the Boar Hat +12 | 2,000.00 | 5,500.00 | 9,000.00 | 2 |
Clan of the Boar Hat +13 | 1,000.00 | 1,000.00 | 1,000.00 | 1 |
Clan of the Boar Hat +2 | 69.00 | 198.00 | 339.00 | 22 |
Clan of the Boar Hat +3 | 25.00 | 192.38 | 500.00 | 13 |
Clan of the Boar Hat +5 | 25.00 | 212.50 | 400.00 | 2 |
Clan of the Boar Hat +6 | 25.00 | 512.50 | 750.00 | 6 |
Clan of the Boar Hat +7 | 750.00 | 825.00 | 900.00 | 2 |
Clan of the Boar Leggings | 500.00 | 500.00 | 500.00 | 4 |
Clan of the Dragon Boots | 99.00 | 919.53 | 2,500.00 | 15 |
Clan of the Dragon Bracers | 500.00 | 887.25 | 2,000.00 | 8 |
Clan of the Dragon Chest Armor | 150.00 | 1,205.88 | 3,000.00 | 8 |
Clan of the Dragon Leggings | 140.00 | 1,038.80 | 2,500.00 | 10 |
Clan of the Stag Bracers | 200.00 | 866.50 | 2,500.00 | 6 |
Clan of the Stag Chest Armor | 98.00 | 328.67 | 500.00 | 3 |
Clan of the Stag Leggings | 250.00 | 1,050.00 | 2,500.00 | 5 |
Clan of the Wolf Chest Armor | 150.00 | 479.77 | 1,500.00 | 13 |
Clan of the Wolf Leggings | 110.00 | 351.07 | 1,000.00 | 14 |
Clash of Steel Illustration | 3,200.00 | 7,800.00 | 19,000.00 | 4 |
Clay Block | 1.00 | 19.81 | 500.00 | 9,352 |
Clay Pipe | 50.00 | 299.09 | 900.00 | 23 |
Clay Pipe +1 | 100.00 | 195.00 | 450.00 | 6 |
Clear Pyramid Bottle | 4.00 | 4.00 | 4.00 | 2 |
Cleaver | 50.00 | 139.13 | 600.00 | 23 |
Cleaver +1 | 40.00 | 221.67 | 500.00 | 3 |
Cleaver of Prosperity | 75,000.00 | 114,999.86 | 200,000.00 | 7 |
Cleaver of Prosperity (Vault Edition) | 130,000.00 | 140,000.00 | 150,000.00 | 2 |
Cleaver with Gold Engravings +1 | 777.00 | 777.00 | 777.00 | 1 |
Cleaver with Heavy Iron Engravings +1 | 250.00 | 250.00 | 250.00 | 1 |
Cleaver with True Bronze Engravings +1 | 100.00 | 1,185.48 | 5,000.00 | 52 |
Cleaver with True Bronze Engravings +2 | 2,700.00 | 2,850.00 | 3,000.00 | 2 |
Cloak | 30.00 | 340.22 | 1,777.00 | 96 |
Cloak +1 | 50.00 | 415.88 | 1,000.00 | 25 |
Cloak +10 | 200.00 | 13,504.47 | 45,000.00 | 32 |
Cloak +11 | 3,000.00 | 21,198.73 | 55,000.00 | 44 |
Cloak +12 | 1,000.00 | 17,947.10 | 52,000.00 | 31 |
Cloak +13 | 9,500.00 | 25,950.00 | 50,000.00 | 19 |
Cloak +14 | 3,250.00 | 32,568.18 | 65,000.00 | 11 |
Cloak +15 | 19,000.00 | 32,000.00 | 42,000.00 | 3 |
Cloak +16 | 65,000.00 | 65,000.00 | 65,000.00 | 1 |
Cloak +2 | 333.00 | 855.87 | 2,000.00 | 31 |
Cloak +3 | 200.00 | 860.26 | 4,500.00 | 35 |
Cloak +4 | 400.00 | 1,197.75 | 5,500.00 | 20 |
Cloak +5 | 50.00 | 1,669.92 | 7,000.00 | 25 |
Cloak +6 | 444.00 | 3,963.03 | 29,000.00 | 40 |
Cloak +7 | 222.00 | 4,727.15 | 32,000.00 | 39 |
Cloak +8 | 222.00 | 7,475.62 | 65,000.00 | 42 |
Cloak +9 | 200.00 | 12,592.47 | 40,000.00 | 38 |
Cloak of the Master Angler | 4,000.00 | 103,759.09 | 925,000.00 | 22 |
Clock Tower | 60.00 | 4,107.54 | 10,000.00 | 13 |
Clockwork Dragon Creature Painting | 19,000.00 | 19,000.00 | 19,000.00 | 1 |
Clockwork Dragon Head | 75,000.00 | 75,000.00 | 75,000.00 | 1 |
Clockwork Umbrella | 5,000.00 | 11,991.58 | 20,000.00 | 12 |
Clockwork Wings | 400.00 | 1,983.11 | 25,000.00 | 19 |
Clockwork Wings +1 | 190.00 | 783.83 | 2,500.00 | 18 |
Clockwork Wings +10 | 1,500.00 | 20,032.38 | 70,000.00 | 52 |
Clockwork Wings +11 | 1,500.00 | 24,622.30 | 150,000.00 | 46 |
Clockwork Wings +12 | 4,500.00 | 20,705.71 | 45,000.00 | 35 |
Clockwork Wings +13 | 9,999.00 | 26,078.89 | 65,000.00 | 19 |
Clockwork Wings +14 | 12,000.00 | 34,794.12 | 90,000.00 | 17 |
Clockwork Wings +15 | 20,000.00 | 37,333.33 | 60,000.00 | 3 |
Clockwork Wings +16 | 35,000.00 | 35,000.00 | 35,000.00 | 1 |
Clockwork Wings +17 | 26,000.00 | 26,000.00 | 26,000.00 | 1 |
Clockwork Wings +2 | 199.00 | 884.95 | 4,500.00 | 20 |
Clockwork Wings +3 | 220.00 | 746.21 | 2,500.00 | 19 |
Clockwork Wings +4 | 100.00 | 1,156.50 | 10,000.00 | 14 |
Clockwork Wings +5 | 250.00 | 3,710.53 | 20,000.00 | 19 |
Clockwork Wings +6 | 250.00 | 5,674.93 | 15,000.00 | 28 |
Clockwork Wings +7 | 350.00 | 11,304.93 | 35,400.00 | 30 |
Clockwork Wings +8 | 350.00 | 10,787.94 | 38,000.00 | 50 |
Clockwork Wings +9 | 2,500.00 | 14,907.62 | 42,000.00 | 52 |
Cloth Boots of Truth +1 | 200.00 | 4,524.63 | 9,999.00 | 8 |
Cloth Chest Armor +6 | 300.00 | 325.00 | 350.00 | 2 |
Cloth Gloves of Truth +2 | 200.00 | 4,285.36 | 9,999.00 | 14 |
Cloth Helm +3 | 300.00 | 300.00 | 300.00 | 1 |
Cloth Helm +6 | 250.00 | 375.00 | 500.00 | 2 |
Cloth Helm +7 | 500.00 | 500.00 | 500.00 | 1 |
Cloth Hood of Truth +2 | 300.00 | 3,479.70 | 9,999.00 | 10 |
Cloth Leggings of Truth +2 | 1,000.00 | 7,142.43 | 14,999.00 | 7 |
Cloth Mattress | 31.25 | 31.25 | 31.25 | 8 |
Cloth Robe of Truth +2 | 500.00 | 6,149.57 | 14,999.00 | 14 |
Cloud Imperium Navy Airship (City Home) | 2,000,000.00 | 2,000,000.00 | 2,000,000.00 | 1 |
Clownfish | 2,500.00 | 3,803.57 | 15,000.00 | 28 |
Clownfish (Fish Tank) | 500.00 | 2,421.63 | 5,000.00 | 60 |
Coconut | 3.00 | 3.56 | 6.00 | 9,289 |
Coconut (Left) | 800.00 | 2,760.00 | 5,000.00 | 5 |
Coconut (Right) | 800.00 | 2,760.00 | 5,000.00 | 5 |
Coconut Bra +2 | 30.00 | 1,040.71 | 3,500.00 | 34 |
Coconut Bra +3 | 278.00 | 774.13 | 3,000.00 | 8 |
Coconut Plant Seed | 31.00 | 31.00 | 31.00 | 80 |
Cod | 2.56 | 12.02 | 50.00 | 230 |
Cod Fillet | 2.00 | 3.48 | 5.00 | 540 |
Coelacanth | 4,000.00 | 10,400.00 | 20,000.00 | 5 |
Coelacanth (Lava Fish) | 29.00 | 29.00 | 29.00 | 1 |
Coelacanth Chips | 40.00 | 277.65 | 400.00 | 1,601 |
Coelacanth Trophy | 250.00 | 712.57 | 900.00 | 7 |
Coil of Bronze Wire | 1,200.00 | 1,246.43 | 1,250.00 | 192 |
Coil of Constantan Wire | 450.00 | 929.69 | 1,200.00 | 2,192 |
Coil of Copper Wire | 40.00 | 310.00 | 450.00 | 65 |
Coil of Iron Wire | 59.00 | 59.00 | 59.00 | 1 |
Coil of Meteoric Iron Wire | 750.00 | 875.61 | 1,000.00 | 587 |
Coil of Rope | 10.00 | 23.45 | 39.99 | 1,780 |
Coil of White Iron Wire | 950.00 | 977.44 | 1,000.00 | 1,217 |
Colonel's Home Key | 99.00 | 149.00 | 199.00 | 2 |
Colorful Mallard Duck Pet | 6,500.00 | 13,999.36 | 37,495.00 | 11 |
Colossus Illustration | 3,300.00 | 10,224.88 | 19,000.00 | 8 |
Combat Merchant NPC (Female) | 2,999.00 | 2,999.00 | 2,999.00 | 1 |
Combat Merchant NPC (Male) | 2,999.00 | 2,999.00 | 2,999.00 | 1 |
Combat Woody | 1,000.00 | 1,000.00 | 1,000.00 | 1 |
Commission Free Vendor | 199,000.00 | 313,357.14 | 475,000.00 | 14 |
Commission Vender | 15,000.00 | 15,000.00 | 15,000.00 | 1 |
Commission-Free Vendor | 140,000.00 | 298,749.94 | 1,100,000.00 | 52 |
Commissioned Patterned Vendor | 19,000.00 | 19,666.00 | 19,999.00 | 3 |
Common Chair | 8.00 | 305.65 | 599.00 | 51 |
Common Cloak | 50.00 | 453.38 | 899.00 | 68 |
Common Cloak +1 | 100.00 | 756.90 | 5,000.00 | 21 |
Common Cloak +10 | 200.00 | 12,425.00 | 20,500.00 | 14 |
Common Cloak +11 | 2,500.00 | 15,732.41 | 30,000.00 | 27 |
Common Cloak +12 | 4,500.00 | 15,719.44 | 30,000.00 | 18 |
Common Cloak +13 | 11,000.00 | 15,749.90 | 20,000.00 | 10 |
Common Cloak +14 | 9,000.00 | 18,535.57 | 39,999.00 | 7 |
Common Cloak +15 | 17,000.00 | 21,000.00 | 25,000.00 | 2 |
Common Cloak +2 | 500.00 | 500.00 | 500.00 | 1 |
Common Cloak +3 | 500.00 | 841.67 | 2,000.00 | 6 |
Common Cloak +4 | 200.00 | 750.00 | 1,150.00 | 4 |
Common Cloak +5 | 900.00 | 5,725.00 | 15,000.00 | 4 |
Common Cloak +6 | 375.00 | 5,152.78 | 18,000.00 | 9 |
Common Cloak +7 | 500.00 | 5,838.05 | 20,000.00 | 21 |
Common Cloak +8 | 250.00 | 9,180.56 | 20,000.00 | 18 |
Common Cloak +9 | 300.00 | 12,797.08 | 25,000.00 | 26 |
Common K'rawl Key | 50.00 | 194.40 | 500.00 | 10 |
Compendium of Herbal Remedies Volume IV | 89.00 | 119.00 | 149.00 | 2 |
Condenser | 25.00 | 68.20 | 99.00 | 6 |
Confection Bunnies | 37.50 | 603.08 | 5,000.00 | 64 |
Confection Eggs | 50.00 | 219.51 | 1,000.00 | 63 |
Confection Platter | 80.00 | 498.57 | 1,500.00 | 14 |
Confetti Egg | 1.00 | 183.67 | 500.00 | 56 |
Constantan Arabella's Leather Chest Armor of Thaumaturgy +12 | 9,900.00 | 9,900.00 | 9,900.00 | 1 |
Constantan Arabella's Leather Chest Armor of Thaumaturgy +13 | 9,900.00 | 9,900.00 | 9,900.00 | 1 |
Constantan Arabella's Leather Chest Armor of Thaumaturgy +14 | 9,900.00 | 9,900.00 | 9,900.00 | 1 |
Constantan Augmented Chainmail Boots +10 | 5,000.00 | 5,000.00 | 5,000.00 | 1 |
Constantan Augmented Chainmail Boots +11 | 9,500.00 | 12,900.00 | 16,500.00 | 5 |
Constantan Augmented Chainmail Boots +12 | 2,500.00 | 10,625.00 | 18,500.00 | 4 |
Constantan Augmented Chainmail Boots +13 | 8,500.00 | 13,500.00 | 18,500.00 | 4 |
Constantan Augmented Chainmail Boots +14 | 26,500.00 | 26,500.00 | 26,500.00 | 1 |
Constantan Augmented Chainmail Boots +15 | 40,000.00 | 40,000.00 | 40,000.00 | 1 |
Constantan Augmented Chainmail Boots +16 | 19,500.00 | 19,500.00 | 19,500.00 | 1 |
Constantan Augmented Chainmail Boots +2 | 3,000.00 | 3,000.00 | 3,000.00 | 2 |
Constantan Augmented Chainmail Boots +5 | 2,500.00 | 2,500.00 | 2,500.00 | 3 |
Constantan Augmented Chainmail Boots +7 | 2,500.00 | 7,500.00 | 12,500.00 | 2 |
Constantan Augmented Chainmail Boots +8 | 2,000.00 | 7,469.25 | 11,500.00 | 4 |
Constantan Augmented Chainmail Boots +9 | 11,500.00 | 13,500.00 | 14,500.00 | 3 |
Constantan Augmented Chainmail Chest Armor +10 | 2,399.00 | 20,944.22 | 35,000.00 | 9 |
Constantan Augmented Chainmail Chest Armor +11 | 20,000.00 | 35,000.00 | 50,000.00 | 5 |
Constantan Augmented Chainmail Chest Armor +12 | 2,500.00 | 3,200.00 | 3,900.00 | 2 |
Constantan Augmented Chainmail Chest Armor +13 | 25,000.00 | 28,333.33 | 35,000.00 | 3 |
Constantan Augmented Chainmail Chest Armor +14 | 5,000.00 | 59,800.00 | 150,000.00 | 5 |
Constantan Augmented Chainmail Chest Armor +15 | 40,000.00 | 40,000.00 | 40,000.00 | 1 |
Constantan Augmented Chainmail Chest Armor +17 | 75,000.00 | 75,000.00 | 75,000.00 | 1 |
Constantan Augmented Chainmail Chest Armor +5 | 4,500.00 | 4,500.00 | 4,500.00 | 1 |
Constantan Augmented Chainmail Chest Armor +6 | 6,999.00 | 6,999.00 | 6,999.00 | 1 |
Constantan Augmented Chainmail Chest Armor +8 | 2,250.00 | 8,249.67 | 20,000.00 | 3 |
Constantan Augmented Chainmail Chest Armor +9 | 1,500.00 | 10,833.17 | 25,000.00 | 6 |
Constantan Augmented Chainmail Chest Armor of Gaiaism +11 | 16,500.00 | 16,500.00 | 16,500.00 | 1 |
Constantan Augmented Chainmail Chest Armor of Gaiaism +13 | 20,000.00 | 20,000.00 | 20,000.00 | 1 |
Constantan Augmented Chainmail Chest Armor of Gaiaism +14 | 35,000.00 | 35,000.00 | 35,000.00 | 1 |
Constantan Augmented Chainmail Chest Armor of Gaiaism +15 | 70,000.00 | 70,000.00 | 70,000.00 | 1 |
Constantan Augmented Chainmail Chest Armor of Gaiaism +17 | 50,000.00 | 50,000.00 | 50,000.00 | 1 |
Constantan Augmented Chainmail Chest Armor of Gaiaism +18 | 30,000.00 | 30,000.00 | 30,000.00 | 1 |
Constantan Augmented Chainmail Chest Armor of Gaiaism +21 | 80,000.00 | 80,000.00 | 80,000.00 | 1 |
Constantan Augmented Chainmail Chest Armor of Necromancy +19 | 74,999.00 | 74,999.00 | 74,999.00 | 1 |
Constantan Augmented Chainmail Chest Armor of Sorcery +18 | 79,000.00 | 79,000.00 | 79,000.00 | 1 |
Constantan Augmented Chainmail Chest Armor of Sorcery +8 | 500.00 | 500.00 | 500.00 | 1 |
Constantan Augmented Chainmail Chest Armor of Thaumaturgy +18 | 35,000.00 | 35,000.00 | 35,000.00 | 1 |
Constantan Augmented Chainmail Chest Armor of Theurgy +12 | 30,000.00 | 30,000.00 | 30,000.00 | 1 |
Constantan Augmented Chainmail Chest Armor of Theurgy +13 | 8,900.00 | 8,900.00 | 8,900.00 | 1 |
Constantan Augmented Chainmail Chest Armor of Theurgy +14 | 28,500.00 | 28,500.00 | 28,500.00 | 1 |
Constantan Augmented Chainmail Gloves +10 | 4,900.00 | 4,950.00 | 5,000.00 | 2 |
Constantan Augmented Chainmail Gloves +11 | 8,000.00 | 12,666.67 | 15,500.00 | 3 |
Constantan Augmented Chainmail Gloves +12 | 16,500.00 | 16,500.00 | 16,500.00 | 1 |
Constantan Augmented Chainmail Gloves +13 | 1,700.00 | 5,600.00 | 9,500.00 | 2 |
Constantan Augmented Chainmail Gloves +14 | 45,000.00 | 45,000.00 | 45,000.00 | 1 |
Constantan Augmented Chainmail Gloves +15 | 18,500.00 | 18,500.00 | 18,500.00 | 1 |
Constantan Augmented Chainmail Gloves +17 | 26,500.00 | 26,500.00 | 26,500.00 | 1 |
Constantan Augmented Chainmail Gloves +2 | 3,000.00 | 3,000.00 | 3,000.00 | 6 |
Constantan Augmented Chainmail Gloves +4 | 1,500.00 | 1,500.00 | 1,500.00 | 1 |
Constantan Augmented Chainmail Gloves +6 | 1,700.00 | 1,849.50 | 1,999.00 | 2 |
Constantan Augmented Chainmail Gloves +7 | 1,500.00 | 1,500.00 | 1,500.00 | 1 |
Constantan Augmented Chainmail Gloves +8 | 2,000.00 | 2,000.00 | 2,000.00 | 1 |
Constantan Augmented Chainmail Gloves +9 | 1,500.00 | 9,666.67 | 18,500.00 | 6 |
Constantan Augmented Chainmail Helm +10 | 3,800.00 | 3,800.00 | 3,800.00 | 1 |
Constantan Augmented Chainmail Helm +11 | 1,500.00 | 6,500.00 | 18,500.00 | 4 |
Constantan Augmented Chainmail Helm +12 | 8,500.00 | 14,375.00 | 18,500.00 | 4 |
Constantan Augmented Chainmail Helm +13 | 15,000.00 | 19,333.33 | 24,500.00 | 3 |
Constantan Augmented Chainmail Helm +14 | 16,500.00 | 16,500.00 | 16,500.00 | 1 |
Constantan Augmented Chainmail Helm +16 | 10,000.00 | 10,000.00 | 10,000.00 | 1 |
Constantan Augmented Chainmail Helm +17 | 15,000.00 | 15,000.00 | 15,000.00 | 1 |
Constantan Augmented Chainmail Helm +18 | 20,000.00 | 20,000.00 | 20,000.00 | 1 |
Constantan Augmented Chainmail Helm +8 | 1,600.00 | 2,050.00 | 2,500.00 | 2 |
Constantan Augmented Chainmail Helm +9 | 500.00 | 2,750.00 | 5,000.00 | 2 |
Constantan Augmented Chainmail Leggings +10 | 3,000.00 | 9,619.80 | 20,000.00 | 5 |
Constantan Augmented Chainmail Leggings +11 | 1,500.00 | 11,919.80 | 40,000.00 | 10 |
Constantan Augmented Chainmail Leggings +12 | 24,500.00 | 26,500.00 | 30,000.00 | 4 |
Constantan Augmented Chainmail Leggings +13 | 10,000.00 | 30,300.00 | 50,000.00 | 6 |
Constantan Augmented Chainmail Leggings +14 | 30,000.00 | 32,500.00 | 35,000.00 | 2 |
Constantan Augmented Chainmail Leggings +15 | 12,000.00 | 38,400.00 | 50,000.00 | 5 |
Constantan Augmented Chainmail Leggings +4 | 1,500.00 | 1,500.00 | 1,500.00 | 1 |
Constantan Augmented Chainmail Leggings +7 | 2,499.00 | 2,666.33 | 3,000.00 | 3 |
Constantan Augmented Chainmail Leggings +9 | 1,400.00 | 4,633.33 | 10,000.00 | 3 |
Constantan Augmented Plate Boots +11 | 18,500.00 | 18,500.00 | 18,500.00 | 1 |
Constantan Augmented Plate Boots +13 | 16,500.00 | 16,500.00 | 16,500.00 | 1 |
Constantan Augmented Plate Boots +14 | 16,500.00 | 16,500.00 | 16,500.00 | 1 |
Constantan Augmented Plate Boots +6 | 2,500.00 | 2,500.00 | 2,500.00 | 1 |
Constantan Augmented Plate Boots +8 | 16,500.00 | 16,750.00 | 17,000.00 | 2 |
Constantan Augmented Plate Boots +9 | 16,500.00 | 16,500.00 | 16,500.00 | 1 |
Constantan Augmented Plate Chest Armor +10 | 1,000.00 | 13,000.00 | 25,000.00 | 2 |
Constantan Augmented Plate Chest Armor +11 | 3,500.00 | 3,500.00 | 3,500.00 | 1 |
Constantan Augmented Plate Chest Armor +15 | 9,500.00 | 37,250.00 | 65,000.00 | 2 |
Constantan Augmented Plate Chest Armor +16 | 50,000.00 | 50,000.00 | 50,000.00 | 1 |
Constantan Augmented Plate Chest Armor of Gaiaism +10 | 4,000.00 | 4,450.00 | 4,900.00 | 2 |
Constantan Augmented Plate Chest Armor of Gaiaism +14 | 20,000.00 | 20,000.00 | 20,000.00 | 1 |
Constantan Augmented Plate Chest Armor of Thaumaturgy +16 | 15,000.00 | 15,000.00 | 15,000.00 | 1 |
Constantan Augmented Plate Chest Armor of Thaumaturgy +17 | 30,000.00 | 30,000.00 | 30,000.00 | 1 |
Constantan Augmented Plate Chest Armor of Thaumaturgy +18 | 60,000.00 | 60,000.00 | 60,000.00 | 1 |
Constantan Augmented Plate Gauntlets +11 | 16,000.00 | 17,250.00 | 18,500.00 | 2 |
Constantan Augmented Plate Gauntlets +13 | 35,000.00 | 35,000.00 | 35,000.00 | 1 |
Constantan Augmented Plate Gauntlets +8 | 16,500.00 | 16,500.00 | 16,500.00 | 1 |
Constantan Augmented Plate Gauntlets +9 | 14,500.00 | 14,500.00 | 14,500.00 | 1 |
Constantan Augmented Plate Helm +10 | 20,500.00 | 20,500.00 | 20,500.00 | 1 |
Constantan Augmented Plate Helm +11 | 18,500.00 | 18,500.00 | 18,500.00 | 2 |
Constantan Augmented Plate Helm +8 | 16,500.00 | 16,500.00 | 16,500.00 | 1 |
Constantan Augmented Plate Helm +9 | 16,500.00 | 16,500.00 | 16,500.00 | 3 |
Constantan Augmented Plate Leggings +10 | 28,500.00 | 29,250.00 | 30,000.00 | 2 |
Constantan Augmented Plate Leggings +11 | 22,000.00 | 26,000.00 | 30,000.00 | 2 |
Constantan Augmented Plate Leggings +12 | 40,000.00 | 40,000.00 | 40,000.00 | 1 |
Constantan Augmented Plate Leggings +13 | 19,000.00 | 39,666.67 | 50,000.00 | 3 |
Constantan Augmented Plate Leggings +14 | 32,500.00 | 32,500.00 | 32,500.00 | 1 |
Constantan Augmented Plate Leggings +15 | 35,000.00 | 35,000.00 | 35,000.00 | 1 |
Constantan Binding | 50.00 | 212.08 | 490.00 | 1,387 |
Constantan Bone Boots +1 | 1,000.00 | 1,000.00 | 1,000.00 | 1 |
Constantan Bone Boots +11 | 4,500.00 | 15,500.00 | 26,500.00 | 2 |
Constantan Bone Boots +12 | 12,000.00 | 18,166.50 | 25,000.00 | 6 |
Constantan Bone Boots +13 | 21,000.00 | 48,000.00 | 75,000.00 | 2 |
Constantan Bone Boots +14 | 5,000.00 | 19,500.00 | 34,000.00 | 2 |
Constantan Bone Boots +15 | 38,000.00 | 68,500.00 | 99,000.00 | 2 |
Constantan Bone Boots +16 | 17,000.00 | 20,500.00 | 24,000.00 | 2 |
Constantan Bone Boots +17 | 12,000.00 | 12,000.00 | 12,000.00 | 1 |
Constantan Bone Boots +5 | 16,999.00 | 16,999.00 | 16,999.00 | 1 |
Constantan Bone Boots +6 | 18,500.00 | 18,500.00 | 18,500.00 | 1 |
Constantan Bone Boots +7 | 16,500.00 | 17,500.00 | 18,500.00 | 2 |
Constantan Bone Boots +8 | 1,200.00 | 12,099.50 | 22,999.00 | 2 |
Constantan Bone Boots +9 | 9,000.00 | 13,111.11 | 18,500.00 | 9 |
Constantan Bone Chest Armor +1 | 3,000.00 | 3,000.00 | 3,000.00 | 1 |
Constantan Bone Chest Armor +10 | 5,000.00 | 28,333.33 | 43,000.00 | 9 |
Constantan Bone Chest Armor +11 | 30,000.00 | 37,833.33 | 50,000.00 | 6 |
Constantan Bone Chest Armor +12 | 8,500.00 | 34,614.29 | 54,000.00 | 7 |
Constantan Bone Chest Armor +13 | 30,000.00 | 42,250.00 | 54,000.00 | 4 |
Constantan Bone Chest Armor +14 | 99,000.00 | 99,000.00 | 99,000.00 | 1 |
Constantan Bone Chest Armor +15 | 80,000.00 | 109,500.00 | 139,000.00 | 2 |
Constantan Bone Chest Armor +4 | 6,000.00 | 6,000.00 | 6,000.00 | 1 |
Constantan Bone Chest Armor +7 | 17,000.00 | 29,875.00 | 50,000.00 | 4 |
Constantan Bone Chest Armor +8 | 25,000.00 | 34,833.33 | 41,500.00 | 6 |
Constantan Bone Chest Armor +9 | 1,500.00 | 25,874.75 | 45,000.00 | 4 |
Constantan Bone Chest |